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Status Updates posted by Motago

  1. Doks totally rox.

  2. hai lowel my frend!

  3. My 14th birthday was epic win as I recall. We all dressed up as LoTR characters and made a movie. It was quite good.

  4. lolrus! So far my birthday has consisted of an essay exam and Spanish homework, but it's all good. ;) Thanks for the well wishes.

  5. Yes indeedydo. :D Will be 19 years of age tomorrow. 19 years will I have walked this earth...

  6. Howdy howdy. :D Nice to hear from you. I'm at the University of Oklahoma right now, so life is good and busy, but I usually come onto BZP if something exciting is going on. How're you?

  7. I was sick for 6ish days with a fever this week :(

    Now I'm feeling a bit better and catching up on homework and soccer games. You?

  8. Howdy howdy howdy.

  9. Yaaaay! :D I'm so glad to hear from you, buddy.

  10. I will probably not return to the Motago Show, although TMD and I are working on something just as funny. Stay tuned!

  11. I love you too. ^^

  12. Are you going to be DoksBuff pretty soon with your gym then?

  13. Aaah! I can't believe I missed your birthday! =O I am sooo sad...happy belated birthday. You can send me some stale birthday cake to choke on. It would serve me right.

  14. And now I have this thingamabobber...pull-up bar thing. On my doorway. Pretty sweet. I can feel myself getting all strong and good-looking already.

    "You! Yes, you! In the mirror! How dare you look so handsome!"

  15. I just got back from doing three miles today btw...and it was a lot harder today. Oi. Not so great. Felt like quitting around the 8th lap...but I shall oooovercoooome. XD

  16. "who is that a reference to?" That would be myself. XD

    I used to do timed runs - like a mile in under 7 minutes. My best time was 6:06. My brother got 5:52 when he was training for the AFA. Now he's probably faster lol. Crazy kid.

  17. A lot of people I know don't have the patience for running either. For me, though, I don't have the patience to feel an inescapable need to die/throw up out on the soccer field because my endurance is out. XD

  18. Aaah, weights. I prefer running to any other exercise...although I did recently acquire a pull-up bar. Pretty sweet. As for my time - 28 minutes. Not grand, but a start.

  19. I ran three miles today. And on Wednesday and Thursday. Isn't that so amazing.

  20. It's possible. Either way, no tengo más tiempo. XD

  21. It's really cool for me to see that people still remember it and enjoy it. :)

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