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Status Updates posted by Tahu01

  1. Congratulations on your PROMOTION! *pins a medal on you*

  2. It could probably be updated... Eep, I should fix my own, too. O.O *hopes you don't see that his interests list has shrunk*

  3. I like Venators! =D

  4. O.O *covers Turakii's ears*

  5. You're welcome =P

  6. Hey, hey! You're on the member spotlight! Check it out! =D

  7. Wild TURKII...? *checks Pokedex* It's not listed! *gasp* TURKII must be a GLITCH POKEMON! *pulls out Master Ball* This could be dangerous... TURKII could do ANYTHING.


    TAHU01 used Master Ball!

  8. Hee hee... I have three. X)

  9. WARNING! UNKNOWN CONTAMINANT LOCATED IN THIS AREA! *half a dozen little floating robots with lasers dispatch from holes in the ceiling; they swarm around Jordboy and his cake* PLEASE REMOVE THE CONTAMINANT!

  10. I missed the topic... D=>

    WHAT DO I DOOOOOOO?!?!? *bashes head into every available cupboard*

  11. ...*pokes the evil cake* HA!

  12. I wasn't aware there was a debate... or that I was involved in it. =P What's the debate about?

  13. The poke has no end. It continues. It... is. I... sound like a Vong... XD


  14. Bionicle music debate? What's that?

  15. The answer to that statement, EW, is that you don't look at her profile enough. =P

  16. *grabs EW by shoelace; drags into fray* MUAHAHA >=D

  17. *grabs a lampstand; starts swiping at the cake* Wait a minute... If this cake is a lie, that means it's not real. That means it can't... be destroyed...!!

    *hits the cake with a lamppost; BAM* What do we do?! *BAM* What do we do?! *BAM* What do we do?! *BAM*...

  18. @Overlord: Because I was conveying the wisdom of Turakii. =P

  19. Silence, Overlord. Turakii shortens her list for NO ONE. =P It only grows.

  20. I'm quite sure. I once set up a lawn chair in the presence of a 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy-Colliding Duper Soupy Booper... Whatever it was. I sat there for six hours, and the extra nose was easily removed afterward. I think I can take a simple, radioactive, mutagenic muffin. =)

  21. Hmm... *thinks hard* ...Banana?

  22. I would love a muffin, thank you! =D

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