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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Got winter gear at Walmart today because as a youngest child I normally lived off of hand-me-downs. Last year I got a pair of boots that actually fit me for the first time in years.
    Anyway, these gloves have black tips on the thumb, index and middle fingers which allow them to work for touch screens. I am typing out this entry on my tablet, and my hands are soooo cozy. Love the 21st century.
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ...wearing my Santa Scarf hat, skull moon Halloween shirt and my summer shorts and I ate Thanksgiving leftovers for brunch.
    America's a funny place (or maybe it's just me).
    "Count Lionel! What's he doing here?"
    ~The Duchess Approves
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I'm actually not too bad. Thanksgiving prep is actually going smoothly compared to last year. Hopefully I won't be working until ten at night this time. XD. (It doesn't look like I will be, but I suppose something could still go wrong).
    Anyway, all these people blogging about Pokemon and here I am working, cleaning my room and procrastinating on playing The World Ends With You.
    "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves. <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Would anyone be interested in a fanfic where, a year after BIONICLE ended, the toa start popping up in our world and the humans they find themselves with try to balance helping their childhood heroes and their bank accounts while dealing with young adult life in their early to mid twenties?
    'Cause I'm kinda writing the middle of the story right now.
    "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I've kinda been stressing out a bit lately. The holidays are coming and with them, my job demands that I single handedly come up with and bake of a dessert menu for around 450 people. That is just for Thanksgiving. I also work all day Xmas Eve, Xmas, New Year's Eve and New Year's day. It's no picnic because I miss out on quality family time, but at least the perk of selling my soul is that I get holiday pay for three days (I don't think they count eves iirc).
    That wouldn't be too bad, but our house is also a wreck, I was lazy this summer so I still don't have a driver's liscense (which is my fault), our house is a wreck and because I was lazy this summer I have to start cleaning it out (which I've been doing, actually), and I'm still not totally over all of my issues regarding depression stuffs, I'm still overweight (and I've not started an excercise regiment, so go me, I suck), and I am still kinda terrified of Five Nights at Freddy's from Halloween (Typical November paranoia. But hey, it's been around a week since my last panic attack in the middle of the night brought on by the fear of animatronic animals breaking into my home and screaming in my face, so yaaaaay).
    So, what do I do when I go into creepy stress mode and start to re-evaluate my life for like the hundredth time? I listen to music to help me be somewhat productive and to help me get a grip! 8D SO LET'S BLOG THESE SONGS! Well, artists. Doing this by artist will be so much easier.
    Here is everything currently on my iphone (my main music player because I never really had a CD player or a working music device unti very recently).
    a-ha - Just Take On Me because it's catchy.
    Adele - I owe my sanity to this woman. Longish story.
    Alan Menken - Tangled soundtrack! Woo!
    Alexander Rybak - I'm in loooove with a fairy taaaale~
    Anya Marina - Vertigo is the best song for mellowing out without a care in the world.
    Apeture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratory - Need I say more?
    Artificial Fear - Zelda songs in metal version. It's kinda totally weird.
    Azumi Inoue - Sekai no yakuzoku <3
    Berlin Philharmonic - Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite for the holidays
    Bing Crosby - Silver bells (for Xmas, durr)
    OC Remix - Zelda remixes
    Zreo - More Zelda remixes
    Bob Acri - Sample music that came with my college laptop. They're actually nifty.
    Caramell - Caramelldansen (a must)
    Christina Perri - Human (just human)
    Krewella - Human (also just human)
    Coldplay - Viva la Vida
    Cristin Milioti - La Vie En Rose (HIMYM because omg I love her version)
    Ella Fitzgerald - Baby it's cold outside <3
    Various other Miyazaki songs
    Erik Satie - Gymnopedie no. 1 (all of my love)
    Evanescence - Bring me to Life among others
    Fall Out Boy - The Phoenix (I only really like this song for like one line in its lyrics XD)
    Friendship is Witchcraft - So much lifting of my spirits
    GAME FREAK - Team Plazma Battle (the good one)
    Glee Cast - much to my chagrin, I actually do like one song from the entirety of the show.
    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - opening songs
    Goldspot - Rewind
    Gronnoc - Pokemon remixes
    Hahli Husky and Janus - BIONICLE Comic readings (I haven't gotten rid of these yet and I prolly never will)
    Hasbro, Inc - This Day Aria
    Hera Björk - Je Ne Sais Quoi (from Eurovision)
    Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am (greatest love song ever?)
