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Status Updates posted by Kothra

  1. *classic Hyper Beam*

  2. I really don't like it when people have : and such around their name, but it actually looks decent with yours.


    *nova beam*


  5. I have lots of guns now. :P

  6. {bayonetted guns}

  7. I used to play Maplestory, but it took up WAY too much of my time.

  8. I think I can start Koth now. Maybe.

  9. You are now my personal pizza maker. =)

  10. *kills both you and I*

  11. YU


  12. To diminish the epicness of your name, I now declare to you my loss of The Game.

  13. You and your 40k stuff. :P

  14. Happy birthday. :P

  15. Well Arc is a meanie, so its just me, but it looks awesome so far.

  16. Im eatin ur base.

  17. That's fine. I can wait. I've been sick for the weekend. :(

  18. yu

    yu cheater >:(

  19. Arc and I were making Xaniskit MJOLNIR. You can keep doing what you're doing, but in the end, we'll see who's is better.


  20. You sir, need to update your blog. :P

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