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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Lol, I suppose that both of our sigs can just chill out and celebrate funky grammar and colours together for the time being. :P


  3. Posting is quite good. I post a lot in the Art Forum.

  4. I know it's supposed to be "EARTHBOUND", but "EARTHBUND" sounded really funny to me. Like it was some

    organic snack brand.

  5. It's my "Toa Kokua" topic. Unfortunatley, if the topic gets revived, it'll be closed.

  6. Oh, goodness. Your name is like if the Wizard of Oz world and the Bionicle world ever met.

    I appalud your creativity.

  7. I've only heard a few songs off of her new album, but the ones that I have heard are really quite nice.

  8. o.o

    That is one cool lizard.


  10. Adios! See you later.

    I'm sure that some energized protodermis would get it off your clothes.....

  11. Your comment box looked lonely, so I figured I'd write something.


  12. Glowsticks twisted into the shape of a ball?

  13. And what is the same as last time? I can't remember.

  14. Just wondering, but will there be more of the Test of Strength epic?

  15. Oh, bugger, you're not on BZP right now....anyways, if you have a tablet (I thought you did) what kind do you have? I'm th

  16. I'll put it in mine if you put it in yours.

  17. *stops laughing and falls over again*

    Well, we have to stop laughing and not die, or who would we bother on bzp?

    Hee hee that was fun.

  18. So, I just realized that your raptor picture kind of has a "ORLY/YA RLY" expression....

  19. Art totally does make the world go 'round. Whee.....

    And "It sucks" is from Omicron's epic best set review ever.

  20. And the originial Hercules totally had a musical number.

  21. Ack! Sorry. I'm thinking of getting a tablet, and a friend reccomended a Graphire 3x5, but I think they've been discontinued in favor of the Grahpire 6x8 wireless ones, which might be an option for me, but I'm not sure if it's worth the price tag. Do you have any reccomendations for quality tablets?

  22. And your collab person Silvon should too.

  23. This stuff has chocolate ships, white chocolate chips, and peanut butter chips in it.


    And it's amazing.

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