    Jeremy Zuckerman - Legend of Korra music (greatest love song ever?)
    Joe Hisaishi - Merry Go Round of Life (Okay, it's from a Miyazaki film, but I really like this one, okay?)
    Johan de Meij - Orchestrated music based on The Hobbit (book, before the movies came out. It is amazing)
    Journey - Don't start unbelieving!
    Judy Garland - The Trolly Song
    Kelly Clarkson - Since you've been gooooone!
    King Harvest - Dancing in the Moonlight
    Lena - Satelite (from Eurovision. It's simple but it's fun, okay?)
    Lostprophets - Rooftops
    Masafumi Takada - Dangan Ronpa songs
    Memphis Jazz Orchestra - Oh You Beautiful Doll~
    Michael Giacchino - Music from UP
    Minimusicman - Crazy La Paint
    Nanne - Hall Omg Mig
    P!nk - 8D
    Price Tag - Love this one.
    Queen - This is a must, even though I rarely listen to them =P
    R. Master - Japanese Opening to Case Closed (Detective Conan)
    Insert Bonkles music here
    Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - A couple songs from Swan Lake
    Sara Bareilles - Out of all the artists I listen to, none have been quite so interesting as this one in my opinion. Her songs weigh heavily on the "moral of the song is not subtle" but her music is super catchy and relatable. I've listened to songs and gone "meh" and then gone back and grew to love them. She's one of my favorite artists.
    Shinedown - Second Chance
    Slovak Radio Symphony - Coppélia (just one song)
    Starkid - A Very Potter Musical and Twisted
    SPIRIT - Makuta singing to himself with Lewa walking in on him. How do I still have this?
    Stephen Sondheim - Music from Into the Woods
    They Might Be Giants - Experimental Film
    Toshihiko Horiyama - Guilty Love from Apollo Justice
    Val Rosing - Teddy Bear Picnic (creepiest song ever?)
    Vanessa Williams... - More Into the Woods stuff, okay?
    Frozen - It has Idena Menzel. Idena. Freaking. Menzel. End of discussion.
    VisualArt's - Clannad, Dango Daikazoku and the first intro because I love them. I love the Dango more, though.
    Professor Layton - Music from The Eternal Diva
    The Hunchback of Notre Dame - More Disney whee
    101 Dalmations - More Disney whee
    Anastasia - Actually, this one's Fox Pictures, not Disney.
    The Looking Glass - Brandy You're a Fine Girl (love this one)
    Wicked - More Idena Freaking Menzel
    Nightmare Before Christmas - Watch this any time between October and December
    Ultimate Piano Classics - The Maiden's Prayer
    Legally Blonde The Musical - I regret nothing
    Debbie Reynolds - Would You? (unused version) from Singing in the Rain and Tammy
    Sara Barielles and Ingrid Michaelson - Winter Song (The feels)
    Les Misérables - I Dreamed a Dream by Anne Hathaway
    For the sake of something, I shortened this list slightly.
    So, yeah, this is mostly just me jotting down what I'm into now and it might be interesting to look back at this in a few years and see how my tastes have changed.
    If you want to discuss this, I just ask two things. No "Eww, you like x, gross!" because even when in jest, I find this annoying and no "You absolute MUST start listening to y or else I will hate you forever." Recommendations are fine, but please no being over-the-top with telling me what I should and should not listen to. It bugs me, okay?
    "I don't care about dukes or commoners or His Royal Highness Lionel of Cornwall. I'm not afraid anymore, mother."
    ~The Duchess Aprroves <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, my mom is planning a trip to Disney with me and Akano. KK already went with her earlier this year. She's getting us a magic band thingy set up (it's like a wrist band that you wear on your trip and you can use it for fast-pass among other features).
    So, there are customizations that go along with these magic bands. She got mine as a green band because anything that is not green is far inferior to anything else (Kinda biased here, guys, not gonna lie).
    "What do you want it to say?"
    "... Sir Awesome McDuck."
    "It only allows nine characters."
    "... Do spaces count as characters?"
    "Fine, I guess I can be boring and just use [insert my first name which you all shall never know except for those of you that already do]... ... No, wait, if I just shorten it, I can have SIR DUCK!"
