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Toatapio Nuva

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Everything posted by Toatapio Nuva

  1. I just popped in to say this game is awesome and that I've played and tested in many times already. You seem to be aware of the things that need fixing, already. The game is quite large and my computer might freeze after a long time of playing the game, but it's very entertaining. Keep up the good work. I can only imagine how great this will be in online multiplayer...
  2. IC (Erken, Onu-Koro):"Sounds like a smart move", Erken said.
  3. IC (Voi, Ta-Koro):Voi could barely contain himself. He didn't even consider the possibility of death, the whole idea sounded absurd. Plus, he had these vague memories of some great adventures... probably dreams. Still, he was ready to do whatever it would take to help others. Even if it meant fighting."Sure, I still want in", he said. "It'll be great! What will await us in Ko-Koro? Rahi?"
  4. Okay, I'm interested in the Gali Mata story card (#119); Onua, Gali and Tahu McDonald's cards and Exo-Lewa card. In what country do you live?
  5. IC (Voi, Ta-Koro):"I'm in!" Voi exclaimed enthusiastically. "It'll be great to help others. So what do we do?"
  6. IC (Voi, Ta-Koro):"I love adventures", Voi said.
  7. IC (Voi, Ta-Koro):"Oh yeah? What kind of proposition?"OOC: Probably.
  8. OOC: I imagine Henkka's story being sort of a tribute to Quantum Leap. I loved that show.IC (Voi, Ta-Koro):"Hmm, let's see... Ta-Koro of course", Voi replied. "I do remember coming here with you and some other Toa. It's very hazy, though."
  9. OOC: 10 points to Hubert for figuring that out. I thought no one would catch up on that... :PIC (Voi, Ta-Koro):"Not much", Voi admitted. "Wow, that stuff was poison!"
  10. IC (Erken, Onu-Koro):Kiron, Sulkua and Jagorik found Erken sitting on a bench, feeding some glowing bugs."Hi", Erken said. "So, where are we going?"
  11. IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):"So this is it eh?" Stronin said, smiling slightly at Henkka. "Our adventure is coming to an end. Don't really wanna see you go, but I doubt I can stop you." He paused for a moment, before continuing. "You've been a good friend man. I mean, sure you may have nearly gotten me killed, but it was fun while it lasted. But anyway, it'd be fun seeing you again one day. I wonder if your past self exists here?""Henkka smiled back at Stronin and put a hand on his shoulder. It's very possible we'll see again. I doubt you'd recognize me, but who knows? I don't know about my past self here... I might or might not exist here.""Goodbye man. Have fun wherever you're going", Stronin said."Don't forget what you have seen", Henkka said. "And... thanks for everything." He glanced at the tomb of Syyge. Then he turned back at Stronin and added, winking "See you in the future."Although Stronin could not see it with his eyes, his heart could probably witness Henkka being enfulged in a bright light. The light brought warmth and hope for anyone who needed help or saving from trouble and darkness. The same way it also comforted Stronin at the moment of farewell's. The last goodbye from Henkka was simple silence, a simple thought, a silent plea to Stronin and everyone else to continue making things right in this world. Although Henkka might meet Stronin again, someday, it would never be the same as it was now. Then, the bright light flashed and disappeared. Henkka was gone again.IC (Voi, Ta-Koro):Voi staggered a little and seemed surprised to find his hand resting on Stronin's shoulder. "Whoops", he said. "I must've really been drunk. I'll never drink that horrid stuff again. Hi."OOC: So, the tale of Henkka and Alex has come to an end. Thank you to everyone who's been contributing to its creation. But Voi is still here.EDIT: I took the ultimate epilogue away cause I want it to be featured only in the book I'm gonna make of Henkka...
  12. IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):JL walked over to Henkka and Stronin."You're probably leaving soon...but where are you going? You're obviously not the average person, so where?""That I do not know", Henkka admitted. "I only know that wherever I'm going, there will be pain and sorrow there. That is why I must get there. To fix it.""You promised me money!" Fyriin suddenly screeched at Henkka."Actually I didn't", Henkka said calmly. "But if you wish to receive payment, why not join the group JL here is promoting. The Adventurer's Guild. You could fulfill your dream of defeating chaos, of giving this world a balance. That is what you wanted all along, wasn't it? It's why you joined me."
