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Metallic O'Dalek

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Blog Entries posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. Metallic O'Dalek
    What should I do if I'm in a bad mood and my sisters try to cheer me up?
    A.) Smoke them over an open fire
    B.) Lock them in a room with angry wolverines
    C.) Leave them for the worms
    D.) Shave their heads
    E.) Run like heck to get away
  2. Metallic O'Dalek
    I've started playing it again. MAN am I out of practice. I used to be able to get something like 12,000 somethin' points for one race on Advanced in the Ferrari F-50, and now I can barely make 8,000. =/ Anyone else play this? As a note, this is NFS:HP2 I'm talking about here...
  3. Metallic O'Dalek

    It's not what the title would suggest. Find the link.
    For the near-sighte, half-blind freaks among you, LINK
  4. Metallic O'Dalek
    I'm telling you, there's a conspiracy! First Smeag, now Makaru! At this rate, the whole of BZPower will become girls! The admins are plotting our demise. Even as you read this, they communicate through Email and Pms! In fact, I'm most likely to be one of their next victims, as I've discovered this plot. We must act now! If we don't, you'll all be sorry! Well, don't just sit there, do something! Even as I type, the Admins close in on me, they're planning to convert my gender! It's just sick! SICK! S-I-C-K! Well you know what? I refuse! I refuse to be changed! I will not fall to these great powers of the Admins! This power they have been given has effected their minds, turning them into monsters! Monsters, I tell you! It's crazy! M-O-N-S-T-E-R-S! I'm probably being changed as you read this! I'm serious! They plan to change us all to girls! Oh, and you know what? I absolutely REFUSE to go clothes shopping if they do it to me! I REFUSE! You got that? R-E-F-U-S-E! Ha! "It's secret", they said, "they'll never know", they said. HA! I laugh in your faces, Admins! I figured something was up, and I cracked the code! You'll never get away with this! Never! N-E-V-E-R! NEVER! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!
  5. Metallic O'Dalek
    I'm dead. I swear I just saw some Special Ops troopers outside my house, sneaking around in the dark. I think there may also be a helicopter coming. Did I mention the black van that nearly ran me down during lunch at school? And it's all my fault! I just couldn't resist. I just had to take that folder marked "Top Secret" that I found in the middle of the road. Now I'm gonna pay. Somebody hide me! Anybody! But only if you're out of the country and don't mind hiding a fugitive. Then again, Interpol might find me. =(
  6. Metallic O'Dalek
    ...You belong in an insane asylum somewhere in Norway, which makes perfect sense when you think about it for twenty years. Without sleep. Or food. Or drink. Or fun. Nothing. Nothing but cold, silence, and hedgehogs. Which also makes sense, but only if you double the time of contemplation. And that makes sense if you reverse the polarity, invert the equalizer, and divide by the fifth root of Forty-three. And that makes sense if you reverse the polarity, invert the equalizer, and divide by the fifth root of Forty-three, multiply that by the forty-seventh multiple of Fifty-two, sit on ahedgehog, divide the numbers of the resulting word by Sixty, and watch Care Bears re-runs for a week. Unfortunately, this does have one slight side-effect. You break out in a bad case of Death. Other than that, you should be fine.
  7. Metallic O'Dalek
    The admins are turning me into a female goat. It's true. They obviously plan on doing this over a long period of time, as they have only changed my gender so far... Xccj was right.
    Oh, yeah, refer to the last entry for reference...
  8. Metallic O'Dalek
    Welcome to my new abode, I have decided to change stuff around in here, and form the Empire of Phlegm, the greatest ever empire to rule the blogs. Bow before me, fool members! >=D
    To become part of this empire, put "Empire of Phlegm" somewhere in the title of your blog, but only if you have one. If you don't have a blog, put it somewhere in your signature. I shall rule all I can get! *insert maniacal laughter*



    I really hope someone will join me. First person to join this empire gets every other conquest we get. =D
    Oh, yeah. Our theme is "Frontline" by Pillar.
    Don't forget to make an entry about how good the empire is when you join!
    For the "Doctor Who" fans: Tap tap tap tap. Tap tap tap tap. Tap tap tap tap. Tap tap tap tap. Tap tap tap tap. Tap tap tap tap... Let's see how many people get the reference. (Hint for the clueless: The Master was in this series of episodes) >=)
    In other news, two of the other guys in my math class are #####. I brought up at lunch that I like "Doctor Who", and they started making fun of it, doing things like saying that "Doctor Who sucks ####" and calling it a show for little kids, which it most definitly NOT. Hmph. At least my English/Science teacher and Greek teacher like it.
  9. Metallic O'Dalek
    I was walking along, minding my own business as I went down my hall way in the dark, when suddenly I found myself veering for my life to avoid being injured by a wall that had mysteriously come from the shadows! It almost KILLED me! I thought I'd never see you guys again! =O
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