    "Okay, I'm putting it in as 'SIR DUCK'"
    "Be sure to put it in all caps."
    "Don't worry, I already put it in all caps."
    "Ah, good, you understand me."
    My mom is awesome. =P
    "Duchess, I forbid you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I was rewatching an episode of Gravity Falls where Mabel and Dipper switch bodies and Mabel has a sleepover. At one point, Grenda emerges from the closet in their room and says that she had no idea what she was kissing in there, but that she had no regrets.
    In an earlier episode, Mabel accused Dipper of enlisting the aid of an invisible wizard which was supposedly located in their closet.
    The invisible wizard is real, guys!
    "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It dawns on me that I never blogged about my vacation. I'll prolly do a draft for my own records, but I dunno if anyone is interested in an adventure involving great food, dolphin sightings and parasailing.
    (I'm a blogging genius!)
    So, this latest episode of Gravity Falls...
    Seriously, the new episode is everything I wanted it to be and more. <3
    "I'm not afraid anymore, mother."
    ~The Duchess Approves
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    "...but I'm also a woman!"
    That's right; I am an entire made-up movie now. I even watched the movie this was supposedly based off of, "The Duchess". It was good! I was crying... from laughing... from how tragic it is! (Seriously, though, no tears. It was a really good movie, though. I was surprised because it didn't seem like my sort of thing. In hindsight, it totally is the sort of thing I would like. =P)
    For those less cultured who do not comprehend these most sophistocated of words, allow me to elaborate.

    Edit: Just realized that this username fits perfectly with my blog stamp. XD
    ~The Duchess Approves
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    BIONICLE - Pohatu's profile: Powers: able to smash rocks and throw them because he is strong. You can completely ignore that dust tornado thing that he was flying in, that's totally not canon.
    People on the internet do not know how to debate well, and instead of trying to educate themselves, they resort to mud-slinging and simple-mindedness and it kinda totally irks me sometimes (this happens offline too). It's totally fine to not know something, but don't claim to be involved in a cause you know nothing about, srsly...
    Gluten. Gluten is srsly a huge threat to everything you have ever cared about. If you eat any bread, you must cleanse yourself with rice and potato starch. It is the leading cause of all problems in the world and we must stop eating it. This is not an issue for just a select group of people that have a legitimate condition that prevents them from eating gluten. No, this is something super serious for all inhabitants of the Earth, including those secretly stationed on the moon. WE MUST NOT REST UNTIL THIS THREAT IS ELIMINATED!
    You should all despise generic popular scapegoat, too. That thing is the worst of all the things.
    I am staying up late and I will be throwing my sleep schedule out the window.
    So, yeah. Life's not too bad right now.
    This entry brought to you by eleven fantabulous years of BZPower. Love this place.
    ~Melon Lord
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, our first full day of vacation is looking slow. Basically I am here with my parents and two of our family friends. I am the only person here under age 50 (Until Akano, KK and Friend: Toa of Friendship get here)
    Anyway, after thirteen hours in a car on the way down here, and my getting of Super Smash Bros 3D in the mail the day before we left, I have had time to play. All of the characters are unlocked and there is a myriad of unique and interesting fighters to choose from...
    Too bad I've only been playing as Avatar Korra, Bolin, Asami, Mako, Nigel Thornberry and Duck from Princess Tutu.
    The Mii fighters might just be the best thing ever. Okay, it takes a while to figure them out, but customizing characters to be offensive, defensive, speedy or mixed is really cool. Defeating Master Hand as Asami is an incredible feeling. Playing as Korra while kicking Mako into oblivion is sooo satisfying. Having Asami uppercut Mako is equally as satisfying. Bolin is still adorable. Having Duck in a princess brawl with Zelda, Peach and Rosalina is also entertaining, especially since I gave her all of the defense I could and made her a cybernetic swordswoman. (Seriously, it is so out of character that my love meter has been maxed).
    If anyone is interested in any of these guys, let me know and I'll post an entry with screenshots and a detailed report of their special moves.
    ~Melon Lord
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, after a two-day driving journey we have arrived. Akano and KK are coming tomorrow night because they are dorks.
    I had scotch and Baileys.
    There are gators here in the south.
    I am kinda bored right now because we're taking it easy.
    About to go shopping for groceries.
