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Tufi Piyufi

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Blog Entries posted by Tufi Piyufi

  1. Tufi Piyufi
    Bionicle's rules about elements and what genders they can be are like the racing spoiler on a Honda Civic.
    At some point, you thought "what my car really needs is a racing spoiler." So you went out, bought the spoiler, and installed it on your car. They're not exactly naturally-occuring things: you kinda had to take the initiative on this one. Point is, you stuck a racing spoiler on your Civic.
    Why? Because it gives a great performance boost, that's why! It reduces drag and increases speed or something like that! If you didn't have it, you'd struggle to drive. It's absolutely critical to the operation of your car, and you simply won't hear otherwise.
    And it just makes it look cool. It's totally one of the high points of your car. By simply adding your spoiler to your car, you've given it a life and depth that you simply could not get otherwise. It just... it just adds something. Nobody likes Civics without racing spoilers! Everybody knows this!
    Sure, some of your friends totally dig the spoiler. They totally nod along and talk about how important the addition of the spoiler is. And then there's all the rest of your friends, who just ain't having it.
    They really don't know why you had to go and stick a racing spoiler on your Civic. They really don't see the point. Remember when your engineer friend had to excuse himself that one time you were talking about air resistance or something like that? He had to go clear out a hastily-arrested spittake. His drink went up his nose, you made so little sense. Not in, like 'guys who put spoilers on their Civics-sense', but more 'sane people-sense'.
    You know how you have a harder time seeing out your back window? That's the only effect your spoiler has on your Civic. A hinderance.
    And it's a heck of a lot less attractive than you think. Why do you think hardly anyone ever wants to go with you in your car? They're worried you'll get pulled over for going through yet another stop sign, and the cop's gonna see them, sitting in the backseat of a Civic with a racing spoiler. "Officer, I promise, I try to pretend that thing doesn't exist." They'd really, really rather go with Ted. You know, guy who bought a Civic but didn't put a racing spoiler on it, Ted. Ted with a beard.
    And yet, you just won't hear of any talk of removing the blasted thing. It's a part of your car! They're just looking for things to hate on! They're really in the minority! Why should you remove it?
    Because the beyond-arbitrary rules behind elements and genders are pointless, hindering, and so very much not a selling point of Bionicle. Even a racing spoiler on a Honda Civic has more point.
  2. Tufi Piyufi
    Once upon a time, I drew this.
    It was a couple of years ago. The forum refused to show any signs of life. I was bored. I still had Photo-Paint. I believe there was some ridiculous-female nonsense in some forum or other at the time. There were no blogs, and I wasn't about to go posting it in the Artwork forum. At the time, however, there wasn't really anywhere else to put it. Oh, the dark days before blogs.
    I wasn't going to post a topic for it because I'm not so fussed on the pictures themselves. The point, yeah. The loose idea behind the pictures, yeah. But the execution... eh, I could do better. I might do a new one once I get everything back together.
    Anyhow, the point behind it. Note how the breasts on the left Nokama are angled out, not perfect circles, and actually look like they're subject to gravity. No, they aren't huge and obvious. No, there isn't any cleavage. You don't really get that naturally. They're kinda like a couple of same-polarity magnets that way. They sorta go out 45 degrees from the centre line, if you'd like that note.
    As for the one on the right... I hate to say that she's only a slight exaggeration of some figures/drawings I've seen. There is even a small group of people who would love nothing more than to see all females drawn/built this way. Please ignore them.
    So yeah. More learning from proper anatomy books, less 'studying' Liefeld and company. It isn't a case of 'go big or go home'. Sink and separate. Take off the hormone-coloured glasses first. All that stuff.
  3. Tufi Piyufi
    Been meaning to see that for a while now, actually. Anyhow.
    So there's this hullabaloo about the summertime canister-class sets being $12.99 USD. Outrage, 'how can they dare to charge that much', and so forth. All of a sudden, it is now a massive strain to buy the sets. The world is crumbling and things like that.
    Meanwhile, there is Canada, as of 2006.
    Hey. Guys. We've been taking the thirteen-dollars-plus-tax hits for quite some time now. We're still taking them (I think: no idea if Lego's gonna use this as an excuse to try to slip us the $14.99 gutpunch again). We've been dealing with $12.99 even as the value of the dollar justified it less and less and less. 2008 drew near, the loonie was looking spectacular, and oh look, $12.99.
    So to the Americans just now joining the $13 Club: it's all been done. This isn't new or unique in any way. Just sit back and 'enjoy' the Canadian experience. Or join with us. Gods know we could use the extra weight on our side.
  4. Tufi Piyufi
    Lookie here, I got myself a new minion this week. Yes.
    Maybe this one'll be different. Maybe she won't try to usurp me. Maybe she won't 'mingle' with any of my other minions. Maybe I won't get so much backtalk from her. I'm still holding out hope.
    In any case, I've got myself a genuine princess now. That means she's got a much, much bigger chance of becoming Empress should I ever kick off. Yeah, that's right, guys. You just moved down The List. Bigtime. No, Kex, getting yourself pranked won't help you now. Just before you ask, yeah?
    Ah, this is delightful indeed.
  5. Tufi Piyufi
    It was announced late Thursday night that a benefit concert will be held in support of Forum Assistant Smeagol4. The contest, known as 'Smeag Aid', will be held to raise funds for Smeagol4's inevitable and extensive therapy.
    "I just figure he's been through a lot, even for an FA," Global Moderator and BBC Empress Latufia Piyufi offered as a reason for her curious generosity, "And believe me, if it's in excess of normal FA-madness levels, then it's pretty dang high."
    Though a full roster has not been announced yet, it is known that Elton John will be performing and may also pull out some fancy piano tricks just to ease the soul of the tormented FA. It is rumoured that Freddie Mercury, John Bonham, Keith Moon, and the assorted dead members of Lynrd Skynrd (with their respective bands, presumably) will also be appearing, though the necessary catalysts to such events naturally have people wondering. Empress Piyufi, however, seemed unconcerned when asked about how she was going to bring back all those dead people.
    "Oh, please. Ressurection's cake. A rivetail here, a rivetail there, and everything's fine," she explained, with a wave of her hand.
    When asked for a tentative date for the concert, reporters mysteriously fell dead. The survivors were told that, with regards to any further information, "[Empress Piyufi]'d get back to you on that." The press conference ended abruptly thereafter.
    Smeagol4 was unavailable for comment.
  6. Tufi Piyufi
    A little poem thing about various puffin-Vahki, you see. To keep sharp and all that.
    A is for Amy, her voice a great drawl,
    B is for Beatrice, her tattoos and all.
    C is for Coraline, more curious than wise,
    D is for Desdemona, the throne in her eyes.
    E is for Eleanora, a great drain on mood,
    F is for Freya, the source of the feud.
    G is for Guinevere, her pathways askew,
    H is for Hecate, whose mercies are few.
    I is for Imogen, destructor of polls,
    J is for Juliana, far too fond of souls.
    K is for Karenina, quickly lead astray,
    L is for Ligiea, who pulls folks away.
    M is for Melissa, a boss to many,
    N is for Nigella, queen of the sav'ry.
    O is for Ophelia, maddened by love,
    P is for Philomela, sonics of a dove.
    Q is for Quyen, her wings great and broad,
    R is for Rhiannon, her magic mere fraud.
    S is for Sara, whose mind's flown the coop,
    T is for Tabitha, true witch of the group.
    U is for Umeko, too sweet for the fight,
    V is for Victoria, amateur of flight.
    W is for Wendy, the Vahki of style,
    X is for Xixitho, with weapons stockpile.
    Y is for Yaelia, keeper of the Hoto,
    And Z is for Zinia, who drank too much Proto.
    Just something I've been working on these past few... couple of weeks. I actually did one as the intro for a larger, Vahki-based story a couple of years ago, but that kinda went nowhere. A chunk of the names are the same, and the last two lines are identical to the original. That had to be the same.
  7. Tufi Piyufi
    I, Latufia Lunda Othella Piyufi, do hereby resolve for the year of Two Thousand and Eight:

    To use fewer ellipses. Variety in punctuation is always fun.

    To continue never bumping any blog entries. I will accept whatever attention an entry gets and live with it.

    To not host a freebuild contest. That's the last thing we need right now. It would take, at the very least, three other admins and maybe a Global or two to make me host one. It's not happening. Don't even bother suggesting one.

    To post more things. Seriously, my backlog for all manner of things is huge. This isn't even counting the stuff I want to do. All this is before considering that I will likely do other new things in the future. These three categories combined make for a lot of things. Ye gods.

    To review more stuff. Sometimes things just have to be said.

    To continue to stress the importance of anatomies and understanding how things work in real life. Before you get a style of your own, you gotta know the basics. Know how men, women, children, mammals, insects, houses, boats, landscapes, lighting, and all those other things are put together. You do not do yourself any favours by saying 'screw that' and uttering the ancient cry of 'it's how I do things, not all things have to be exactly like real life, geez stop stifling me'. Learn how the real-world things work and come together. Practice, practice, practice. Then, once you are confident, do you make your changes. But just building/drawing the symbol? That's laziness, folks. There's no excuse.

    To not get so depressed by the 'mockery of noobs' culture. There are people better than this out there. You know that, Jen. You know some of them. They are a lovely, intelligent, pleasant sort of people. They're quiet, is all. These people exist. Hope is not lost. Chin up and go kill some sigs or something.

