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Everything posted by Mrs.Dokuma

  1. k well, 1. creed has a cooler name than lincoln an 2 creed isn't zombie. :/ 3. creed wins the meme! :/ 4. an oofoo would be like o____O but both eyes were the same size in my last smilie. ;P But it was so long I couldn't tell =P Also I meant how is Lincoln not a general internet meme =\ I don't know. what do you take me for? THE ALL KNOWLEDGEABLE ONEEE? don't people supposedly think of Abraham Lincoln during 7 seconds of silence in a conversation? or is it Benjamin Franklin? I can never remember. :/ idk lol and dunno, i've never heard anything about that o_O google it. ;P no u also zomg creed in your sig *teehee* also in my av GO TELL YOUR HUSBAND "hi" AND "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE DOK" hubby is in bed right now. :'(
  2. k well, 1. creed has a cooler name than lincoln an 2 creed isn't zombie. :/ 3. creed wins the meme! :/ 4. an oofoo would be like o____O but both eyes were the same size in my last smilie. ;P But it was so long I couldn't tell =P Also I meant how is Lincoln not a general internet meme =\ I don't know. what do you take me for? THE ALL KNOWLEDGEABLE ONEEE? don't people supposedly think of Abraham Lincoln during 7 seconds of silence in a conversation? or is it Benjamin Franklin? I can never remember. :/ idk lol and dunno, i've never heard anything about that o_O google it. ;P no u also zomg creed in your sig *teehee*
  3. k well, 1. creed has a cooler name than lincoln an 2 creed isn't zombie. :/ 3. creed wins the meme! :/ 4. an oofoo would be like o____O but both eyes were the same size in my last smilie. ;P But it was so long I couldn't tell =P Also I meant how is Lincoln not a general internet meme =\ I don't know. what do you take me for? THE ALL KNOWLEDGEABLE ONEEE? don't people supposedly think of Abraham Lincoln during 7 seconds of silence in a conversation? or is it Benjamin Franklin? I can never remember. :/ idk lol and dunno, i've never heard anything about that o_O google it. ;P
  4. k well, 1. creed has a cooler name than lincoln an 2 creed isn't zombie. :/ 3. creed wins the meme! :/ 4. an oofoo would be like o____O but both eyes were the same size in my last smilie. ;P But it was so long I couldn't tell =P Also I meant how is Lincoln not a general internet meme =\ I don't know. what do you take me for? THE ALL KNOWLEDGEABLE ONEEE? don't people supposedly think of Abraham Lincoln during 7 seconds of silence in a conversation? or is it Benjamin Franklin? I can never remember. :/
  5. k well, 1. creed has a cooler name than lincoln an 2 creed isn't zombie. :/ 3. creed wins the meme! :/ 4. an oofoo would be like o____O but both eyes were the same size in my last smilie. ;P
  6. WHERE?! 8D http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...3#comment357592 Also how is President Lincoln just in general not a meme ...... o___________________________________o O___________________________________________________O
  7. really, nothing thought provoking hereeeeeeee. I'm bored, avoiding homework, and bed, and um, posting here. :/ entertain meeeeeee. 8D
  8. by beef I mean ground beef. ;P
  9. yeahhhh about him... :/ i know rite? ;~; For the love of all that is good and salty, no! yep. yes. : )
  10. personallly, i don't eat the beef there, so I don't eat any of the regular tacos, only the chicken or steak stuff. the black jack taco is just like a normal taco 'cept it has baja sauce, and three cheese (instead of chedder). lol.
  11. the grande quesadillia is very good. ;D I personally like the steak one, though the chicken one is too. GO BUY BUY BUY.
  12. HAHAHA YESS. i also need to get creed in my sig. *lazy*
  13. idk but you smell like sup dog. :/ I smell like sup dog? That's my favorite air-freshener scent! :{D What's yours? you're supposed to say, "What'supdog?" ;P but it doesn't work as good over the internetz. something vanilla-y. xD Oh. Excuse me. What's Supdog? nothing much how about you? B) Thats not a question, you asdf. But that means that this isn't either. ITSA GIANT SWIRL OF PARADOXAL HYPOCRACY. NOW WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ;o
  14. haha, that;s like such a 3rd grade word. :/
  15. is an AWESOME word. 8D if you look up the meaning, it will make this word even funnier than it already is. ;P homeschool vocab FTW. ;D
  16. wewt! and dude it seriously is an awesome word. learn how to pronounce it and when someone says something stupid just say 'Floccinaucinihilipilafication' and then explian to them that it really is a word and they will go nuts. it's awesomeee
  17. I think you need to add this one .. use anytime you talk about Dok/Sunny and/or their childrens.
  18. I thought it was cuteeeeeeeeeeee. cmon now. ;K
  19. idk but you smell like sup dog. :/ I smell like sup dog? That's my favorite air-freshener scent! :{D What's yours? you're supposed to say, "What'supdog?" ;P but it doesn't work as good over the internetz. something vanilla-y. xD
  20. Mrs.Dokuma

    Dead Tireddd

    AWWW THANKS. :3 Yeah, and it's a very true lesson indeed. :/ You're right, I do. I have some pretty amazing "best friends" : )
  21. Mrs.Dokuma

    Dead Tireddd

    dude I seriously think I'm gonna rant to you. are you on right now? :/ && lulz, I love you too, Bianca. :3 =3 Also I just wanted a reason to bring Queen into this B) i see...:/ that's why i was singing "you're my best friend" but you're still my friend sun =( okay. *brushes teeth* =) oral hygieneeeee it's good stuffz.;o
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