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Tuan Taureo

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Tuan Taureo

  1. Tuan Taureo

    Sorry, Rene

    Most. Epic. Profile Pic. Ever.
  2. Tuan Taureo

    Sorry, Rene

    Or blaze away upon a rainbow while riding a robot unicorn ...
  3. ... that is insanely cute. ♥
  4. You are now my hero. R+J reference FTW. ~ BCmon ... so what does it say about me that I got that reference right away too? Don't answer that. *high-five* ~ BCmon XD *high-fives back*
  5. Tuan Taureo

    Toa Of Love

    ... oi. Man. That is one batch of eyesearing pink. e___+ But I do so adore the fact that you made this a male. =3 Also, accidental lols FTW. XD
  6. Tuan Taureo

    Life Of Lady K

    Allow me to point out (once more) how deeply I adore that crumpled-up paper piece in the trash bin.
  7. ... a tiny little corner of my mind wants to know what kind of fetid depths of the Library you must've descended into in order to unearth a sufficient amount of rancid to warrant a blog entry of this flavour. Nevertheless - I salute thee, Empress. Your snark is golden, as always. As for love: it's a good thing when it's treated as a natural progression of character development and/or group dynamics. It's not a good thing when it's employed for the sole purpose of presenting a blatant cliché fest and/or author wish fulfilment. It is possible to sneak in author wish fulfilment and still make it an engaging story, but that requires a great deal of writing talent, none of which anyone should take for granted. I know I don't. --Tuan
  8. Tuan Taureo


    Go ahead and rahk the news page, Jo.
  9. You and your LEGO designer smexy, ToM. ♥
  10. Another odd one out here. *raises hand* It's just been such an awful long time since last I dealt with even basic algebra. So please don't ask me anything.
  11. Now you know why this one is headed for a Master of Science in Astrophysics.
  12. Tuan Taureo


    ... he'd be about the same size and proportions as a Toa Olda, right? I am officially freaked out by the scale of the Av-toran pieces.
  14. Tuan Taureo

    Oh No... :(

    This is why on-campus libraries exist.
  15. Buggerall you guys and your hilarious chat quotes. D:
  16. They do have something on the ground. 10 000 feet of gravitationally bound gaseous nitrogen and oxygen, that's what. You'd be surprised how much weight a square meter receives from the top of the stratosphere all the way to the earth's surface. Just saying.
  17. *has exploded laughing at so many separate bullet points* As far as I'm concerned, you have a perfectly adequate sense of priority, dear. Aside from the Transformers. ... I wish I had a blog approval stamp.
  18. Oh gods now I want star!Takky too. o___o If only that was an actual white Avohkii ...
  19. If I had a blog approval stamp thingie, you'd get it right this instant. :3
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