    To actually post blog entries every so often. And cheery ones at that. Seriously, what is this entry? It almost sounds like I'm capable of brooding! That just ain't right. I'm'a thinking I need something Willis, pronto.
  8. Tufi Piyufi
    So maybe I'm at a loss for titles right now.
    And also at a loss for sig... I'm right on the edge of the ol' '100-post sig change', and once again... no clue. Well, actually, some clue. The current leader's a quote from good ol' Socials, but then I'm also contemplating yet more Elvis Costello lyrics... But then again, how many times have I borrowed some lines from him?
    Okie, yeah. Socials quote it is, in all its glorious lack of context. Now to wait for the crossover to 6800. Woo.
    To counter the big batwing annoyance from one post ago... spiky ball. Yes, I went ahead and plunked down the ridiculous amount of money CAD for that guy just for the spiky ball parts. I admit it. I'm sure I'll find uses for the other stuff... but cripes, I needed that spiky ball. Oh yes. All this time, I've wanted some manner of spiky-ball-on-chain weapon, and now I have it. It'll pop up at some point in pictures, I'm sure. The design itself is nothing too spectacular: just a couple chain pieces with the spiky ball attached to one chain. The beauty is in the simplicity, however, and it truly is a lovely little weapon...
    I just went on for a relatively full paragraph about a weapon made of Lego. Figures.
  9. Tufi Piyufi
    I think I'm having one of those days.
    You know, those days where you wouldn't be caught dead in public with your minions? When disownage is the most attractive option? Those days where you just want to grab a big mug of hot chocolate, curl up on the sofa with the List of Heredity, and take the red DQing Sharpie to a couple names?
    No? That's fine. It's okie. It's not exactly something I'd wish on people.
    In any case, that's the sort of day I'm having. This is what I get for building up hope for the infamous Piyufi minions. Just when I thought there'd be dignity at last...
    Sigh. I guess Schizo can be Empress if it ever comes down to that. He'd prolly look better in the dress and tiara.
  10. Tufi Piyufi
    So, after a recent round in heels, I got to thinking about some things.
    Not that this is the first time I've considered this specific thing, however: oh no, contest #30 and time in Artwork have made sure of that. I've contemplated this on many an occasion. Often, a sigh is part of the occasion. Folks, it goes like this...
    You do not go around sticking high heels on characters that need speed and agility, like, oh, say... Toa.
    Yeah, so maybe most of you have no experience whatsoever with heels. I don't see anything inherently wrong with everyone (everyone) trying them at least once, just to see what the heck's going on there. In fact, I wholeheartedly encourage it. If your ego can't stand the thought of wearing women's footwear for a trial run just once in your life, you're gonna want to toughen that thing up.
    But believe you me, folks, it becomes dead obvious who's never worn heels when you see who puts them on their Toa. You know, people who need stability, agility, and speed in order to stay alive. You don't exactly get those things from heels. Yet... on they go all the same.
    Characters like Roodaka, who don't really need to do a ton more than walk around, are fine with heels. They've got people to do their fighting for them. They've got things to ride around on. The thing is... heels are extremely out of place on Toa. Incredibly so, even.
    The point is... start thinking about the fact that your heeled Toa may actually need to do some fighting, alright?
  11. Tufi Piyufi
    Extremely shameless.
    So I'm just about sure that I have every Katamari song that one can have. And, it is glorious. Even the music for the games I don't have. Funny how they had to release Beautiful Katamari on the one console we don't own. That doesn't stop me from loving the music, though. Gods no. Why, 'Katamari Dancing' is my favourite of the themes. Lately, I've mostly been trapped in a wonderful loop of instrumentals from We
    So, uh, yeah. I should mention that I love this series? To bits. The tiniest, easily-picked-up bits. Even that psychopathic rose. Actually, no. The rose can burn. But I still love it in some weird way.
    Sorry. I'm getting fangirl all over the carpet. I'll clean that up.
  12. Tufi Piyufi
    Now I know what I'm doing with this thing! It's so obvious now! I'll post whatever I feel like at that moment! Hah! No pigenholing here! Not for puffins! Exclamation marks! Exclamation marks!
    ... yep, totally going crazy.
    An insanity which definitely isn't being helped by this little dilemma... Pure black dragon wings. The one colour I could ever ask them to be in, except maybe black/light blue. Oh, that'd be nice, too... Anyways. Big Batmobile with black dragon wings. Big, expensive Batmobile with black dragon wings. Something in the realm of $109.99 Canadian. Just for those wings? Oh, I don't think so. Maybe not even for the other 1000+ pieces.
