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Tuan Taureo

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Tuan Taureo

  1. Tuan Taureo


    This explains SO MUCH.
  2. Tuan Taureo


    Guys that make their own bread are cool. :3
  3. Quantum mechanics have an awful lot to teach us.
  4. That's what I'm afraid of--I'm gunna be the one paying for it all. ... WAT.
  5. If they said that, then I do hope they share the expenses too.
  6. Tuan Taureo


    The mini-comic-ness made me lul. I do wonder: is this the general banter between Kiina and Berix in the movie too? They're like an old married couple, aren't they.
  7. Tuan Taureo

    New Moon

    This made me chuckle. XD
  8. Add another one to the list of people breathing a discreet sigh of relief at this news.
  9. ... What tнe #$*! Dө ωΣ (k)πow!? Book. Movie. Read. Watch.
  10. Tuan Taureo


    Now I have a mental image of a ten foot polearm impaling a stack of movie reels. ... STABSTABSTABSTAB
  11. Bad Things go on forever so that we can tell the Good Things apart. If it is of any consolation, there aren't a whole lotta people out there that can apply Capital Initial Letters quite the way you do when you wish to get a poignant point across.
  12. OMG I SHOULD BUY A TAHUZ STARS AND PUT IT ON THE DASHBOARD TOO. OMG SO DOING IT!! ... XD You do realise you're going to have to present photographs as evidence of this awesomeness eventually. ;P
  13. Tuan Taureo


    See, this is where you're supposed to just lean back in your most comfortable chair and think 'popcorn'. I, for one, am pretty much only going to see this movie for the speshul FXes. And it'll probably be on a rented DVD anyway. I'll admit - I laughed so hard at the rampant cheese of that first big trailer. Epic cheese was epic. (Naturally, they've completely missed the point of the whole shebang, but that's another story for another place and another time.)
  14. Tuan Taureo

    I Am L.

    I reiterate: you look kickaft, Tor. :3
  15. Don't forget the BZP van. We must have a BZP van next year.
  16. ... Global Moderator. The Husky is now a Global Moderator.

    This explains the screams of excrutiating pain that have been coming from Janus' general direction lately. :P

  17. ... you make it sound like living in Europe for more than a year is a detrimental thing.
  18. This thing requires a mention purely on account of that awesome Still Alive modification. This is the reason why I always refer to you as "Meister Bink". --Tuan
  19. Quoted For Great Truth. ... come to think, we probably wouldn't have had that third Bionicle movie if Vakama hadn't dropped his brains on the bottom of the Protodermis Sea during the boat trip back to Metru Nui. --Tuan
  20. I wouldn't own any LEGO whatsoever today but for the grace of Bionicle. --Tuan
  21. Tuan Taureo


    That Tahu Titan WIP is seriously making my mouth water. And that little Scout thingie is very very neat. And those Knights Kingdom Mods are so appropriate for their respective likenesses that it restarts being funny several times over.
  22. Tuan Taureo

    Name Change Phail

    Exactly. That's exactly the kind of attitude one must have to watch that movie, or indeed any movie that's built on those premises. And if you do, it's a hoot to watch.
  23. I concur with the Husky. :3

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