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Black Six

BZPower Administrators
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Everything posted by Black Six

  1. So, I'm taking classes this summer at my college and therefore need a room to stay in. For reasons know only to the Office of Residence Life, I can't stay in my current room, but instead need to move to another dorm. Fine, okay, whatever. So I got assigned a room a few weeks ago, as well as a date to move in on. That date was yesterday. I'm still in my old room. Seems ResLife forgot about Memorial Day, and had been planning on cleaning up rooms then, but couldn't. Since my parents came by and took my fridge yesterday (the new room is an apartment and already has one) I was stuck today in the 80 degree weather with no way to keep my milk from curdling or to keep some water cold to drink. Heck, I'm sitting on my bed right now practically sweating it's still so hot. As most of you probably know from dealing with me on BZP, I'm not one to back down, and by the end of the day (read: 9PM at night) was able to move my perishables and some other things over to the new room. Fortunately I have no classes tomorrow, and should be able to move the rest of my stuff then. Others who weren't so persuasive have to wait until the weekend. A warning to you all, no matter how nice of a school you go to, there's always bureaucratic dren to deal with. And it's always a pain; I've yet to find a school, a job, anything, where that sort of stuff never gets in the way. If anyone does, let me know so I know there's still hope. And that was my rant for the evening. I'll let you get back to BZPower, so I can get back to my sweating, what fun...
  2. Shioi! Hey, maybe some of us like geek talk? But then again, I suppose only the truly nerdy of us, such as Bink and myself, can say that. It was a great read though, I'll be sure to keep checking back.
  3. Most of the people who will be reading this are most likely good, honest members who never would consider making a dupe account. So maybe you'll find this interesting. As the Administrator that handles all the Awaiting Authorization members, you'd be amazed at how many people there are that try to make duplicate accounts. I won't tell you how we find them, but we do, and they usually stick out like a sore thumb. Then there are the ones that blatantly try to bypass our language policy. And the ones with fake e-mail addresses so they can register multiple accounts. I probably go through at least five to ten of them each day, every day. It's kind of sad really. They just never learn... And there you have it, a little behind the scenes peek of part of what goes on in BZPower.
  4. Hey there everyone, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. This will be pretty short, since I have lots of stuff that needs to get done today. Taking summer classes is really great in the long run, but in the short term it's hard to balance between doing homework, a job, and trying to have a social life. If you ever have the chance to get ahead in school by taking courses over the summer, go for it, but just beware of the consequences. You have to work hard, but just remember that it pays off in the long run. Besides that, I finished Moving Pictures, by Terry Pratchett, the other day. A great book, I encourage anyone that like a good laugh to read some of his Discworld series. The man truly is the Douglas Adams of fantasy. That about wraps it up, I suppose. See, I told you it was going to be short. See you on the forums...
  5. Of course I was there. Hope you don't mind that I invited Mark and I in, I didn't want to miss out on all the fun.
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