    But they're right up there with the black Huna and the teal Kakama in terms of pure must-have awesome, and somehow, I came into one of the former after many years... Well, I suppose I'll just have to weasel in to somebody's Bricklink order. Yes... and then life will be swell.
  13. Tufi Piyufi
    Let's talk about bad movies!
    Cloverfield is horrible! If I were to list all the things that made it So Bad It's Horrible, I would be presenting you with a complete summary! Of the whole thing! Of its entirety! Scarcely a redeeming minute to it! Possibly ending with 'and camera work that's worlds more nauseous than it is dramatic'! That is a really bad sign!
    I can't believe I'm talking about horrible movies! Horrible movies suck! Let's talk about awesome movies!
    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. A magnificent movie. Lincoln, Keanu as he really should be and shouldn't try anything else please, and Carlin. And so many other things. You want a good movie about time travel? Yo. Some of the best uses of a time machine are contained within. Medieval babes! Friendship! An excellent motto to live by! The Power of Rock bringing about an awesome new Earth! Downright blatant connections to a certain other timey-wimey story!
    The 80's!
    Oh, that would be the perfect antidote, wouldn't it. I really must dig it out sometime. Like, nowtime. If you'll excuse me?
    Exclamation marks of so-bad-I'm-offended!
  14. Tufi Piyufi
    I've done a bit of counting, folks. I managed to finish this particular count very quickly. Did you know that we've only got one female set this year?
    Now you do. Remember this: it is an important part of the entry.
    One female set. One. That means we only really have one female character in all the story this year. Yeah, yeah, so there might be those 'book-exclusive' characters. Honestly, folks, does that really make much of a difference? Not everyone's going to know what goes on in the books (and chances are, you're gonna have to ask 'well, what exactly does she do?': it's not exactly going to be big or meaningful or vaguely memorable). Yeah, sure, and you can also claim there's more back in the village. Like that hasn't been used before. "You've got a whole village out of six: isn't that enough?"
    Apparently, 'boys don't want to play with 'girl sets''. Apparently, the current belief is that boys will develop cooties sores and die or something if they're exposed to more than a bare minimum of femininity. Apparently, you have to market toys to one gender or the other, but certainly not both. Oh no. Boys and girls liking the same things? That'd be like cats and dogs playing together!
    Apparently, a whole half of an age cohort doesn't count as a potential market in any way, shape or form.
    There's more, gentle readers. One of the reasons given for making only one element female (and it's barely even a hard-and-fast rule anymore) is that 'it makes them special'. Speaking as an actual female, let me say that this isn't exactly a compliment. We're not 'special' just because our chromosomes landed a certain way. Being female just means we're female. We've got some crazies. We've got some geniuses. We've got some morons. We've got a lot of folks that, regardless of gender, you would describe as 'normal'. You know, regular people. Making femininity something 'special' sort of makes masculinity 'normal' by default, and I'm not exactly fond of that. We're talking about beings that are partly mechanical. The 'normal' should be the indeterminate.
    We only get one or two female sets a year. Last year, two: this year, one. We just might get another one next year. Wow. I don't care for the whole 'it's a boy's line' excuse: do you honestly mean to tell me that young boys/girls (because 'girl's lines' suffer this same problem, I assure you) should be kept away from a proportion of female/male heroes that reflects the population they see every day?
    I don't know what to say if you do.
  15. Tufi Piyufi
    New serial update, I see.
    'First' canon instance of romance, I hear.
    Sahmad's got a lady in his life? Wait, no, had. She's dead. Long dead before we ever got to her. Dead, nameless, and seemingly only around to provide angst for her living, named guyfriend.
    She needs a name.
    I propose we call her 'Fridgey'.
  16. Tufi Piyufi
    Imagine, if you will, a really big city. That'd be the island system of BZ-Metru. Now imagine a city within that city. Well, a few cities, anyways. In this instance, we're talking about one of the bigger ones. It's big, it's old, and it's beautiful. And I'm not biased, I swear. It's the BBC Empire. And it's mine.
    Alright, technically it isn't just mine, but still.
    Those that I do share it with, well... There's a few things I could say about 'em. Love 'em all, though. Don't get me wrong. I'd be hard-pressed to come up with a bunch of people I'd rather have with me. And, though in some cases I'm reluctant to admit it, I owe 'em all in one way or another. Then again, the reverse holds true.