  13. OOC: Sorry I couldn't reply sooner. Got some real life business.IC (Alex):IC (Syyge):It is said that on death you can see your entire life flashing before you. Alex would've settled with just that saying. Instead, he saw millions of lives, lives he had worked on to ruin them. The voices of all those he had brought pain to echoed in his mind, screaming for justice. So loud were they Alex could hardly remember his own life. He knew, however, that he was not supposed to die this way.Just before his death, Alex had been denied completely, something even Henkka had never been able to do. The final blow had not come from Henkka, either, but rather from an ordinary Toa of Iron. Alex did not die honotably in his own body. He was taken down in the body of a stranger, a victim. The one thing Alex wanted to die with was taken from him. Dignity.Alex felt the familiar sensation of leaving a body and a time behind. This time, though, he would never enter anyone, anywhere, again."I'm sorry", Stronin whispered so quietly only Syyge could hear him. Syyge gave Stronin a smile and whispered "It's alright." Then he closed his eyes one last time and fell to the ground.IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):Henkka saw Alex's death in a way no one else could. He saw the true form of Alex wavering and being ripped apart on Syyge before disappearing completely with a flash of bright red light.It's over, Henkka thought in awe and respect."You can bury Alex. You were his rival/foil weren't you?" Stronin said."No", Henkka replied. "That is Syyge. I never had anything against him. But we can still bury him."Henkka heard JL's suggestion to join the Adventurer's Guild."I am not here for long either, I think", Henkka said. "But when Voi returns, tell him to join. And I think..."Henkka walked over to Stronin. Henkka realized he knew what he was in this time to do."Stronin... once again you proved something to me. To everyone. You are a thief but you have the opportunity to use your skills otherwise. Give up your ways of a thief and join the Adventurer's Guild. Use your powers and your wisdom to aid the Matoran and make things right. To make things right."
  14. OOC: Let's wait until Stronin kills Alex before continuing, okay? I'm sorry, Rakata, but I already sort of gave the privilege to Hubert.
  15. OOC: Woah, nice speech! And you had like so many things right, just like I imagine Alex and Henkka to be like. I admire your logic. Although the offer is very tempting, I will not make Alex join the Adventurer's guild, simply because he cannot. He does evil things and even if he turned good (which is also very far-fetched), he would still be forced to do evil instead of good. I always knew I want Alex to die at some point and what would be a better way than letting someone other than Henkka kill him, just right before his eyes? Henkka is another matter, of course, but I have a plan concerning him which might well involve the Adventurer's guild. But right now, I want Stronin to kill Alex. Simply and plainly by stabbing him or something.IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):"NO!" Alex shouted in fury as Stronin came closer. He had already lost, he knew it, and it was too much to bear. And still, even now, he refused to listen to JL's suggestion. He was being given a chance to change, to join a greater force and try to right a wrong. But he couldn't.And even if he had agreed, Stronin was already too close.OOC: Anyhow, this is quite epic. But I mean it, Hubert, you can kill Alex with Stronin.
  16. OOC: Stronin, feel free to strike for the death of Alex (no smashing to pieces though, I still want to post his dying).IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):Henkka was amazed at Stronin's sudden change of mood, and also at JL's analysis. It was true Henkka had never fully understood the system that kept him and Alex changing the timeline. JL was definately on to something.Alex, on his part, was shocked by what JL had said. Even though Alex truly had been to almost all possible scenarios, this one was turning out to be one he couldn't escape. And all this was caused only by two Toa, one of Iron and one of Lightning. He was so troubled by this he saw Stronin charge too late.
  17. IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):Alex was furious. Stronin was obviously insane and he was not going to take it. He swung his sword hard at the pillar, suffering from a powerful electric shock. After shaking his head to clear it, he struck at the pillar again, still with the same effect."You are not doing this, Stronin!" he yelled. "Even if it takes my life, I will not stay here while you try to talk to us about something you don't know about!"Henkka realized Alex was desperately angry and willing to do anything to stop what was going on. It was amusing to Henkka, slightly, but he knew Alex was dangerous. And what if Alex was teleported to a new place before he could finish him? That was not a good alternative. Preparing himself, Henkka threw himself at the electricity surrounding him. He had done this before once, in a very desperate situation in a land far from Mata Nui. There was a risk of losing consciousness, but Henkka had a strong mind. He screamed as the electricity practically burned his body on the inside. He knew he was doing damage to Voi, not really, himself, but he had to do it. Once out of the prison, Henkka collapsed on the ground, conscious but very weary."You two, stop", he said wearily to JL and Stronin. "Stronin, you fought with me before. You showed a side of you no one had probably never seen before. Both you, know that Alex is evil. If you value Mata Nui and the Three Virtues, you will help me. Attack me and you attack the virtues, Mata Nui, light and the servant of light. It is your decision to make. Your next move will determine who you are."
