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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Crazy times! It's finals week! Aaah!

  2. Hee, hee, thanks Hewkiinuva.

    Just don't let the note taking and the story writing cross over, becuase as interesting as a Bionicle story involving Napoleon would be, it'd probably confuse a lot of people (which would be rather entertaining).


    I win!

    Second try. YAYAYYYY!!!!

    So.......what shall I draw?

  4. Totally! She's got such an incredible range of musical talent.

  5. Raptor in grain field says "eat nine types of grains per day as well as your daily allotted allowance of small animals to have a well-balanced meal"?

  6. The freedom part is so great. Having to take the basic drawing classes absolutley drove me insane my freshman year. Right now in my basic Art 101 class, were doing these huge drawings that are supposed to be super structured, but mines completley out of control. I love it.

  7. Well, you're younger than me as well.


  8. 'Tis stil a very cool name from a very cool character.

  9. Control panel, then go to personal profile, then it's the last one, "Change dislpay name".

    But remember, you can only change your name every 90 days, so make sure it's spelled right.

  10. Remember me? That overly spastic gal with the horrid grammar that was always scribbling out really strange Calvin and Hobbes meet Bionicle comedies?

  11. Must write in LOLcatspeak:

    I is can haz mad guessin skillz.

    Ack, this Speech paper is getting to me with it's proper grammar.

    And I like the new location. :D

  12. So, in regards to your post in my blog (that was from ages ago) about whether one of the CDs in the pile was from the band Beat Happenings, it turns out it's actually a CD for a very quirky band called Beatnik Filmstars....I wasn't sure which band it was until I looked at the original picture I took of the CD pile.

    Anyway, random fact of the day.

  13. Why thank you! I like your profile picture. :)

  14. Toa form, maybe?

    Or you, with one of your epic characters being chased by giant chickens? ;)

  15. Pomegranates are also good.

  16. Dude, what is up with the name change?

  17. *hops onto a Firebolt and rides loops around the room*

  18. Incredible art! I'd post in all of your past art topics, but I don't want to have the Mods chasing me down for reviving them.

  19. I just realized that I've been spelling Cretari wrong. Oops.

    I just told you!

  20. Set up as a movie set!


    Ok, that was a really dumb line. Pear shaped pupils? I didn't think pupils make that shape.

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