    Then there are those who sometimes make me wonder as to why I keep them alive, and by 'those', I mean Kex. Personally, he's been trouble since day one. Add that to the fact his 'day one' is earlier than just about all the others, and you've got a fantastic way to sell more migraine meds.
    Oh, that's a bit too cruel. He's improved vastly since the days when it was Tok and Redeemer he served alongside. I'm inclined to peg it on the tiara. Ever since I gave him a tiara crafted from nothing less than the infamous Clikits, I've seen progress. Heck, he's even stayed on the List of Heredity for a couple weeks at a time. Remarkable, I must say.
    Of course, he never gets to be at the front of the line. That's where Shannara comes in. Well, he doesn't get to be first, either, but he does go one spot in front of wherever his fellow prince is. A very effective strategy; keeps things interesting. Seeing them fight for a position neither will ever have... it passes the time when the contests hit the slow stretch.
    Shan's never been nearly as much trouble. He always shows the proper respect, does what's asked of him, has never made a try at the title of Empress of BBC... Which, of course, is why I'm wary of that boy. There's no way he can work with the whole lot of us and not have the same traits (evil, twisted, desire to be Empress). With the rest, it's all obvious to varying degrees. I can tell with some certainty what they're up to. Shan. however... There's no telling with that guy.
    Mark my words, it will be his hand I see holding the dagger that does me in one of these days.
    And these are just the FAs. I squak, they fall in line behind me. It's mostly just a matter of how hard I have to squak. Sometimes the squaking involves glaive-swinging. Regardless, they eventually make a line like good little minions. Disregarding what I just said in the paragraphs above, they're the harmless ones, at least in relation to the rest of us. No, the ones who could either possibly take me if I'm feeling really sick that day or could devastate me within the span of a cough... those are the dangerous ones.
    In terms of the sick-day one... Schizo. Ah, Schizo. His insanity is well-known and well-documented. He rules over Comedies. In terms of the Empire, though, he holds the rank of Viceroy. Except for his Katia personality. She's technically a Princess (and the only one in the Empire), but I've never had the heart to tell the 'default' Schizo about this. As far as he knows, I talked him into wearing the Clikits Immunity Necklace for nostalgic reasons. All those times, yes. I get very nostalgic.
    Does he wanna be Empress, too? Not so sure. Katia prolly does, since she's the only one who could technically inherit the title, but Schizo seems to have different plans. I have heard murmurings of 'pirate' and 'king'. I may have heard them spoken together, as if one thing. Even with these rumours of such drastic changes to the Empire (namely, the fact it wouldn't technically be an Empire anymore), he's still at the head of the line. My reasoning lies in the paragraphs above.
    And as for the utter devastation... That'd be Ninjo. The only one who outranks me, and the only one I can't strike back against. It is purely disheartening when one's scimitar bounces off harmlessly without leaving so much as a bent fibre, and the recoil-spun fall to the ground is punctuation to the issue. Don't worry, though. He knew I was gonna do it. It's totally cool.
    In the scheme of things, he's Emperor, but I'll have you know right now there's nothing to read into that. During times when staffing systems are being changed around and you have a chance to set up a proper Empire with titles and everything, you don't give the second-best title to an FA who just got transferred to BBC. You give it to the guy you've been slogging through the place with for years prior. Also the guy with the powers to just take it anyway. With any luck, they're the same person.
    As for any interest he may have in being Empress... Prolly not. I say 'prolly' as I have a reason, however slight, to question this... but that's for another day.
    And myself... I'm the Empress. That's all I need to say, really.
    So that's the BBC Empire for you. I won't tell you we're a beacon of sanity and normalcy. I can't lie to that pretty little face. I will, however, say that things look better on paper and worse on monitor, so you shouldn't be kept up at night by what I've just told you. We're fine, really. We could be somewhere more damaging to the mind, such as Comedies.
    Oh wait.
    Now, if you don't mind, there are stories about this mad crew I need to get off my chest once and for all.
    Thought I'd forgotten, possibly? No, I assure you, the project is alive and well. I've been working on this in bits and pieces over the past week or so, actually. Never had the time to bash it all out in one go. Here it is now, though.
  17. Tufi Piyufi
    So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna invite a guest writer. Well, okay, technically I'm just copy/pasting, rather than inviting. And it's probably not written by one particular person, given the nature of its source. And oh, what a source.
    Guest writer go:

