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Status Updates posted by Kothra

  1. A noob (=P) that uses grammar and correct spellings! WOOT!

  2. A USB connector is "only" 40 bucks.



  4. Aakau has some amizing concept stuff. I'll PM you later.

  5. Aargh! Name change! My eyes!

  6. Absolutely not.

  7. According to the newest news article, it is a possibility that next year's sets and stuff will have latin-ish names and stuff.

  8. Actually Iwas. But my mom was fussy about video games.

  9. Actually, because my mom MUST get a new computer eventually, I will probably get a DSi and Shadow Dragon.

  10. Actually, he's right. You just have no taste in Uematsu's 1999 masterpiece.

  11. Actually, I basically have Battlefield 2, but I need a better computer. :P

  12. Actually, I just wanted to try out this smilie face.


  13. Actually, I now make an exception to a select few songs, and foreign rap, primarily Japanese.

  14. Actually, I'm near Goldenrod now.

  15. Actually, the Null ARCs are even better.

  16. Actually, the Null ARCs are even better.

  17. Actually, there's only one of his original characters, which is Talkio.

    But if you thought that I meant HIM, then you're wrong.

    I meant all of his characters.

  18. Actually, you live 7 hours ahead of me, apparently. it's 2:30 PM here and it says 9:30 PM there.

  19. Actually, your highlighting looks better than some of the highlighting for my new Tau coolour scheme.

    Speaking of which, I forgot to highlight those two gun drones. >.

  20. Actualy, I maybe I should make Laykus the Imperator...

    Laykus is my leader.

  21. Add a "you" after "Only".

  22. Advertising for your own comics in someone else's topic is against the rules.

  23. After making comic in Blaseman's topic, are you going to start your own?

  24. After the credits of the PSA, there is a little treat for you.

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