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Angry Nidhiki

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Everything posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. Well, tomorrow I leave for.... CHURCH CAMP. Well, hope it goes well. I've never been there before, so I have no idea whether I'll love it or hate it. Either way, I'm going. Let's see..... WellI ate a bowl of frosted shredded wheat for breakfast. Wish I had some Crunchberries so I could show McSpit..... Well I have to practice piano 4 times today.... Kinda sucks. I mean, I like piano, but FOUR TIMES? Kinda weird, ya' know. Well, N&K Crew, tell me what you think. I'm thinking about getting a new fictional character: THE GEICO GECKO! I dunno.... Commercial icons do it for me. I'll sprite him myself I guess.... I did have to completely re-color Red bull, I guess I can do this..... Anyway, not much doing today. 2 Comic in N&K (YAY!) bfore I leave, so I guess that's good. Not much more to say, so... G'DAY! (that rhymed, slow-mo's).
  2. You know, for a blog with entries this dumb and random, it is pretty popular. Soup? Well... I had a sandwich. Beat THAT! P.S. I had a Croissant last week. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
  3. Angry Nidhiki


    This Spidey Craze thing is getting bogus. Anyway, do I qualify? I mean, I AM a spider.... and I'm a man. I think I'm more of a spider man than he is. Anywho, what was I gonna say? Oh yeah. Lion Heart changed his name to Hawkeye, so now I have to refer to him as Hawkeye for 90 days. Cry for me, boys!
  4. Okay, got the new lego mag. Strange, strange conversation Between Hakaan and Jaller in the comic. Hakaan calls Jaller ugly, thinking that toa masks were to hide ugly faces. Jaller says he's seen dead rahi better looking than Hakaan. Well, I'd say Jaller is ugly even WITH his mask on. Anyway, today. Got to get ready for camp, leaving on Wednesday... No Nid! Don't go! And I finally got my trombone and baritone out again today... My 'bone needs major treatment. ..... Anyway, not much else... Sort entry. Bye. Sob sob sob...
  5. Brickfest? Bah. It's only fun if I'M there.
  6. I biked a really tough mountain trail today. Loads of fun, but dad broke his seat off, the dummy.... Anyway, lots of fun. Now, I have to go to some performance my sister's doing, that I really don't know much about. She went to a camp all last week, and now she's performing. I guess I''ll find out what it is when I go. Not much more to say, except... I Make Comic 100 NOW! Everyone come see this MONUMENTAL event! See ya, suckers!
  7. Well I'm bored... Ray thinks he might leave soon, which JUST WON'T DO..... But he probably won't I just a-know it. Anyway, not very exciting today. There have been two REALLY annoying flies buzzing around my house, and I'm too lazy to get out the old swatter... I went to a local jazz club last night, and got a cd of this really good trombone player.... Pretty dang good, I say, but I know Gera would hate it. XD Well, what to talk about, what to talk about, that 'tis the kestion.... Um.... ate 3 eggs this morning. Dad and my sister went to Wild Oats, got some Bison Burgers... Of course, my sister, the picky-eater-for-life refused, as if she'd even TASTED them before.. But I ate them. XD Well dad just installed a new wireless router, nw wi-fi works a whole lot better. And..... See ya, friends (and Tap) (Ray gave me that, gotta give him credit.) XD
  8. Angry Nidhiki


    Oh, I saw it. The big water turbine of doom, and the escape scene from Cannibal Island were great.
  9. You're right, it is a trap. A rather convincing, trap, I must say. I must confess that I've found myself addicted. Survurlode is probably the person who sounds strangely like a girl, saying, "Must... Have... More." Oh, I got it. Your thoughts about the dark side (You know, Mac) have provoked Survurlode into coming, and taking over BZP.... Hey, if his name's "Survurlode", wouldn't that mean he, like, loads the server, so we'd LIKE HIM? Just a question...
  10. Angry Nidhiki


    Okay... Cap'n Crunch owns. But Bran cereal OWNS MORE! Okay, relax, I was kidding. Who told them they could give that llama that cut?
  11. Well, two things. A ) I beat the final of a ll finals and most finalest boss, Zeromus EG, at exactly 1:15 AM. Kinda funny, he looks like you took Zeromus, cut him open, made his guts face outward, and the strangest thing is that there was a Selene Warrior taped to his chest. But anyway... B ) No more talk of FF. Sorry guys, no more. Well, I COULD talk about my bestiary.... But I won't. Oh, gosh. Well, have to mow today. Fun, fun. ANd... Gosh, I blanked. Electrik Turrahk temporarily hated me yesterday, because he took me too seriously when I said I didn't read any of the entries and voted.... Well that's all over. TTFN! Ta-ta for now! (that was scawy.)
  12. Turns out there's a small 50- FLOOR DUNGEON after I defeat Zeromus. Fun, fun, fun..... I feel like murdering myself. Well, there's a pretty much unbeatable dragon, which really makes ME happy... and then there's the grueling trials with 100000 hp monsters...... Fun, fun, fun. Well, cleaning up my room under orders of my dad... But I go see Cars at 4 with my friend. That will actually BE fun. Anywho, anyone seen my chocolate crumpet? Don't know if such a thing exists, not actually sure what a crumpet is. But oh well..... 8D -((((((((((---------- 'Tis weird.
  13. Angry Nidhiki


