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Popup2: The Camel

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Everything posted by Popup2: The Camel

  1. I am kind of a mix between a nerd and a geek. I'm kinda a nerd because I would call myself pretty smart. Like I've never failed a class, and I'm quite sure I've never gone through a class lower than an "A-". But its not like thats the only thing I do. Its just natural to me because I have an almost photographic memory. I remember things that I think are interesting. So I just happen to remember things so I rarely have to study for my tests. I listen to my friends tell me how they were studying all night last night and how they still get lower than me even though I just looked it over for a few minutes or in a portion of study hall. But then, I also would call myself a geek because I like all the kind of things that geeks like. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, Bionicle and all those kind of things. But I draw the line a Dork. I may be a bit queer if you met me....
  2. Well, I just wrote a long post so I wanted to post it here too ^^ Here be the link 2001: Well, at that time I was pretty young and didn't follow the story that much but I still love that year because of its newness/shinyness and the sense of something epic on its way ^^ 2002: Hmm...That was the year with the bhorak right? Well, I thought it was kinda cool, but a little boring. I thought it was kind of stupid that the enimies were all the same and that the ones that weren't the same were so expensive. 2003: Was pretty cool because of the newness of the Toa Nuva, which I thought at the time were the coolest. But I didn't like half the year, because they again used the same enemies.... not very exiting but it was great filler... Although, the second half of the year I loved. I still think the Rhakshi are the best, maybe second best, posable thing they have ever made. Almost all the sets that year were awesome. 2004:I love how they were coming back the sense of newness which seems so important to selling a year. I just love 2004 IMO it was the best year they ever made. I loved the movie. I probably watched it a hundred times I loved it that much. I loved all the new technology. And I still miss the time period till this day. 2005:Hmm...After this year was when I left for a while. I guess I didn't like the evil side of Bionicle. Up until now, they have always been good heroes that always did good. But that changed back then. As I look back there, I don't like that time of story line, I guess I would have liked it more if I had followed the story line, but it still wasn't a very good year for me. 2006: Ahh...2006...At that time, and still now, I thought the new area was kind of stupid. But I thought of it that way because, at that time I started to leave the range of age that bioncle targets. I thought, from what I did see, that that year was kind of stupid. But as I look back at the story line, I love the story at that time. Its interesting and took me a while to figure it all out which I like. 2007: Ahh....Now that was a great year, at least set wise.... Well, first of all, I believe it is the only series of sets like the Baraki... THEY WERE AWESOME! None of them were the same. One reason I didn't like 2006 was because there were 3 titans and 2 groups for 6 that were all the same except for color. The baraki were completely different. I think they really need to do that again. But...One thing I don't like about the year is the story line. I thought, and still do, that the idea of a Great Being dieing, was just stupid and imposible... I mean, for the last 6 years we heard about the "Great Spirit" Mata Nui, and it just seemed ubsured to me that he could die. That Year I also watch from "afar off", occasionally watching what happened but not really interested in the story. But by the end of that year I really started to get back into the story line. Cause I wanted to know what happend. 2008: I always thought it was cool that there was going to be more light matoran. The epic battle was certainly a reason why I got back. But I still think they could have done a little bit better story line, but I do think the ended the main story line there pretty nicely. 2009: Its getting near the end of the Year so I think I can tell fully what I think of this year. Well, since they started advertising to younger kids, I was kind of turned off of the story line. It was just that cheesy narator on the videos, I'm telling you. It made it look so stupid. But I do own a few of the sets, mostly because they were cool or I wanted to have them for other reasons besides the story line. I own Tuma because I got him on sale for pretty cheep, I own Mata-nui small, mostly because.....ITS MATA NUI, when I found out he was going to be a set I was like "I have to have him". So I got him. Well before all that, I got Malum, because when I went to Legoland I wanted to get a bionicle, cause it was LEGOLAND ^^ so I got him along with some of the comic book books. So I like the sets that have now, but I wouldn't like to spend more money getting the same basic set unless it was pretty important. So Since I didn't really put my Fail and Win years I put it again: And the scale is on a scale of 1 to 10. 2001: WIN Scale: 10 2002: Fail Scale: 4 2003: Win Scale: 8 2004: WIN!!!!!!!!! Scale: 10! 2005:Win for the drakness Scale: 7 2006: Fail for sets but win for story, Scale: 5 2007: EPIC WIN! Scale 9 because of story line 2008: Fail because it ended the matanui universe story scale:9 because the other stuff that was happening in the universe at the same time. 2009: Fail Scale:2 So there ya have it....
  3. I'm not a particularly what you call a "regular" but I think I'll start reading your blog a little more often. Well, I haven't seen all of the new episodes of SGU but I can tell you of what I have seen. I think this show will go on for a few years but not even close to the original show's ten years. The original series opened up new possibilities. They had thousands of planets to explore each one could be more elaborate or interesting than the next. But with SGU, they are very limited on what they can do. They can only visit a few amounts of planets, those the star drive thing takes them to, and as you said they won't have any "Rubber faced" aliens. So they can't really meet new aliens. And they could possibly meet some ancients (Or stuff left by them) but other than that they have no new ideas unless they can get the ship completely fixed and do some actual exploring, not hanging by a thread. When I first heard the initial news about them starting SGU I heard that they would be involving the ancients and they would go back in time and do a show about the ancients in their battle with the wraith or something like that. But then I saw a commercial and I saw Eli in a hoodie (Spelling?) and thought "Thats not how ancients dress " I was kind of disappointed that they weren't doing one on them. One thing that I liked about SG1 is the wit and humor. They started doing, in my opinion, some pretty hilarious stuff. And I had so much fun watching the episodes. But I didn't really enjoy watching SGU. I was just thinking right now and I think this would have made an excellent movie. But as a series they're are dragging it on. Well thats all that I think about the series and I agree with some of the things said so far. I don't think that I'll be watching it at eagerly as I had SG1 and SGA. ~Popup2~
  4. As a matter of fact I do vaguely remember you...Well Yes I have seen SGU but I think the plot is a bit thin and haven't left themselves much room to expand

