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Metallic O'Dalek

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Blog Entries posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. Metallic O'Dalek
    It sucks, to put it straight forward. Last year was cool because it was held out for so long, and almost every year's joke before, from what I can see, was better. Honestly, I think they could have done much better.
  2. Metallic O'Dalek
    We here at the Anti-Fail Campaign believe in eliminating "Fail" from improper use on BZP, and, hopefully, the rest of the internet. If you want to join this campaign, say "I QUIT!" in a comment.

    Egotistical O' Dalek
    Takua the Wanderer
    BrassEXE Toa of Gold
    ~Phoenix Wright~
    -{Administrator Kingg}-
    Squid Army
    Pro Failists/Wanted List:
    Emporer Whenua
    Onyx 27
    Toa Huki
  3. Metallic O'Dalek
    The end of another glorious Spring Break is upon me, the end of a week of non-stop fun. The time when I have to wait a couple more months before I can take out the XBox once more... and FINALLY beat that stupid mission on Heroes of the Pacific that I've been working on for almost half the freakin' week! >.< Oh, and I've decided I like the word "oi". And I've taken up this new font, color, and sign-off. Guess who I stole the sign-off and font from. Oh, and to the person I took it from, don't say it.=P
  4. Metallic O'Dalek
    We here at the Anti-Win Campaign, believe in lowering the usage of the word "win", if not eliminating it entirely, in BZP communication. To join, say "Fail" in your comment in this entry.
    Egotistical O' Dalek
    Toa Kazvir Mistika
    Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins
    BrassEXE Toa of Gold
    Takua the Wanderer
    Most wanted:
    Emperor Whenua
    MercenaryXero (Sexy)
    -{Administrator Kingg}-
    Onyx 27

  5. Metallic O'Dalek
    A Tribute To Carapar
    Your armor was a golden-brown as the sun,
    You looked almost like a Hun,
    You tried to kill the great Tren,
    And now look what happened then.

    This is dedicated to you, Turakii, for the loss of your boyfriend. B)
  6. Metallic O'Dalek
    I will now compromise my awesome look (you know it's true!) by digging up posts from when I was newer, and displaying them for all to ridicule. =)





    Go on, ridicule them, you know you want to... =D
  7. Metallic O'Dalek
    Join the Anti-Oiers and rid BZP of the foulest of words: Oi.

    Egotistical O' Dalek
    ///Dalek Paan///
    Takua the Wanderer
    Aperature Science Employee
    -{Administrator Kingg}-
    Wanted list:
    Toa Kasvir Mistika
    Takua the Wanderer
    Traitors! All of you!

  8. Metallic O'Dalek
    Chocolate Peeps.
    Favorite torture methods:
    1.) Cut off the ears
    2.) Cut off the faces
    3.) Cut off right ear, stick under bowl on on plate, microwave for one minute
    4.) Slowly cut off ears, then face, then head
    5.) Hang upside down from string and beat like a pinata (sp?)
    6.) Stick in cup of water, then microwave while wet
    7.) Cut out liver, and microwave liver
    8.) Cut apart, rearrange, and microwave
    I will gladly accept and try suggestions. =D
  9. Metallic O'Dalek
    That I'm going to put a entry death date in my blog. from now on, any entry over thirty days old that is posted in by someone other than me or a staff member will be locked for entry revival. Have fun. =D
  10. Metallic O'Dalek
    I think I've figured out why I've been having such a hard time on that one mission. =D I've been using the Corsair, which only has bombs, guns, and rockets. The bombs are what have been making it harder, because they don't do very much damage to the Destroyer, and make it so I have to be exactly aligned with the deck. I'm thinking I should iuse the Avenger, which can carry a torpedo, and not bombs, and might make it quicker to sink the cruiser, allowing me to have that done before the Kates arrive. Anyone who is good at this sort of thing, tell me if you think it'll work. Please? =)
  11. Metallic O'Dalek
    I can't get past this one freakin' mission on "Heroes of the Pacific". I always either get shot down by AA fire from the heavy cruiser I have to sink and Zeroes behind me, or too many Kates get through me and my wing and bomb the Air base! Maybe if I tried using a Torpedo Bomber... Arrgh! >=(
    Did I mention I've been at it for almost a week now? >=( X2
  12. Metallic O'Dalek
    This is the place where you can find directions to any Adopt-a-pet centers around the blogs. Notify me of any that were forgotten using the following form:
    Name of blog:
    Owner of blog:
    Type of pet:
    Link to entry (if there is one):
    The list (Not in alphabetical order):
    Name of blog: .:Frozen Blog:.
    Owner of blog: ~Laughin'Man~
    Type of pet: Fuzzy Tree Meeper
    Link to entry: Here
    Name of blog: The Lair
    Owner of blog: ~Rohn~
    Type of pet: Blokkos and Foops
    Link to entry: Here
    Name of blog: The Catalina
    Owner of blog: Air Force O' Dalek
    Type of pet: Stroodler
    Link to entry: Here
    Name of blog: The Catalina
    Owner of blog: Air Force O' Dalek
    Type of pet: Guard Squid
    Link to entry: Here
    Name of blog: Splurbs of Hope ╬ Laughs of Joy ♫ Across the Universe ♫
    Owner of blog: •TAKi•
    Type of pet: Munki
    Link to entry: No entry.
    More will be added as pointed to.
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