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Angry Nidhiki

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Everything posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. Obviously, nitrogen powered quizzes aren't powerful enough. So this quiz is powered on 100% hydrogenated vegetable oil. YAYZLES! 1. What rhymes with duck? 2. What rhymes with fgfgslkjflgfjg;glkfsd;gmfgjsjgdflskbg? 3. What makes a better grill-- bleu cheese or limberger? 4. Which BZP member puts the "P" in Cockroach? 5. What's Your Favorite Color? (Answer very carefully.) I'll post the answers after a few replies.
  2. Angry Nidhiki

    Ooh! Ooh!

    Another fun fact! Turakii found my brain and tried it on! And I found hers! But she's denying everything about it...
  3. Oh. So let's all change Christmas to the 24th, because Keyblade said he wanted to. P.S. As you can see, it looks much better in bold.
  4. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll place it in my shopping cart right now.
  5. DID YOU KNOW........... That if you mix eggnog with pink Smarties and stir them together for five minutes, periodically adding cinnamon, you will grow long fluffy purple ears when you drink it? HINT: Try adding gun powder for some extra zazz.
  6. I just opened the refrigerator, and ALL MY CHEESE WAS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If someone could mail me some, I'd be very grateful.
  7. I need to write a parody of Raiders of the Lost Ark. That would be awesome.
  9. tHE nOOb iNVaSioN iS heRE!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1! grEEtInGs, eErThlInGs. wE mEAn no hArM. UnlESs u cHooSE nOT tO comPlY. aLl wE AsK iS tHaT u GivE US ur bRiEfs anD lOnG unDErwEaR. oUR kInG hAs rUn oUt, anD his MoM refUsEs to RuN the WAshEr. nO oNe eLsE kNoWs hOw. sUrRendEr------------ >>>>>>>>>>>. (XD) oR dIE. *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM*
  10. THE TELEVISION REMOTE Once upon a time, I met a remote. He tried to turn me on. And oh my gosh, he did. THE BABY REMOTE AND, I think we'll stop right there.
  11. FFVII: Advent Children....... It was at some points great, and at others completely depressing. The climatic action scenes were great, but the movie progressed extremely slowly, it was repetitive, and worst of all, the script was awful and the female voices (and some effeminate male voices) were terrible. It was like Star Wars Episode I all over again. Ugh...... The 4 stars, I can now see, were taken solely from a few great scenes. Oh well..... Hey, check out my new profile pic!
  12. I beat Final Fantasy IV yet another time. And by gosh, I'm gonna need to get FFVI. And guess what else-- We rented FFVII: Advent Children. Hopefully, I'll get to watch it today. Man, I hope I get the two Black Mages CDs for Christmas. {{{{{-----8D-----}}}}} If you're weirded out by over-exposure to Final Fantasy, I'm sorry. I think I'll go bug Turakii now.
  13. Angry Nidhiki


    That would be tough. I don't even swim USA.
  14. Angry Nidhiki


    And how much jelly? Turakii I haven't had jelly in a month.
  15. Angry Nidhiki


    So I had a swim meet Saturday. It was at my home swimming pool... and you know, we have really small lanes and no starting blocks. But I ended up getting just half a second over my best time on 100 Breaststroke, only two tenths of a second over my best on 50 free, and A SECOND OFF on my 100 backstroke! (I hate backstroke.....) So I'm happy. And the kid I narrowly beat in every race had pecs like THIS BIG-- (stretches arms wide...). So he looked like a 14-year old clone of John Basedow. Scary. But I did good. So YEAH! Now, on a lighter note, I ate 25 spoonfuls of peanut butter today. XD
  16. Angry Nidhiki


    It's the last day of school right? So today we played Guitar Hero II and DDR. But the best things was Karaoke Revolution (tsk tsk...). I scored 28,000 out of 30,000 on Material Girl by Madonna. Scary, eh?
  17. Well guess what? It's Saturday, and I have nothing to do! So I tried learning to actually PLAY THE GUITAR... And the video that came witth it is so boring, I can't believe it! I guess I'll go eat or something...
  18. It's that Free The Band Thing. I hate the All-American Rejects, by the way.
  19. Well, remember that guitar that I pretty much never got? Well, it finally came today after 6-8 weeks plus ohhh...... about 80. XD Well I finally got it, and it's not quite as cruddish as I had expected. Besides the fact that it has an image of Nuparu plastered onto it, it's pretty cool actually. It has extra string, a 10 foot cord, a treble-bass-rhythm pick-up switch, a tuner, volume controls (wow.......), and a strap. Yay. Pretty elementary, but I expected less. Oh yes. It comes with no amp. How stupid. Hmm.... Cruddish is underlined in red..... See ya. *--SPAM!!!!!--*
  20. Bonjour toulemonde. J'aime parler francais maitenant. Mais j'aime parler anglais aussi. Tu ne fait pas parler francais? C'est tres mauvais. Oh well. P.S. Kohaku told me to post a translation: Hi guys! I like speaking French right now. But I like speaking English also. You don't speak French? That's very bad.
  21. I just got accepted into the Math Science and Technology program at my choice school. Which is REALLY good. It's really hard to get into, and believe it or not it's one of the top high schools in the nation. So now I'm excited-- though Science Fair is required in this program, and the Science Fair is really rigorous. So that's the bad part. But still, I got in! Sorry I couldn't be on for so long. Homework.
  22. I just beat FFIII! The ending was awesome-- a lot more satisfying than that of FFIV--- And every last speck of the game was brilliant. The 3D rendering of the game was perfect, and I'm sure all the fans loved it. I hope they do more games like this, because I sold my soul to it. Other News..... I'm now a grandmama, hear? *sniff* My grandbaby was born at 6:30 this mornin'. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and *sniff* he's the cutest patootie you ever saw in your life. I'll post pictures later, you hear? *sniff* -- Lady Kopaka, Grandmama <<<<<>>>>> ------------------ Let's see how long until LK notices.
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