  18. IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):Alex was not surprised by the iron pillars appearing. He knew Stronin would not stand to remain out of this conflict. Alex was about to smile when suddenly the pillars were charged with electricity. This was a harder thing. Without a mask that could allow flight, Alex could not escape the new prison.Henkka was surprised by the new Toa in their midst. A Toa of Lightning. A Toa who had just created an electric cage around him. Henkka sighed. Why didn't the others understand Alex was evil and needed to be killed or else? Although constricted by the cage, Henkka could still use his powers. He dramatically increased air pressure around JL, not enough to kill him, but enough to cause pain and loss of concentration.
  19. IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):Henkka was just about to call out to Stronin to make him a sword before leaving them with their quarrel when Alex leaped out of the tornado and crashed into Henkka. He called out a powerful magnetic force to pull all kinds of items, debris and toold flying toward a nearby rock. The swords in Soli's store also flew right out of their place, outside, onto the rock. From that Alex drew a sword and swung it. Henkka tried to do the same, but he could not demagnetize any of the swords. Alex had an advantage now."I won't get into that defeat with honor thing", Alex said. "I've never beaten you in a swordfight. You have never beaten me. But with the sword in my hands only..."He charged. Henkka tried to summon a wind to blow the sword out of his hand, but Alex had magnetized his hand to the sword. Henkka dodged the first strike and then activated his Huna to turn invisible. Alex knew how to deal with this. He looked at Henkka's shadow and listened to his footsteps. Still, Henkka managed to pry free a sword from the rock. The magnetic power had already faded that much. Henkka deactivated his Huna and charged at Alex, sword in hand."Let us see who wins the final match."
  20. OOC: o_O Um...IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):This was enough to make both Henkka and Alex stop. Both of them turned slowly to face Stronin, the expression on their masks very... undescridable."I give up on you", Henkka said finally. He summoned a whirlwind around Alex. "Now Stronin, stay back."
  21. IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):"Stop this nonsense, Stronin!" Henkka yelled as he got up to his feet. "Whatever you may think, it's very bad for the universe for Alex to be on the loose! Instead of trying to influence us to do the way you want, why don't you join me and try to kill Alex, for crying out loud!""Careful", Alex taunted. "You might lose your temper."Alex magnetized Henkka's feet to the ground.
  22. IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):Taking advantage of the distraction, Alex launched a magnetic bolt at Stronin. Being a Toa of Iron, Stronin would be easy to magnetize to the ground. Alex also used some of his power to magnetize the tentacles together. He didn't wait for a reaction. Instead, he charged right at Henkka, who created a small cyclone to knock Voi's staff out of Alex's hand. Still, Alex kept coming and wrapped his hands arouns Henkka's neck. Henkka did the same to Alex.
  23. OOC: Wow. That was amazing.IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):Henkka thought about Stronin's words, and found himself stunned by the truth of what he had said. The battle between Alex and Henkka had raged long before they were set on their journey between timelines. They had met as Matoran on an island and ever since they had been fighting each other. And how had it started? Alex had lead a fearsome gang of criminals in the city he lived in, controlling a large part of it. Henkka, having been originally sent by Mata Nui himself, felt no fear towards this group. His arrogance had deeply annoyed Alex, who had ordered his gand to attack. The fight was never finished. An influential Ga-Matoran civilian was hurt in the battle, which lead to the banishment of both Henkka and Alex from their homeland. And ever since Alex had made plans to kill Henkka and Henkka had retaliated.Still, that didn't change the fact that while both Henkka and Alex molded the universe, neither could accomplish anything. The other would simply erase the effects of the deeds the other had made. It was fruitless.Alex spent a much shorter time thinking about words. He had already thought them over many times before."Do you really think you have a chance against both of us?" Alex asked in annoyance. "We two have faced dark beasts, powerful titans, masters of different powers and weapons. We have been in the middle of war, high in the sky, down below the sea and the earth. There is nothing you have experienced we would not have experienced as well. Your attempts to resist us will only result in death on your part, or ours."
  24. IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):"I bet we've changed", Henkka admitted. "But what good will that change do if Alex goes rampaging through time?""People change", Alex said. "But it does not matter here. Our journey in time is for nothing if we both remain alive."
  25. IC (Alex, in Syyge's body, Ta-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ta-Koro):"You don't understand", Henkka said, returning to upwright position. "We mold reality. However our own time might have changed, it is not permanent. Nothing is permanent, while we're on this assignment."
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