    Correction: Sequels CAN beat originals. Examples: Harry Potter Lord of the Rings The Pink Panther (The original STANK, but all the others were hilarious!) Let's see, Jurrasic Park 3? Anyway, there was a breakfast bar on 2 of the ferries I took, and a cafeteria on one. So HA! BTW, if you were near San Juan, there was like a San Juan Altzheimers home near where my aunt lived. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! (or did)
  14. *sigh* Clueless. Well, you could buy a scanner.... (yeah right)... Hmmm... Well let's see... I forgot what you wrote.... AACCCK!!!!! Hmmm... well good luck, as soon as I find the voting, I will vote. AAANDD.... When'd you make that dumb video? Excuse me, that wonderfully magnificent video?
  15. I am AWESOME, cause I beat Final Fantasy IV Advance! Well, okay. It's just like an RPG that's pretty hard. But I'm really glad to know that it doesn't clear the file at the end... so I can complete my bestiary! Anyway, It's an awesome game, best I've played in a while. I'll tell Ray he has to get it... unless he doesn't like RPGs, mata nui forbid. (see, I censored it! ) Well.... It turns out the moon, in a series of unlikely series of events, the moon will sail away from the earth, carrying an old bald lunarian and a would-be raving warlord out to kill all of mankind. Turns out he's the main character's brother. I got all that info from a very reliable source: Square Enix. Also turns out the government's keeping a store of Chocobos and deadly Behemoths. Oh, the horror! Well now, I have absolutely nothing to do! How sad... *looks outside at bright, sunny world, then glances at TV...* Oh, I guess I do have something to do! I'm not actually like that, in case you're wondering... Well, I've decided to write a story about how Zeromus comes back to power and destroys the world. If that goes through, then.... well, Not a happy day for the Mysidians. MUA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! *hack-hack-hack.......*
  16. Angry Nidhiki


    1 or 2 more camps, actually.
  17. Woah. Been gone over a week, have NO CLUE what's happening. But sure, you got a vote, whatever it is. If I can find it. You should try out Seattle, LK. It's fun. It's also fishy. (fishy, get it? get it? It's fishy 'cause it has lots of FISH! HA-HA-HA-HA-ha-ha-ha...... I crack myself up.) ........... Okay, just who WAS that weirdo in the parentheses?
  18. Angry Nidhiki


    Okay. Just got back from The Seattle area. One of the best vacations I've had in a while. Left on Saturday, stayed in Seattle. In the morning, we went to the Space Needle, Experience Music Project (great jimi hendrix samples, as well as a place where you can rock out on different instruments and create your own mix of Purple Haze), and... uh... Gosh, I forgot. Well, then we went and stayed with my dad's sister and her family on the Olympic peninsula... Really, REALLY fun, there was this garden at their house that was MASSIVE, and the town itself was just gorgeous. Beach town. On wedneday, we took the ferry to Victoria.... That was FUN. Did tons of stuff... saw this juggler with a GREAT sense of humor, really funny... though a few of his cracks weren't great for the kids... Went back the next day, stayed some more.... went and saw Pirates 2 on Saturday... Well, I left yesterday, got bumped, took a red eye, and got back at 9:30 this morning. Only thing was, my 16 year old cousin had a girlfriend. Yeah, she really was something. (Trying to keep this down to a low roar). But he did NOTHING but hang out with her. Kinda annoying.... at least she was nice.
  19. Well, I'm off on vacation again. Wow. I'm only home one ou tof three weeks? Well, whatever. Get o see my cousins, one of which I haven't seen in like 7 or 8 years. So goood. Well anyway, I jus finished art camp.... did this awesome painting of this... cool dead tree. But the teacher said it was really good. RAY AND LK, I WILL GIVE YOU THE PLAY EVENTUALLY. So long! See y'all.... Like the Monday after next.
  20. Woah. I saw Nacho Libre with my friend today. Woah. Really, really weird, I tell you. First of all, don't Nuns have vows of like, anti-marriage? Second, since when did Jack Black wrestle? Well anyway, at least JB's in it. It's actually pretty dang funny. Insane, yes, but funny. BTW, did I mention that I downloaded all these "Jack Black on the set of Nacho Libre" podcasts off of iTunes? Really, really funny. If any of you freaks have it, download the podcasts with Jack Black. Very, very funny. I'm a goofy goober, ROCK! da da, da da, I'm a goofy goober ROCK!
  21. Okay, somethin's up... Just kidding... Or am I............. 50 bucks? Okay.... I get payed like ten bucks to mow our lawn every week. It's actually weird, getting payed to mow my own lawn.... *YAWN*! See ya in the afterlife, LK.
  22. Well, I got back from swim camp today. Hooray. Actually, I liked it a lot. Met lots of new friends, and actually had fun swimming. Wow. Also, turns out I'm good at volleyball.... Several good things: A)Went from 1:15 to 1:06 on the 100 Freestlyle. B)Went from 17 seconds to 14 seconds on my 25 Butterfly C)YEAH! I broke 30 on the 50 free for the second time.... WOOTETH! We nicknamed this kid Speedoman, 'cause he wears a Speedo. AACCKKK! And then last night, 8 people stayed in my dorm. Ouch. We couldn't fall asleep until like 1 in the morning. Well anyway, it's gonna be hard getting used to normal life again, I had a great time. I own you ALL at swimming!
  23. THE BEARD One day I grew a beard, And it was very long. Some people made fun of it, But they were always wrong. One day it got stuck, pinned by a thumbtack. That is why I cut it off, And I'll never grow it back. HI-YAH!
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