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Angry Nidhiki

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Everything posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. Please, please don't vote for Sanjaya. Something is clearly wrong, in that everyone is voting for him. He's got barely any talent at all. If you do vote for him, I'll compare you to this: Picture removed because it eventually disturbed me and I think it disturbs everyone else. ~~~~~~NiD!!!~~~ You've been warned.
  2. I changed my blog title, to be politically correct.
  3. Angry Nidhiki

    Lawl 2.0

    Ha, gotcha, I really didn't have anything to say this time. I just felt like posting another entry.
  4. Angry Nidhiki


    lawl, i said lawl ..... I'm back in school. Wah. I have state testing coming up in the next few weeks. That's, believe it or not, one of my favorite times of year, not because it's intriguing or even mildly interesting in the least, because believe me, it's not. But it is one of my favorite times of year, because testing means.... NO HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... (lawl) ..... To tell you the truth, I really do like school. My teachers rock, it's amazing how much they rock. And if we never had homework, school would be even better, because it could potentially actually pass as fun, even for people not as nerdy as myself. If school were how it should be, we wouldn't NEED homework. This is how it should go. 9:00 AM Go to school 12:00 PM Take a lunch/rec break 1:30 PM Go back to school 4:00 PM Short 20-30 minute break 7:00 PM Leave school. I think this schedule would work great. Sure, it would be longer, but think why we hate school so much-- we're stuck in there for 6 and a half hours straight, with little break time at all, and then we have even more work when we get home. Don't you think this might be the way to go? Studies also suggest that students between the ages of 10 and 20 should be getting more sleep than elementary school students-- often, the case is quite opposite. Whatcha think?
  5. You're right. I checked your Internet Protocol.
  6. I'm glad you do. You see, Sly Stone and I are actually twins.
  7. My new personal photo has "handsome" written all over it. That's actually me. That red-headed kid I post pictures of all the time is actually Shaun White. He's my house servant.
  8. Angry Nidhiki


    Don't you love home row keys?
  9. I'm glad. It's gone-- now people actually pay attention to stuff that's relevant. And it kinda gets rid of some of the members that have no business being here.
  10. !Ydobyreve esufnoc lliw ti ,sdrawkcab etirw lla ew fi ,ebyam tsuj ,ebyam :Yroeht a evah I ------- Hint: sdrawkcab dear
  11. If you're smart, like I am, you'll seethe ingenuity behind this statement I have compiled below: Some why if buffalo raah raah. See? I told you.
  12. Titles are WAY overrated. Go fish, life.
  13. Angry Nidhiki


    The feedback to my theory was overwhelming. I'm glad you liked it. Now, for a short story: Once upon a time, there was a duck. He had no name, since this story is too short for a name to be of any particular significance.
  14. I'm testing out this theory-- I call it the Stop Making Sense Makes Sense Theory. Don't ask about the name. I've theorized that, if we all stopped making sense, all 7 billion of us on this planet, all at the same time, it would suddenly make sense, because everyone's doing it. For example, when you see all of your friends on their heads, wearing panty hose on their heads and sunglasses on their feet, and they are waiting in line to jump off a cliff, as you watch each of your friends jump off of the cliff, what most likely goes through your mind is this: "Well, gee. Before, I thought that would make no sense at all if I did it, but now it seems to totally make sense, and not doing it makes no sense at all!!!" See what I mean? I say I'm pure genius. Another reason we should all stop making sense is that is says to on my favorite album cover. (see left)
  15. Angry Nidhiki

    My Pic?

    So, what do you think? I say big suits are the new cool.
  16. Interesting question. The answer is yes. I tried taking on the Oregon Trail without buying clothes (My friend told me that if you go without clothes, you'll have enough money to buy another ox.) I took said friend's advice, and froze to death before Independence Rock. [An intelligent answer for an intelligent question] So, what's up guys? Dead? Alive? Any new nose jobs? Say, I've been thinking about pulling a Michael Jackson. Meaning a nose job, not meaning bleaching my skin. My skin's already white enough.
  17. Yay teamwork guyz!!!!! I love working together, it makes me feel all tingly inside!!!
  18. I should be in it too! ANd I've decided to change my appearance around a bit.. I've decided to go for the single-black-pixel look. Nice comic. I like the massive head.
  19. It's not that boring. For example, I now know more about onions than I did before I read this entry! P.S. Did you know that John Deere was part-deer? Our Social Studies teacher told us that.
  20. Angry Nidhiki


    I haven't posted a real blog entry in a while, but I'll post one now. Ha. I had my state swim meet this weekend, it was cool. Besides backstroke, I had lots of fun. (relatively...) I cut of .3 seconds on my 50 freestyle, .5 seconds on the 100 back, and I cut off 64 seconds on the 100 free. It's actually true, according to the records. I had some wacked-out seed time (2:05) that was quite obviously not right. I actually ended up cutting off 5 seconds though, so it was good. OTHER NEWS: My district representative, John Yarmuth, is going to be on the Better Know A District portion of the Colbert Report!!!! YAY!!!!
  21. Well, let's say that in death, you do absolutely nothing. But you already do absolutely nothing in life. Then is there really any difference? I guess I would rather be alive, considering that in death there is no variation. In life there is at least the thins such as the sunrise, the wind, the weather, the sounds, etc., etc. Even if you never do anything, you can still passively experience things in life. In death, even if your soul does stay around after you die and is bound to your body, you can't experience things like that. NERD WHO LIVES IN HIS BASEMENT: What's a sunrise? What's life?
  22. Well, let's say that in death, you do absolutely nothing. But you already do absolutely nothing in life.
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