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Metallic O'Dalek

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Blog Entries posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. Metallic O'Dalek
    1.) Turakii's entry just wiped out all hope of my art contest entry making it through the Prelims, and 2.) I just got back from going to the theatre with the Middle and High school of my school. =D
  2. Metallic O'Dalek
    Name what these quotes are from! =D
    "It appears that the race results have been called off on account of interference from a group of un-entered cars! You'll just have to forget the whole thing, folks!"
    "Meanwhile, in a secret hotel room, the secret leader of the Alpha Team is holding a secret meeting."
    "No! My car! My beautiful car!"
    "'Why should we deliver the letter? Why can't you give it to him yourself?' 'I'll give you candy.' 'Deal!'"
    "I've always wondered what a Parachute ride feels like. *Gasp*" (Gets shot at)
    So, can you guess what those are all taken from? Oh, and I won't give any hints other than this: It has a movie coming out.
  3. Metallic O'Dalek
    ...Until I can take out the XBox again, and finally unlock the plane needed for where I left off on Heroes of the Pacific. Must... survive... >.<
    In other news, I was going to go hiking with my Youth Pastor and a couple friends, but then everyone but me and him dropped out for various reasons. Instead, we ended up going and picking out some birthday cards for his neighbor, his wife, and his sister. Yep. It was worth it though! We got to remove the front windows from his jeep and blast Pillar's CD Fireproof while talking[/i] yelling over the music. =D
  4. Metallic O'Dalek
    The following is a list of songs that you should hear if you haven't already, starting with my favorites, and ending with my least favorites:
    Wherever The Wind Blows
    Get Back
    For The Love Of The Game
    State of Emergency
    The Reckoning
    I Fade Away
    Forever Starts Now
    Chasing Shadows At Midnight
    Last Goodbye
    State Of Emergency (Did I already say that one?)
    When Tomorrow Comes
    Let It Out
    Where Do We Go From Here
    Yep, that's all I can think of right now. Can you guess who did them? =D
  5. Metallic O'Dalek
    Dokky's back. And in response to question number two in his newest blog entry, I'd sooner stick my head in a case of rabid wombats than love the likes of him. =l
    In other news, I'm thinking of having a mailbag in my blog, where people drop me PMs and I reply to them in blog entries. =D
  6. Metallic O'Dalek
    'Ello! I've decided too hold an art contest in my blog, but you probably figured that out by the title, right?
    Goal: Draw the Bionicle world under attack by a race from another universe, i.e. Doctor Who.
    Contest starts - Now
    Entries stop - April 26 @ 9:00 Pm Pacific Time/12:00 Am Eastern Time
    Preliminary voting - April 26 - April 27
    Semi-Finals - April 27 - April 29
    Finals - April 29 - May 1
    1.) Have fun!
    2.) Work has to be original. It cannot be based on another person's ideas.
    3.) There is a maximum of two entries per person.
    4.) No voting twice.
    Entry form:
    Topic (if it has one):
    Entrant: Toa Kazvir Mistika
    Entrant: Odarca
    Entry: Link
    HAVE FUN!!
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