    I checked BZP today and there were 17 notifications and like three of them were interesting. Seriously, guys?
    I have Wifi.
    Remember, the universe is a hologram, reality is an illusion, buy gold, bye!
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I will be leaving for an entire week for a family vacation. I hope to go zip-lining and parasailing and have some fun! I am very excited about this development.
    I probably will have internet, but I don't want to bog my vacation down by doing nothing online. I leave this Friday and will be back next Saturday/Sunday.
    ~Melon Lord
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, just to update a few things.
    We also know the author's first initial is F. Old Man McGucket's first name is Fiddleford.
    Also, while I saw a left hand on the front of the journals, my brother Akano pointed out that the symbol is just an outline and that there is no way to tell if the palm of the hand is facing the cover or the journal or not. Basically this means that the symbol could depict either hand, right or left.
    How can we find proof? The six-fingered glove Grunkle Stan put on was for his right hand. Those types of gloves normally aren't ambidexterous. We don't know for sure whether the author only had six fingers on one hand or not, but if it was only one hand, my money of where the extra finger is located is the right hand. Old Man McGucket has his right hand bandaged to his knuckles, and when viewed from the side it looks completely covered along the side.
    Theory: The author lost his extra finger somehow and then wrote in the journals. I have a feeling Bill had something to do with it. Proof of this is the bloodstains in journal 3 on Bill Cipher's page.
    Granted, none of this evidence proves without a shadow of a doubt that Old Man McGucket is the author, but at this point I'd say it's somewhat likely. The identity of the author could still be someone we have yet been introduced to.
    Also, more on the identity of Stan's sibling. Dipper, Mabel and Stan all share the last name Pines. This means his sibling was likely male as Stan is from an older generation where typically the man's last name became the family name. If this is true, then the twin theory seems to hold some merit. It's possible. Some people think the young Stan poking his head out of the Mystery Shack was actually his twin brother (in Time Traveler's Pig). It's interesting.
    Another recurring theme in Gravity Falls is the year 1982. This takes place in the summer of 2012 meaning that 1982 was thirty years ago. The old room in the shack that held the body-swapping rug was not touched in many years. Behind the door, there is a calendar of July 1982 present. My theory is that the Shack belonged to the author previously. What's also interesting is that below the calendar on an end table, there is a pair of glasses. These glasses are on Bill's wheel. The author's notes on the wheel have these glasses circled with three exclaimation points pointing at them.
    I don't think these represent the author, as the six-fingered hand was also on that wheel. In fact, if he'd just recognized the symbol, then why not point those exclamation marks to his own symbol as well? I think the glasses belong to someone the author knew personally, someone he knew well enough that they would leave their glasses in his home. Someone he wasn't expecting to be involved in all of the weirdness of Gravity Falls. I think this might play a role in three words that were written down in the journal.
    Trust no one.
    ~Melon Lord
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Quick note here, guys; this entry is all about the plausible identity of the author of the notebooks in Gravity Falls. If you dont like speculation or haven't seen any episodes in this show, then this entry is not for you. Discussion of seasons one and two will be present here. Please be caught up before proceeding.
    So, because I'm a fan of theories for stuff I dork out about, I've decided to share some thoughts about the mysterious author. Let's start with what's known.
    The author is male. This is known from the shape shifter in season two. The shifter used male pronouns when mentioning the author.
    The author is old. Dipper's journal shows signs of aging. Most of the technology they find from the author is coated in dust and cobwebs including his fallout shelter. We know at least 30 years have passed since he was last active.
    The author is likely alive and possibly senile. "That old fool hasn't been himself in 30 years." -Shapeshifter
    The author naturally has six fingers, most likely on both of his hands. While the left hand is most prominently shown on the journals, there was also a right handed symbol above Bill in Dreamscapers. Both hands have been depicted with six fingers, and this is a show that pays close attention to detail for tons of stuff. I doubt it was a mistake.
    The author was an inventor. He had a freezing machine set up in his fallout shelter along with a booby trap, decontamination chamber, laptop (possibly before portable computers were invented), secret compartments in trees, etc. This dude was smart and knew how to make stuff.
