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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira


    HOW DARE YOU NOT HAVE SEE IT UNTIL RIGHT NOW, shame on you... D: Ah well, you're forgiven. And yes, I hope it kicks Avatar's butt in the Oscars. -Nikira
  2. I have not gotten your check yet, no.

  3. Nikira


    School just spat in my face and left me out on the curb in the rain. With no umbrella. :[ Or something similar to that. Pardon me as my activity level goes waaaay down in the next few weeks. -Nikira
  4. Nikira

    Bookmarks (for Sale)

    Ehh? o____O I don't tend to draw the Adam's Apple in at all - I didn't here, or at least I didn't mean to... Show me what you're seeing? -Nikira
  5. Repetition sends Niki to bed crying lots and lots. :[ T's why we have the repetition rule. Repetition = spam. Q&A staff don't like Q&A spam. AKA: Niki doesn't like Q&A spam either. >[ -Nikira
  6. Nikira


    No, not deep, you silly. I messed the eyes up. T_____T But, whee, here's a picture. 4 hour sketch, cardstock and mechanical pencil (8B drawing pencil for large blocks of shading). Now off to what has prevented me from picturing in the first place. *goes to do homework* -Nikira
  7. Nikira

    Snow X3

    I dunno what our weather's doing up here, yesterday it snowed something epic for about a half hour and then sunshine and just kept alternating between snow and sun :s it needs to make up its mind We've got at least 2 inches more right now, no end in sight. I think all your oddball snow vacancies the other day just decided to come pay us a visit all at the same time or something, it's snowing like nuts. XD -Nikira
  8. Nikira

    Snow X3

    wait what not sure if want Well, I dunno if you guys are getting that much or not. Dayton is. -Nikira
  9. Nikira

    Snow X3

    Blog needs more Dokkyness *will riot until this is changed* Ohio has 12 inches and we're getting 6-9 more in the next two days. Do not want. -Nikira
  10. OMIGOSH you're alive. :3 *hugging* Happy birthday! -Nikira
  11. That big purple block makes me smile so happy-like. -Nikira
  12. Nikira

    Most Excellent

    Art thefts, misunderstandings, homeworks and arguements of the week have all been resolved. I am now having a most excellent day. Hooray for most excellent days! *does a hooray dance* -Nikira
  13. Why is it that I can just see you dancing while you type this.... -Nikira
  14. Just you know that I sent your bookmarks off this afternoon - let me know when you get them. :]

  15. Hey, you're forgiven. It's in the past now. And thank you for the kind compliment. :)

  16. Nikira

    Yayshmor It Snow

    We got about 12 inches in the Dayton area. Canceled classes for two days straight. I was like, wheeee~ -Nikira
  17. Oy, calm down guys. :[ No one is forcing their opinions on anyone else. You're just like on the extremes of both ends here, yikes. Eryu, I agree with your description of literature. I also agree with Smeag in his description of art. Anyone can write, and anyone can make art. I don't believe that either is higher than the other - they both need some imagination and brainpower behind them, after all. That also means it's offensive to see both art and literature being taken advantage of. Eryu, I tend to lean more towards your side, since I am a fellow artist and don't often see the imagination put behind writing. It doesn't mean that there isn't any there, though, and I can still see that writers work really hard behind their works. Wouldn't that mean that they'd get just as much soul torn out if their works were copied? -Nikira
  18. Nikira

    Yayshmor It Snow

    This entry lacks substance and detail in the realm of Dok. Niki is unsatisfied. :[ -Nikira
  19. Art theft is wrong, guys. Wrongwrongwrong. This includes tracing other people's pictures and posting them as your own creation. Kay? ... Kay. *goes to fume* For those that are asking about it: yes, I ran into an art thief today, yes, the situation has been taken care of, and no, it was not on BZPower. [-Nuva Bookmarks-] -Nikira
  20. Nikira

    Bookmarks (for Sale)

    There would be no discount for multiple sets. Yes you can. -Nikira
  21. I want you to write a two-paragraph essay on why taking 18 credits or more is suicide when you're a design major, and why this explains why I am no longer active and thus not talking in your bloggyfroggy much. Go. -Nikira
  22. This guy needs five stars. :D

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