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Gladius Dei

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Everything posted by Gladius Dei

  1. Someone needs to make a competitive FPS with maps based off of Escher's pictures. It would be amazing.

  2. Ooh man. My first post on here since Bionicle died. While I'm sure the rules here have changed a bit over the years, in my experience, those in charge of the site have generally done a good job enforcing things and keeping discussion civil. That being said, if Bionicle is revived and there's an influx of new members, I believe it will be up to us old codgers to provide a good example for the newbies. Here's hoping the new guys will follow suit.
  3. The Sentinel was epic, and Private Jenkins was hilarious (it was the face). Pretty nice job overall. Would it be possible to cover up that little gap between the lower-leg and the foot on the Hunter, though?GD
  4. yay! The forums are back, and shinier than ever! Hopefully the wait taught me enough patience that I won't spend so much time on the forums that my grades suffer. Oh man, it's great having BZP back. GD
  5. Your sig just made my day. I laughed hard when I saw it.

  6. Ok. However, there's a difference between "not accepting new ideas" and having values. Every human has a set of values that they live by. It's part of who we are. Also, by your definition, we should be able to post anything here, because it's what we believe in. If we're going to continue this discussion, perhaps we should do it via PM.

  7. How, exactly, are you defining "closed-minded?" Just so I can see what perspective you're coming from.

  8. You have an amazing sig.

  9. Hey, I don't suppose you could do something about that pic in your sig? Because, I just had lunch...

    But still, I think it's going to get a lot of kids banned by parents from BZP. And, yes, I would say the same thing if it was a pic of a straight couple.

  10. You, Sir, have an awesome sig. Just thought I'd stop by an say that.

  11. Sure, that could be fun. I'm still working on getting SoF installed, though.

  12. Sure, that could be fun. I'm still working on getting SoF installed, though.

  13. Whoops. Meant to say Halo PC, but yeah, I have that and Custom Edition

  14. Yup, I have HPCCE. Life is alright. Incredibly busy, though. Looking forward to heading home this weekend.


  15. Yo! Been a while. I wish I did. I should have jumped on the Steam deal a couple days ago. They had it for $2.

  16. Yup. I have both. Been a while since I played them, but I still play from time to time.

  17. \/ Ditto. By the way, send me a message if you ever want to Play HPCCE together

  18. Of course. We used to play Battlefront together. I'm not 100% but we might have played Halo a couple times, too.

  19. Dude, your sig made my day. Bloody hilarious.

  20. Hey, welcome to BZP, Tommie!

  21. By "Halo CE," I meant Halo Custom Edition

  22. Welcome to BZP, Matt. This is Tim.

  23. Hey, just saw your sig. Nice RIP list.

  24. Hey, Shadix. Just another homeschooled Christian wanting to say hi.

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