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Blog Comments posted by Tahuri

  1. Get rid of those Hordika heads in the legs... NAOW!!!


    Ha! Hordika heads, not even close. The heads actually from Throwbots from like 1999.


    and I like them, I think you should keep them. ^^

    No, there's also Hordika necks in there, dude. <_<



    Thought he meant the feet, sorry...

  2. How do you pronounce "Dokuma?"


    Are you going/did you go on vacation this year? If so, where?

    Already did, went to San Diego for the weekend in June.

    How many holes in a polo?

    4 Holes. and 2 O's

    Did you read my blog in the early days, before I re-bought Premier Membership a few months ago?

    Nope, sorry I didn't start reading blogs until, I got my Premier Memebership, but I wish had read your blog!

    Should I?

    No, your blog is terrible and I never want to see it again


    ( now replace no, terrible, and never with: Yes, Hillarious, and Always. ) :P



  3. Ok, I've never done this before, so what the heck, I'm in.


    Look here for reference of color scheme, and look:





    For the mask, choose whatever you think is necessary.


    Any problems Please PM me with it.










    Owch. Major owch. Major, major owch. Major, major, major owch. Hey, would you like it in ToM sprites, or a complete ToM sheet for yourself?


    Well, they are awesome. Strangely, you'd think that Metrukuta (part three of the trio, right?) would have a custom Kanohi.



    I can make the masks myself, no need it's just I make custom masks for other kits when someone needs me in that form for comics. ( thats why it killed me to chimoru, but it was for someone else. BLECH! )


    Oh and Metrukuta has a custom mask, yes it does look a little like Makuta's, but it isn't its all custom.





    I wonder how they'd look in Rayg or ToM...


    On the other hand, if you want to assist with voice acting, there's a whole heap of roles still available for The Unknown Turaga Movie. ;)


    Thats what I meant for that movie. ^^


    oh and I actually have made my mask I made for most kits, actually only four, Rayg, Razor, RZ, and sadly chimoru ><

    ( not proud of it... I had to for SK11 since he's going to put me in his upcomming comics.)


    Well thanks for the complement for our masks! ^^







  6. I have no problems with it, so maybe "Not Ideal" is the better term.




    Nope Fail. :P


    I'm sure it's fine for you, just I don't perfer it, and I had to work with it today on a different comp, and I was reminded how much it failed compared to Firefox, Safari and Others. (I like Safari personally.)


  7. You could try getting rid of the image and posting it again. Or switch to Firefox. That might help.


    Thanks, I think I'll try re-downloading the image. ^^


    No fire-fox though, since I don't want a new browser, I want the image to work for all internet browsers, not just mine, and besides it works for mine fine, just not IE.





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