    So then, who does this exclude? Quite a few members of the cast as none of them have six fingers (as far as we know) and many of them don't seem to be the proper age as Grunkle Stan is one of the oldest characters (and he isn't the author as he went out of his way searching for the journals). I had a thought (while talking to my brother) that the author may have been Soos' grandfather. This is unlikely as the author is most likely still alive, and his grandfather has passed. It would've been awesome, though. XD
    Now, the most likely candidate is Old Man McGucket according to my deductions. He's old enough that he fits the age criteria. He's skilled enough in engineering that he matches the author's inventions. He certainly fits the shapeshifter's description as a "fool that hasn't been himself in thirty years."
    The only criteria that doesn't match is that he has only five fingers on each hand. Sure, one hand is wrapped in bandages, but that's his right hand and not his left. Even if the author only had six fingers on one hand, it still doesn't fit as the majority of the symbols have been of a left hand. (Unless this is a lie).
    I think the only other alternative is that the author is a character not yet introduced, which is possible but not nearly as cool. That or I'm totally ignoring another candidate here.
    Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about Grunkle and why he's so interested in the journals. He started selling vaacums and ended up in prison for a while before coming to Gravity Falls. His main motivation thus far has been money and not intellectual endeavors. He doesn't seem to have pursued a higher education. When they stumbled onto dinosaurs trapped in amber, his first instinct was to turn it into an attraction and not send them to be studied or gain scientific fame. This leads me to believe he has a much more personal stake in the notebooks and the portal. One fan theory is that he had a twin. No evidence has been shown of this, but it would fit with the overall theme of the show. The portal was revealed to connect to infinite worlds thus altering mankind's understanding of the universe. Whatever is driving Stan to unravel these mysteries, it's definitely something he finds important. I honestly don't think money is his endgame for this. If he wanted an attraction, a mysterious portal under the shack is a good candidate. Also, even while the portal was incomplete, it could have made a decent attraction. This is something he goes out of his way to keep secret, so there has to be more to his story.
    Also, Stan is their great uncle, meaning he is a sibling to one of Mabel and Dipper's grandparents. Stan has at least one sibling. The twin theory is more than possible.
    As for the Mystery Shack, I believe it used to be the home of the author. The portal's machinery matches the style of those found in the bunker and in the woods where Dipper found the journal. Not only that, but Stan put on a six-fingered glove. I believe this was left by the author.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I knew that I would, now.
    I feel good!
    I knew that I would, now.
    So good!
    So good!
    I GOT A EWE!

    ~Melon Lord
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I already have my next name change and my new blog theme planned out. This will not be implemented until the site actually allows me to make my name change, and like this previous one I shall alter my avatar, blog theme, blog description and username at once.
    That said, my blog will keep its music notes. Not too many other blogs have those, so it really shouldn't be too confusing for you guys to know it's my blog. Now, it would be a total troll move if, say, everyone and their mother added that same music note at the end of their blog titles, but hey what's the chance of that happening?
    ~Melon Lord
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, not really anything too special here. Just a few things I'm interested in doing before my inevitable death. I might do these things, but if they don't happen it's not like it's the end of the world. I guess this is just wishful thinking.
    Visit Copenhagen and pay respects in person to the grave of Hans Christian Andersen. This would also entail visiting the Little Mermaid statue and trying a Danish from Denmark.
    Dance with the love of my life. Not like, club dancing or anything, but an actual classy dance or anything that's choreographed instead of just random. I suck at random.
    Make a super fancy dessert or meal and just eat it in front of my family without sharing to spite them. They deserve it. =P (Note: do this over Skype so they can't steal anything)
    Fit into a size Large T-shirt and feel emotionally secure about wearing it in public.
    Meet with a bunch of old friends and do whatever.
    Get out of attending my own funeral just to make everyone go "Wat?" one last time. (This will require planning).
    Actually get around to reading all of the books in my personal library (I buy ones I think look interesting at an annual book sale. My library isn't exactly huge at the moment, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue to tackle it).
    Cosplay as anything at least once and have the costume be amazing. Halloween counts.
    So, yeah, not really anything too spectacular here.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    One of these days I will have serious tags for my blog.
    Anyway, the polls are up for Ninjas IN SPACE for General Art! Even though it looks like only two entries have the spotlight, regardless of who you vote for, looking at artwork is way fetch!
    Seriously. All of the entries are cool in concept, design or skateboards (or temples or space or water monsters, etc)
    ~Melon Lord <3
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