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Everything posted by Transairion

  1. *wonders if you got my last PM*

  2. Oh ok; that always creeped me out.... I'm expecting some brutal final conflcit between Ace and Phantom :D

  3. Because I still haven't forgiven you for the Sleekshot thing! NEVER!! MWHAHHAHAHHAHA!

    Just kidding :P

  4. But I only has MSN =(

  5. Yeah, I wish we were on the same time... make things a whole lot easier XD

  6. OMG more Disagea stuff! *mind is blown to peices*

  7. I would join the art contest; but my best art is like... stick figures =X

  8. So many ideas... *brain oozes out of ear and gathers in bucket*

  9. Yays! back, but is beaten to death for double posting =0

  10. Oo, sorry! I've cleared out some of my Inbox now ^_^

  11. *pulls out flamethrower* KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!

  12. OMG, news?!?!? *jumps up and down excitedly*

  13. On Etna, off her, on her again...

    Even that new 'knowledge' isn't enough to make you hate her XD

  14. *looks from one Power to other, and deems self to have gone insane*

  15. In the bush behind me?!?!? There's a bush in my house! KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Well that's not very- *kicks you in shin so hard bone breaks*

    Now we're even ^_^

  17. I don't need the Jaws of Life; they'll need it try and seperate me from you. I hold on REALLLLLLLLL tight =D

  18. *refuses to budge even when Jaws of Life are applied*

    I"ll never let go, never! NEVER!

    Actually, this seems like a good idea for a comedy... ^_^

  19. Yep, you are nice *hugs until are has to forceibly dragged away by brothers, but still refuses to let go, dragging you along as well*

  20. Life is good, I suppose. It's always kinda the same ^_^

  21. OMG, name change! I like it, it suits you. Hopefully your one of those nice demons who won't kill me on sight =0

  22. Mmmmm k; blowing holes in stuff is fun. And I thought you might have (or might not have) based him on one of my characters; except the whole killing thing. That'd hurt my guys =P

  23. Um, the sky? The moon? Space? Wall-E? Etna? XD

  24. @Nine-Breaker: Sort of. We only have two computers; so me and my younger brother interchange between them every day (my older bro has a laptop, while my younger sister isn't old enough to use one yet)

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