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Metallic O'Dalek

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Status Updates posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. I keep telling myself that one of these days I'll come back and interact on this site again...

  2. I am still unclear on the purpose of this feed. Maybe if I logged in more than every few to several months I could determine it. But that would take too much work.

  3. I find the question "WHat's on your mind?" to be rather insulting, as it implies I have a mind, which is a thing I have half a mind to deny I have, if only to spite the profile feed's input bar thing.

  4. I was going to type a long drawn out sentence that basically came down to "Hi", but it looked stupid, so greetings.

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Hello there! =D How are you?

  5. In one hour and sixty minutes, it will be two hours later than it is at the time of your reading this. My, my, how time flies.

    1. Sejuani



  6. I must say that your current avatar is oddly amusing.

    1. Metallic O'Dalek

      Metallic O'Dalek

      And of course, right after posting this, I noticed your latest update to this feed, on which I could have said what I did.

    2. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Heh, thanks...

      ...and it's okay :D

  7. And lo there was a profile feed, standing before me a mere shadow of its former glory, long since forgetting how to be SOMETHING, and having settled for just BEING.

  8. This profile feed sure is neglected a lot... I'm amazed it hasn't run away by now to fend for itself in the wilds, where it might be better off.

  9. I am leaving you a message in your profile feed to let you know that I'm leaving you a message in your profile feed.

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      I am replying to your message in my profile feed to let me know that you're leaving a message in my profile feed to let you know that I have read and replied to your message in my profile feed to let me know that you're leaving a message in my profile feed.


      (in other words, hi! =D)

    2. Metallic O'Dalek

      Metallic O'Dalek

      As surely as the sun will not rise in the far northern wastes of an unknown planetoid, I greeteth thee in return.

  10. So I just found out that Iron Sky, my new favourite documentary isn't actually a documentary given to us by time-travelling survivors from 2035, and the Nazis didn't actually set up a base on the dark side of the moon, and as such won't actually attack Earth in 2018, sparking a nuclear World War III. I'm gonna go cry in a corner.

    1. Metallic O'Dalek

      Metallic O'Dalek

      Also, who needs a blog when you can just post random stuff in your profile like this?

  11. This profile feed leaves a lot to be desired, doesn't it?

  12. Your disappearance and brief reappearance and then disappearance once more greatly saddens me. .-.

  13. Is this one dead, too? We shall poke them both, yes, and we shall see if they stir. *poke*

  14. Is it dead? Shall we poke it to see? Hrm? *poke*

  15. Best username EVAR. XD



      yea halo ce anniversary was comin soon so i thought...

  16. I was just checking if you were still alive. :P

  17. Oy... How did I miss your response? O_o

  18. Dude, there's this thing outside my door... It's really weird looking. It has these big, green orbs on either side of its "head" that I assume are "eyes". It also has, like, fifty-two (I counted) tentacle-like appendages, and keeps jerking about like it owns the place. Did I mention the apparent anti-gravity abilities it seems to possess?

    1. Zionfighter7G


      Thats just Ol' Slendy all dressed up, mate!

  19. Needz moar activity.

  20. The banner in your signature... It made me lol.

  21. What the frick is this thing? It's like an update box or something, yeah? It's so weird... Kind of creepy... Should I be scared by it? I dunno... This thing is giving me the creeps... I think I should hit Post, but what if that's short for "Post Apocalypse" and it sends me into the future and I die a terrible, violent, gory death at the hands (paws?) of mutant Nazi Aqausquirrels? D:

    1. Metallic O'Dalek

      Metallic O'Dalek

      Oh, oh god... I mean, good... I didn't get shoved into a post-nuclear war situation when I hit Post... Not today, mutant Nazi Aquasquirrels!

  22. I just lost The Game. Just thought people'd like to know...

  23. Your Personal Pic. It is epic. =D

  24. [Anti-Munchkin Propoganda Here]

  25. [Anti-Munchkin Propoganda Here]

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