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Status Updates posted by Kothra

  1. Wait... Makito's your brother? O_O


  2. I'm on FoC after you reply to my PM.

  3. I may accept or I may not. It just depends on how my opinion of you ends up.



  5. I have 13(?) energy tanks and 115 missiles.

    I don't waste any in the moment before he charges.

  6. OMG. I have 300 posts. *you now hear a sarcastic "woohoo"

  7. Ugh. Comment was too long.

    -Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge

    -Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal

    -Axis & Allies: Anniversary Edition (Oct. 28 (?))

    The newest one is for celebrating 50 years of the company that currently produces the game, thoughit is still designed by the guy that did the original. It is also the newest world-spanning game, and features Italy as its own

  8. Mostly just the Infection thing. It;s just kinda wierd. O_o

  9. Well happy birthday I guess. =P

  10. I fyou don't read them, I will have Chuck Norris hunt you down.

  11. ... O_o ...


    You can't see me...

  12. Back from a MTG drafted session.

  13. Moo. Another one too long.

    That should be "Italy as its own faction."

  14. Is your name writtewn in the Book? Are you one of those who betrayed Caliban? One of those who brought shame and dishonour upon our Chapter?

  15. The Vahki ones? Yes.

  16. Dude, I had so many of those today, I had to give some away to friends.

    And yesterday too.

  17. If you're going to use 'de,' you should at least use the French word for storms as well (which I don't know off the top of my head). But then it'd be better as 'of the' storms, turning 'de' into 'au'...

  18. Wait, you're in league with Overlord?


    Join, for I am better.

  19. Good.

    For some strange reason, I get the feeling that if I annoy someone, then everyone is going to hate me.

    But (most) people aren't like that, which is good.

  20. NO WAI!

    Omg this is weird.

  21. O YA I DID.

    Yeah, I couldn't work on the comic at all yesterday. =/

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