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Everything posted by Mrs.Dokuma

  1. is the normal enV3 any good?
  2. SO I've had several recommendations for the LG enV touch. Anyone have it/messed with it before? :3 it looks cool. lol.
  3. so I'm gona buy a phone and all that jazz, but I have no idea what kind of phone to get. I want a cool phone, but not something too complicated. :3 SUGGESTIONNNSSS?
  4. thanks for the suggestions guys, as this is my first phone, I have no idea what I'm looking for. x) also, my service is going to be Verizon.
  5. well your father didn't have you all by himself, now did he? :P

  6. yeah. wewt wewt :D

  7. i will be calling your mother about this. >:K

  8. did you just call my son a "bra" ? explain yourself. >:/

  9. Awww. :c feel free to rant to me about it if you want. <3
  10. Mrs.Dokuma

    Important News

    YES. :3 um kill baseball please. mother & wife. : ) but also would consider some sweet web-design job or something. lawl. :3 um...I suppose spiritual things maybe? seeing as that's what I study alot + seem to remember and learn easily. yeah ! : D
  11. yeah, 3rd time I've had pneumonia in the past 4 months. x)
  12. xD Went to the Dr. today. and they did some blood work + a chest xray. As of right now, they think I had the swine flu, and then got pneumonia after that. I don't really care what it is, I just want it to go away! So anyways, I won't be working (Awww sorry Taco bell peeps) for the rest of the week, and I think I'll be in bed most of today. x( I WANT TO BE BETTER ALREADY. k. so how are you guys? :3
  13. i'll give you a hint: it's amazing. :)

  14. I'd regret that I had been so selfish with the way I use time in my life. And that I had not told more people the truth..
  15. Oh. well that's a good reason. :D

  16. still sick, possibly even worse. week 6 started yesterday. THIS IS HORRIBLE. :c and now my husbands sick. :c poor dokkk. <3
  17. Mrs.Dokuma


    OH THAT'S GREAT! oh wait. :c get better soon. <3
  18. you're right, you didn't. I'll try harder this time. ;~;
  19. that's how it was for my older brother too. xD
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