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Danska: Shadow Master

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Blog Comments posted by Danska: Shadow Master

  1. Aye, there was far too little explanation at the beginning. Personally I'm not bothered too much by the shadow leech. It occured to me that the Brotherhood know about Takanuva and are perhaps too busy with their master plan to confront him directly (and in light of what happened to their leader, they may not want to). Now if I were in there position, and I had the means to turn not only a Toa, but the Toa of Light himself, into a Toa of shadow and have this being under my command, I'd go for it. Toa are powerful beings, after all, and I imagine the irony of turning their greatest enemy into an ally would appeal mightily to the intelligent members of the Brotherhood.


    I suspect there is an Order member on Metru Nui at the very least, and that one of his duties is to stop any serious harm coming to Takanuva. Even so, suddenly revealing the existance of the order does seem like something of a big step.


    When I first heard about the alternate universe, I thought "hey! A universe where Tuyet uses the Nui Stone! Cool!" Then I heard that the Brotherhood and Dark Hunters were freedom fighters. The Brotherhood, yes. I believe they were still 'good' back at that point in time. The Dark Hunters - they would never fight for freedom. For their own survival and interests, yes. They might well masquerade as freedom fighters in order to extend their own influence, but I can never see them protecting Matoran or doing anything that does not serve their own interests without demanding some kind of price. Exterminating Toa and acting as 'noble bounty hunters' is how I'd envision them.


    The way I see it, Tuyet would try to rally Toa to her cause. She thinks she's in the right and that what she's doing is completely noble - exterminating the Dark Hunters and any threats to the Matoran and bringing order to them. She could probably convince a few, but there would be a vast number who's react much like Lhikan did, the Toa Mata included I'm sure. Unless Tuyet took extermination measures herself, we'd be talking about a Toa civil war. Whatever the result, there simply would not be enough Toa left to form anything like a 'Toa Empire'.


    Still, it might improve...

  2. Weeeell, I've been working on and off on these guys for some time now...and there are only about 10 or so new pieces so I can't claim to have been working super-fast. Thanks for your support.


    Since you mentioned the Makuta, I may as well throw in the fact that I've nearly finished Antroz! Just the wings and weapons to go, and boy does he look awesome!


    I think I'm gonna have to buy these guys.

  3. Yes, I stumbled across them yesterday (hence my being able to make the New Nuva). You're right about my opinions. I am dissapointed with the Nuva, although I love their masks and Lewa's katana rocks. I am very, very very pleased with the evil guys. Absolutely adore them. I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on them. In an odd sort of way, the bodies remind me of the Hordika (in my eyes, not a bad thing) and the complete effect screams 'Bionicle' to me.


    It's also wonderful to see a function inbuilt into the set again! Sure they're launchers, but they're part of the body and appear to do slightly more than just hit things (ok, splitting apart isn't that much more, but it's not bad).


    Another great thing about all the sets - you can play with them together! For the first time in ages, sets have some way in which play can be incorperated beyond a single set. In the old days, Toa and Turaga would knock Rahi masks off, Rahi would knock Toa masks off and the functions worked with each other. That's been lacking for quite some time, but it seems to be making a return.


    The sets do look awesome and very much 'Bionicle'. Hopefully the summer sets will be equally appealing, and the Nuva will be slightly more interesting (I have real trouble imagining Tahu in metru red, or Gali in dark blue...).

  4. I definitely agree. I remember one day picking up my Jaller Inika, looking at him and thinking "those proportions are hideous!" This was mainly aimed at just how wide the shoulders are and the fact that the arms don't even touch the body when falling straight - that huge gap between arm and body is not normal.


    Given another weapon and mask, what you've made could probably be sold as a new set. Making a new Toa is that easy, folks! All it needs is the same assortment of pieces used over the last two years, a different mask and weapon and bam! There it is! You could be a Lego set designer.

  5. Happy (late) Birthday Tortuga! You're getting all grown up now (or so you'd like to think). I see you have a (somewhat) interesting birthday, too. Hope you enjoyed it. (Poor poor Arnie. If only he knew...)


    You should so buy Maxilos and Spinax (and tell me if you find it in a store). (Much) better than the other Titans.


    Good luck in your results! I'm sure you'll do fine (well, possibly...maybe...perhaps...who knows). I'm certain you'll do better in them than I will in my AS levels (come out thursday. Eep!). If you turn up to sixth form next year with less than 5 A*s, you DIE! (although I might just kill you anyway for the fun of it...)


    See you in September!

  6. Ah, you're of that opinion are you, GMan? Fair enough. I'll leave it there as I'm too lazy to say anything more, let alone anything meaningful.


    Don't worry, I've kept the Eragon part very spoiler-free ToM. I've pretty much omitted everything except the most basic details of the plot, and even they're cut down a lot.


    With that aside, I had lots of fun ice skating. As usual, I didn't fall over. Unlike last time, I didn't make anyone else fall over (Our class had an ice skating trip before the summer hols, and I managed to make my tutor/history teacher fall over). Balancing can be a pain to start with, but after enough practise (about 6 years, in my case) it becomes second-nature. I now find it easier balancing with skates on the ice than off it!


    Unfortunately, the skates this time were too narrow, and my right foot hurts. Somewhat inconvenient, as I have the expedition of death tommorow. I'm sure I'll survive somehow...I just need to remember to take my bus pass. :P

  7. Much goes on in my head, yes. The majority of it useless, I must say. I'm hoping a blog will be useful if I ever want to try and unclutter my brain. Perhaps writing things down will help a bit.


    Oh yes, I'm still around ToM. Logging onto BZP has become a difficult habit to break. It's not that I enjoy it, honest! Why would that ever make me come on here?


    LEMONS! *runs off happily*

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