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Protoss General

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Status Updates posted by Protoss General

  1. HI! Any idea what the word limit on the Interests section is?


  2. I did, the chapter is also up. Anyway, what's up?

  3. I don;t know whether to agree or disagree with your personal statement. Many racists seem pretty pathetic. (I'm being racist against racists ^^)

  4. I found a nickle, three dimes and a penny! Thou art doomed! ^^

  5. I got a comic based on Hannibal in Art III. Please read :)

  6. I got a comic started in Art III. Please read :)

  7. I have Protoss Dragoons (or Immortals or whatever) to counter your Mutalisks.

  8. I just read all of them, I COULDN"T STOP! It's so awesome, thanx!

  9. I just realized my friend list doesn't work. How weird.

  10. I know, I know. But one could infer that from the mood of the previous comments that you're both mad. :P

  11. I ment what movie did you think is the best. But I guess the series is cool too. I like Ep 2. Specifically the Yoda/Dooku duel :D :D

  12. I used to be the Protoss, but it took forever for them to build stuff. The Zerg are a HUGE improvement.

  13. I'm going to try, I heard it's excellent.

  14. I've only played Rome and Medieval 2.

  15. It was pretty fun, but the bugs were bad.

  16. It's awesome! Looks just like the ones on RTW.

  17. It's escalated! *big bite of chocolate bar.*

  18. It's great to see you again too. :)

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