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Status Updates posted by -Neku-

  1. -Neku-



  3. Diggin' the conductors hat.

  4. Do you even know who you have in your banner/avatar? XP

  5. Edited.

    Just so you know. :D

  6. Ey, I'm having kind of a huge bzp nostalgia flashback thing. If any of you guys want to chat, hit me up on Steam, I'm MusikaTriple

  7. Ey, if you ever do get back on again, add my new MSN. I'd like to catch up sometime, you know?



  9. FALCON.....


    -Falcon punches TPtI-

  10. Figured I'd reply here....?_?

    I have work too....My day pretty much starts at 5:00am when I wake up, and then 7:00 pm when I get home from work. School and work is a deadly combonation....

  11. Fine...

    -grabs guitar and broom and sulks down to the celler-

  12. Friends are indeed a good thing...so many fond....and funny...memories.

    Can't wait till wednsday...One of my other friends has the our lunch period that day.

  13. Gaspeth?! A comment that isn't my own? This is about as surprising as me having friends!

    And no, Kabuto owns Garra.

  14. GONG YI TEMPAI!!!!!!

    I hate that show. XD

    Jira and Xerry do need to fight though. And there needs to be explosions. Lots of explosions. And on an unrelated note...I now only have 3 stars..T.T

  15. Got the gorilla, I mean kongu today. Ew.

    Anyway, even if he is a crab, I have no idea how he can carry around some kind of protodermic cannon with out it cracking it's shell open. I digress, though, but it still is pretty cute.


  16. Ha, you didn't interrupt anything. :D

    I've been so busy lately...my manager has been assigning me at least 10 hours of the hours I signed up for...so, instead of 12-15, I get 22-25..>.

    But, I did go to the homecoming dancy thing at my school with a good amount of my friends. Twas fun.

  17. Haha, everyone loves Slade. :D

  18. Hahli isn't all she's cracked up to be....Personally, Jaller is my favorite, I lurves his mask.

    -Burns and pillages-

  19. Heeey, you're that person I see randomly online sometimes. Sup.

  20. Heh, I really don't remember at all, but I'd be glad to participate. :D

  21. Hey Ranna. :D

    Did you draw that picture of Jamie Hyneman in your blog profile? It's awesome!

  22. Hey, I've got like 7 people copying my name...-KW-, The holder of the Keyblade, Sora, Wielder of the Keyblade....

    So very many!

  23. Hey, IM me. I kinda lost your screenname...>>

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