    Second thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look at Bionicle most meaningfully. And I have to tell people I don't give the slightest about the story. Ever.
  18. Tufi Piyufi
    Oh, it's always a good day for math.
    I love it when people go on about how neglected they are because nobody's posting in their topic, often with the nose-eye-viewed addition of 'look at this topic with its horrible horrible art?MOC/basketweaving and how many posts it's getting insert implication that the forum is filled with malicious tasteless hounds here'. Just love it. To pieces. Well, actually, no I don't. At all. I lie horribly here. It's a horrid attitude. For one thing, there's nothing I love more than a good ol' entitlement complex. Lying horribly again: it's a rather harmful attitude for one to have, expecially when you're talking about the world of creative works. Nobody owes you posts. Nobody. Don't care how good you think your piece is: nobody owes you posts.
    But this entry is not me whining about entitlement complexes! No. It is about the other component I could go on and on about. It is about math, you see. Simple math. You see, there's a lot of people who feel they're neglected. I've seen like a gazillion blog entries and opening posts and replies about it. A gazillion is only a slight exaggeration. These then attract more people to commiserate about their perceived neglect. People love getting together to talk about these things. It's amazing.
    This is where the most remarkable element comes in. You see, people are more than happy tp spend their time and energy telling their stories of how they got, like, no posts at all. Absolutely eager to do it. And people are just as eager to reply to that. It's a tragic misdirection of time, energy, and words, though. You see, if folks took half of the effort they'd normally spend talking about their neglect and instead invested that in some nice reviews for other folks? Happier times for everyone, ahoy.
    You gotta give, too. Standing with your hands out and coughing 'ahem' won't do you a whole lot of good. It's not going to get you a lot of posts and it won't get you the best reputation. And, yes, reputation factors in. Not in the 'oh no popularityyyyy' way: in the 'y'know, I hear this guy really isn't all that nice' way. The way that matters worlds more than you might think. I've said it before and I won't stop saying it: the BZP populace is way smarter than it's given credit for. They're not inclined to give attention to those who insult them. There's folks who could stand a quick check in their own rear-view mirrors before asking why they never seem to get replies.
    And don't post solely in 'the topics of people who look like they could take building/art (way) too seriously', for crying out loud. You really don't want to get me started on that approach. Review whatever you like (obligatory revival rules reference). Everyone likes a nice, helpful post. Just remember that you need to actually plant something before anything's gonna grow for you.
  19. Tufi Piyufi
    So, as it turns out, yes this conceptual gun does have a bullet or two in it, punk. I have the means, I have the drive, but... I'll admit something. The actual writing part... I'm kinda falling flat on. I've got two or three complete story ideas, but that's about it. That just plain doesn't feel like enough. I know there should be more.
    Why isn't that more coming to me and smacking me upside the head?!?
    Which is why I turn to you people, once more. I'm looking for scenarios. I'm looking for sparks of plots. Interesting interactions. We've got tons of tinder here: spam, contests, a pirate and a ninja in the same forum, building crazes, and Kex and his crossdressing habits. It just feels like it's been left out in the rain, is all.
    So c'mooooooooon... help a puffin out?
  20. Tufi Piyufi
    In the first contest voting forum (the one set aside for the BBC contest), there are twenty-nine polls for two hundred and eighty-four entries. 284. That's a pretty big number. It pushes the boundaries of the English alphabet, in fact. This was the least of my problems today, but hey. So, I came up with a solution, and moved on to the more pressing things.
    Polls Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. They've got a certain ring to them, don't they? I certainly like the sound.
    Maybe I should do a full set of polls that way one time. Perhaps not this time, but maybe for #42. Eh? Whaddya think?
  21. Tufi Piyufi
    Three years ago to this day, a young girl was brought onto the staff(the ST, to be precise) shortly after being hit with a prank.
    Three years later...
    'S'all I'm saying.
  22. Tufi Piyufi
    You know how in a play, you only ever see the action from one side of the stage (barring any weird performances, of course)? Film and TV work the same way. At least, in theory. When you have a scene, all the shots should be taken from the same side of the action. For example, if the scene is focusing on two people on a couch, you wouldn't suddenly have a shot from behind the couch (or, if you simply must, then at least don't confuse things further by adding in shots from the sides and so on). The imaginary line that marks the boundaries of where the camera can be placed is called the axis, and you do not ever cross it.

