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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Dokuma

  1. are we awesome friends?


    what kind of question was that? xD

    Yes. : D


    And I have no idea :P


    What's with the entry title?


    Doesn't it sound absolutely horrendous to the tastebuds? x__o



    It's a Five Iron Frenzy song. :P


    Using the term "song" loosely, that is. :P


    what's your favorite color of glue?

    justice is blind

  2. How do I achieve true happiness?

    Happiness is temporal. Joy and hope are eternal.


    How can I become a Chuck Norris?

    Same way Chuck Norris became Chuck Norris.


    What is the true form of this question and can you grasp it?

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


    Coke or Pepsi?


    Apple or Windows?


    IE or FF?


    Boxers or briefs?


    Tea and cake or death?

    Tea and cake.

    Coffee or tea?


    Water or air?


    True or false?


    How or when?


    Who or what?


    Question or answer?




  3. @DX: No I didn't

    @Necro: Yeah I haven't seen the fad either, but Nikira mentioned it to me several times, so it must be out there. I don't really read other blogs anyway except for once in a while, lately, so I wouldn't know. :P

  4. Many, many hearts. <3<3

    Wewt wewt <3


    Is that HH's llama arguing with the little girl? :P



    It's Spitty =O


    Thanks for the shoutout Dokky =D But I must ask, what makes me "one heck of a dude"?


    - :t::l::h:

    What doesn't make you one heck of a dude? :P

  5. Like BZP is becoming a dating service. xD




    The fact that Turakii and TLH (or Smeag and I, for that matter) just happen to both be BZP members doesn't mean that BZP should be used as a dating site - in fact, I'd highly discourage it.


    Smeag and I worked together and became friends through BZP - our relationship beyond that was completly outside of the website. I'm sure it's the same for TLH and Turakii. We didn't come on BZ looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend - if it has stooped to that for some of the membership, then I'm ashamed to be a part of it, and for it turning into a "fad" or a term used as such. =\

    Deb, it was a joke, I wasn't serious. At all.



  6. snoopy I read through that it it was anticlimactic =(


    however the rest of your comment is win. I WILL MARRY YOU, I WILL jk


    it's okay im a ploygamist :)


    •CAN YOU DIG IT? Shaft!



    He's a Bad- Shut your mouth! Shaft!

    I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft. THEN WE CAN DIG IT!

  7. Is that Tahu?! WHAT THE HECK!


    Did they finally re-release the original Toa or what.

    Yep it's mostly fail except for a yellow Rahkshi


    Tilius has a good compilation of info on it:




    Aha! I was waiting for you to reveal your master plan! But, I have fooled you. See my username? HA! It says "I'm not related to Dokuma", does it not? SEE!!! I have not become you, because everyone knows you can't be not related to yourself. I am still ME! MWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!



    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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