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Metallic O'Dalek

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Blog Entries posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. Metallic O'Dalek
    She has my brain. As long as she has my brain, I am her servant... In other words, may I please have my brain back? Actually, I take that back. Keep it. You'll probably take better care of it than I will...
    For more information on this development, check out the comment boxes in Nikira's and my profiles.
  2. Metallic O'Dalek
    I have the perfect idea for a Drive musicvid, so I went to Windows Movie Maker, imported the song, cleared out the videos from my previous, unfinshed video, and went to import videos from my sister's files, and, as I found out, she doesn't have any. This. Raelly. Sucks. I have the perfect song for it, too! >=(
  3. Metallic O'Dalek
    I just tricked a couple of cops into hitting their own spike strip! That was awesome! I also led some others, and my opponent, into a road block! And I herded a car into some others! And I slowed down enough that four of them slid to a stop... right on top of some of the barrels dropped by the helicopter! And I bought a Porschesp?! All while listening to my sister's MP3 Player! =D
  4. Metallic O'Dalek
    So, I hear you wnat to live my life. Correct? Well, to do that, there are a couple of basics that are necessary. One, you must know the importanceof Dr. Pepper as a source of caffine. Second, you must know how not to make friends with girls. I've tried, but no matter what, they shun me amd go for the biggest ##### in the school. Third, you must have a basic understanding of how computer programs work. Fourth, you must be bad at math. And I mean bad. Sixth, or is it fifth? You must be able to memorize how any T.V. controller works in five seconds flat or better. Sixth, you must be an astronomy geek. Seventh, you must love science. Eighth, you must be good at spelling. Ninth, you must be able to locate the date of the next Shuttle Launch a maximum of a week before it happens. Tenth, you must know how to not have any friends outside of the internet. And finally, and most importantly, you must know the first fourteen decimals of Pi by heart.
    Think you can accept this? =D
  5. Metallic O'Dalek
    Today seems kind of supernatural, if you know what I mean. I just saw a crow fly out of a particularly thick patch of fog, and it looked like it faded in to being, and then when it went into another patch, it seemed to fade out of existence. And to add to that, my cat just seemingly teleported across a large distance. And my birds seem kind of creepy today, attacking eachother. Wish me luck in school today, I just hope I don't get bitten by a Vampire that's been waiting inside the school building for hundreds of years...
  6. Metallic O'Dalek
    So, who's up for a game? =D
    Goal: Be the last one standing
    How to play: This is a game for a minimum of four players. First, everyone playing picks a number between one and ten. Whoever guesses first gets to ask any other player a question that they should know, and whether they want a one sentence, one paragraph, or essay length answer. If the player who is asked can't answer, they're "Dead" and are out of the game. The last person who is still in is the winner. Questions?
    List of players:
    1.) Xccj
    2.) -Taipu-
    3.) Onyx 27
    4.) Teebert
    5.) BioHero T12
    6.) ~Rohn~
    1.) Dalek
    2.) ---
    3.) ---
  7. Metallic O'Dalek
    Awesome is an understatement. That concert I cannot describe with a word. On the way there, I rode with some friends in a jeep, with the top down (=D), blring "Where Do We Go From Here" (Their third album), and singing along with it. Then, when we got they had the other bands play, etc. until the best part. PILLAR! YAY And we were in the designated Mosh Pit, too. =D
    List of songs played (not in order):
    For the Love of the Game
    Wherever the Wind Blows (My favorite! =D)
    Smiling Down
    Chasing Shadows At Midnight
    State Of Emergency
    Reckless Youth
    Turn It Up
    Throw Down
    One of their first songs, which I don't remember the name of
    Jesus Freak by DCTalk
    Their were probably some others that I forgot...
    In other news, I have a new Pillar hat with all their autographs on it. =D
    Oh, and I learned that you should never jump up and down while holding an open cola... >.<
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