    In all I liked the other 1s better.

  5. I always wanted to go to Legoland but there wasn't one on the eastern seaboard (where I live) so I couldn't go. On my RV trip I am on I got to go there.
  6. As some of you might have noticed I have been absent from the BZP community for a while. I have been on and will be on until the 20 of April, a road trip with my family. When we planned this trip we knew that we were going to Lego Land. Even though I am 14 and the park was designed for younger children I still had fun walking around with my brother. And now for some Pictures! I got my tickets and entered the park and happened upon the Bionicle section. I noticed it when I saw this: I know thats quite old because its advertising Mask of Light To the left your are greeted by two of these: Once you go inside you can see this: Also there was some original comic drawings which I've put here. Final picture is of Vakama gazing into my perty Rubik's Cube (His name is Beethoven[Pronounced Beeth{Like Beef but with a th sound instead of f}-oven {As in the cooking tool}]) If you want to know why its name is Beethoven PM me.
  7. And fanatical devotion to the pope! Now that is funny.
  8. At school we had a tug-of-war for gym (I always seem to be on the losing team) , because we had an in school science fair so my gym was only 10 minutes, and the rope is really bad, and it has tons of tiny pieces of wood and stuff pointing out and get stuck in your skin. Well tonight I have been pulling out, with some pain, a few splinters. Even when they are gone they really hurt. >.<
  9. BENT ON WORLD DOMINATION!! I just had to write an entry about this. I saw in some ones sig: (\__/) (O.o ) (> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination. I...LOLED!
  10. I hate my algebra text book. Why you ask? Because they expect you to figure out a problem with out even giving you an example. IT IS SO FRUSTRATING!! I really hope next year we scrap this text book. Even my Algebra teacher thinks it stinks. ~Popup2~ Thought of the Entry: Tip: Do not stick metallic items into socket... "Hmm, My hands not metallic so its ok."
  11. Popup2: The Camel


    Yup Quadratic equasions are fun aren't they? I only know those types of problems since I haven't had time to go any farther.
  12. Popup2: The Camel


    Lets just say I was bored.... And I know my math... I'll give you a cookie if you can give me the answer to this: (Y+4)x(Y-2)=0 y=? (I skipped ahead in my math book because I was bored and I accually got it.)
  13. Popup2: The Camel


    I'm guessing this is a joke? Anywho, there are 2,113 periods. You just had to add that one uneven line didn't you. ~Popup2~
  14. Aww I envy you so much. I will be around where brickfest is like a few weeks later. I hope you have a great time there. ~Popup2~
  15. I missed all the teal sets I WANT ONE!!! Count me in
  16. Yes I know about those, but I enjoy reading challenging books. Those books (Bionicle) take me a nights reading (The time between 12-3AM) but I would like books with more substance thats for the more adult fans.
  17. Well, I just bought the second and third graphic novels, and I was wondering. If bionicle has kids books and graphic novels why can't they have novels? Personally, I think they would do well and would attract more types of people to Bionicle . Not only that but also for die hard Bionicle fans kids books don't give that much info on the story line, but a novel would give oodles (I just had to use this word! ) and oodles of info for fans. I think many fans would like this. What do you think about this? Should Bionicle make novels? I was thinking about making this into a topic but decided not to. ~Popup2~
  18. I'm in shock about what happened to the forums. I was just wondering, would it be alright to make a topic thanking the mods/admins for how hard they worked to get BZP up again?

  19. I love SG1. It is my favorite show. :)

  20. Welcome to Bzpower TristanNuva. I hope you have a fun experience here at BZP.

  21. ..........................

  22. Wow I just realized you guys left comments on my profile. Thanks guys. :) It means a lot.

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