    It is especially important because it is related to the grand force of continuity. If you've got a guy hanging around on one side of the screen, it's just bad form to suddenly have him on the other side, though he hasn't physically moved at all. It's disorienting, especially if you don't have anything that could establish a need for the camera to move (seriously, you can forgive almost anything if you have some footage that allows for establishment).

    This I have learned from the film people I know and love.
  23. Tufi Piyufi
    On UltraPuffinPod. A fairly fresh list: the data's only had a month or so to build up.
    The concept is simple: a childhood with a noticeable lack of opportunities to listen to the songs I do love so has resulted in a young woman who finds the best feature of any music player to be the 'repeat song forever' option. Thus, highly skewed song play stats! Listed in order from most played to least. Gaze and be amused.
    I Can't Decide - oh, Master.
    The Way - old people ambling off to die. I'm a total sucker for that sort of stuff. Plus, the tune adds like thirty plays by itself. These two are somewhere around 130-140 plays; the next highest playcount is 40. Yeah.
    King of King's Song - ah, there's my Katamari tunes. This is the song sung by the King himself during the credits level of We
    Mesaze Pokemon Master 2002 - but one of many versions of the first Japanese themesong. While the others lean more towards rock, what with the guitars and the riffs and all, this one's a bit dancier. It's enough to squeak it ahead, anyway.
    It's the End of the World As We Know It - see note about childhood song scarcity. Did you know that, in the 90's, Animorphs fan pages were all about the little 'jukeboxes' of MIDIs? Those were the awesomest things at the time. Those and Realplayer. I think those are why we're looking at this song in this position.
    So Long, Marianne - it's non-gravelly Leonard Cohen! And he can still write songs! Such a thing was possible. Such, such a pretty song.
    Crazy - radio keeps me anxious no more. Also, Sheogorath is the bestest and this is the perfect song for a romp in the Isles.
    All Good Things (Come to an End) - my, but Nelly Furtado has a lovely voice.
    Katamari Dancing - my favourite Katamari theme, the one for the game I'll probably be waiting a good while longer to ever play. Made all the more horrible by the number of songs on the Beautiful Katamari soundtrack I love to pieces. Ah!
    Katamari Tea - like here. Were people really complaining about the sound of this game? Ye gods. And here I am, shot down fiercely. I hope you guys appreciate what you have. Appreciate!
  24. Tufi Piyufi
    So, about #47's state and it being cancelled and all that.
    #47 was, and there is no nicer word for it, a mess. There were many critical questions that almost nobody could answer, not even the assistants. They know that it's not their call to decide such crucial aspects of a theme like that. The only one who could answer them was the host, Roa. Roa, however, was nowhere to be found. There was nothing that the contest staff who were here could do. So, the entry period ticked on by, many people not even knowing the things they needed to know to start building.
    Ending it like this was far from my first choice. I haven't exactly been raised to throw in the towel easily. Make no mistake: it manifests itself as a fault more often than not. It very nearly did here. My first plan was to wait for a week or so, then cancel the current version and start up a new version with myself as host. After discussion with others, this plan changed. First, the waiting period grew shorter. Then, it became clear: the original was just too much of a mess. The confusion of the previous version would carry over to the repost, no doubt. Distance between the two is not a question, it is a necessity. It was then that I could say to myself 'if it really comes down to it, no, there won't be polls labelled for a contest #47'.
    Here we are now. No, there won't ever be polls labelled for a BBC contest #47.
    So for those of you blaming this on all BBC contest staff having less-than-perfect attendance, hey: you may as well keep thinking that. Doesn't make you right.
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