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Everything posted by Mrs.Dokuma

  1. is an absolutely gorgeous, simply fantastic day. I'm also feeling much better. : D I LOVE DAYS LIKE THIS. :3 also, yay for reformation day on Saturday : D
  2. Mrs.Dokuma

    Skillz Lulz.

    hehe, yep, that's sorta a trap. a lot of people I know that only play by ear and don't know music, tend to miss chords, which drives me absolutely insane because I've developed my skill alot, and so now I can hear those chords, and when people don't play them, I cringeeee.
  3. i love messing around on the piano. : P just played Hot N Cold (hate this song, but i happen to hear it alot so i just tried to play it) , phantom of the opera (Think Of Me + the Main title...), the lonely man (from the old hulk TV series), beauty & the beast + a bunch of random zelda songs. : P lol. i love it when i have time to do that. :3
  4. Mrs.Dokuma

    Skillz Lulz.

    chords are pretty easy. ;o you get it eventually. I can play all of those too, fun stuff. :3
  5. Mrs.Dokuma

    Skillz Lulz.

    yeah. i don't like the song or anything, it just plays all day long at work on the radio. so it was stuck in my head. had to get it out some way. : P
  6. Mrs.Dokuma

    Skillz Lulz.

    i don't believe you. at all. : P
  7. Mrs.Dokuma

    Skillz Lulz.

    oh lol. I've played for 12 & 1/2 years.
  8. Mrs.Dokuma

    Skillz Lulz.

    i know i'm better. jk. but how long have you been playing? :3
  9. Mrs.Dokuma

    Skillz Lulz.

    i was playing by ear. xD w/o music etc. i do it alot. and arrange my won stuffz.
  10. Mrs.Dokuma


    so i've heard. you don't get everything so your immune system doesn't build up against everything. xD
  11. when is our anniversary? & maybe. i have to think about it....okay, I'm done, yes. : D
  12. that's cool!~ I have a homeschooled friend that takes Chinese. he's doin' pretty good! cool stuffz. :3

  13. Mrs.Dokuma

    C U R S E D

    what if shes not on her bed? yeah, answer that! what I want to know is WHO MADE THE VOODOO DOLL OF MY BED AND STABBED IT WITH A SYMBOL OF A CAT GIVING BIRTH ON MY BED. sorry, I was trying to summon a cat demon to eat you. I guess I did something wrong. figures. :/
  14. "mrs.dokuma's twin" has a nice ring to it. ;)

  15. Mrs.Dokuma

    C U R S E D

    what if shes not on her bed? yeah, answer that! what I want to know is WHO MADE THE VOODOO DOLL OF MY BED AND STABBED IT WITH A SYMBOL OF A CAT GIVING BIRTH ON MY BED.
  16. Mrs.Dokuma


    i bet i fold burritos better than you! 8D
  17. Mrs.Dokuma

    C U R S E D

    yeah if i want it to be themed with kittens. ewwwwwwwwww no. no, they look like rats. : ( I beg pardon, but I am not nasty or bloody, let alone yucky. ~EW~ perhaps it is really what i think of you. >: ) Don't make me go over there and teach you a good lesson, young lady. > : ( ~EW~ good luck finding me. >: P
  18. Mrs.Dokuma

    C U R S E D

    I beg pardon, but I am not nasty or bloody, let alone yucky. ~EW~ perhaps it is really what i think of you. >: )
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