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Everything posted by lih

  1. lih

    Bzp Needs To Add...

    ...or Bi or 'Not Set'...
  2. lih

    ♥♪!? is win

  3. lih


    Tried it, didn't like it, got FireFox instead.
  4. lih


    Nihongo ga suki desu (I like Japanese)
  5. lih

    And We Have A Winner...

    Yay! I got an honourable mention! Congrats to everyone!
  6. lih

    Zomg Votes

    Where's that 'THIS LOOKS SHOPPED' picture I saw the other day...
  7. It's for a good cause. AKA more BS01 skins that work. ~Lih
  8. lih

    hai thar

  9. Do you know how to turn PHP's safe mode off? It's seriously messing up the wiki. EDIT: nvm, found a temporary work around (that will probably stuff something up somewhere)
  10. 5) Yes, let me make one. (I'm bored)
  11. lih


    Australia. I hope so.
  12. lih


    Isn't that against the rules? I want a Klakk too... Maybe it will come with the LEGO magazine over here...
  13. They have 13.0 already? I thought the latest was 12. o.O 13.0 only came out this month I think. Bfa, all you need to do is rename the folder using FileZilla, I think (unless you've already set up the wiki)
  14. lih

    It Hath Returned

    in soviet russia comment posts you
  15. It's working. But it's taking forever....................... >_>
  16. Here's the problem: I was using the server not the client. >_< Should be working now *waits for download to finish*.
  17. I can't get it to install at all. The FTP connects to the server, but won't authenticate or something. >_> It says I'm probably using the wrong port but I'm using the one the tut says and have no idea what other one to use. ~Lih
  18. *knows what you're trying to do* *is also trying to do the same thing* *isn't having much luck because the webhost has made the servers read-only temporarily or something like that* ~Lih
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