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Status Updates posted by Kothra

  1. I do happen to like the randomness and stuff involved with your new name. :P

  2. I drove the forklift in Project Reality. :D

  3. Well now it looks somewhat too shiny to be kevlar...

  4. Is that a PASGT?

    And is that real kevlar one or a replica?

  5. What the heck is a katar?

    Also Ōkami yesyesyesyesyesyes.

  6. And you've been in most of the RPG's that I remember I've played in.

  7. Well you ARE one of the judges. :P

  8. For some reason, I end up looking up to the big CoT RPG people like they're gods. Robo and to a lesser extent, Exo-Fat are the only ones who've I've actually talked to.

  9. I feel like I really should talk to you, but it makes me feel inferior. xP

    You just seem like such an awesome person.

  10. I guess you can't really tell unless you zoon in. I would know it's a syringe because I spebt like an hour or so posing the Medic for that shot.

  11. It's a syringe.

  12. iTunes lololololol

  13. My Tunes is the stuff of mind-blowingness.

  14. So you're Garda, huh.

    Well anyway, Deidara is pretty awesome.

  15. I was playing Project Reality once , and there was this random forklift or something (I think). It was strange.

  16. Yes, made in GMod.

  17. Calculus homeowrk in the middle of summer sucks. D:

  18. My cat tends to eat people.


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