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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Catra

  1. ¿º¯O


    *five stars*

  2. ._. 'Scuse me, I don't girlify people anymore. Besides, I would never do that to Arch-Angel, he's too awesome.

  3. ._. @ ur pic

  4. ._. Hey hey hey play nice now, kids

  5. ._. Hey, I like the way Aho turned out, thank you. ~_o

  6. ._. Hey. I said, servant, not replacement.

  7. ._. Hey. Waitaminute. I have the Super Mario Bros. theme on my iPod.

  8. ._. HEY. Watch your mouth, Kativa. ~_o


    > *runs back to hive*

  9. ._. I can tell you right now, I know I'm a guy in real life. Does it really matter what color my icon is anyways? ~_o The point it, I know I'm a guy, everyone does, so I'm noooot confused.

  10. ._. I can't help it you were in my tree.

  11. ._. I have two Vamprahs. >:D



  12. ._. I live in Ohio. Whaddya expect?


    Nope. :(

  13. ._. I might not be able to get on hissite tomorrow, my home connection sucks. Oh well, just start a string of PMs then.


    BTW The dog came from -Macku- :P

  14. ._. i srry...? *runs off*

  15. ._. I'll have to pass you up on that one. =P

  16. ._. lolwut


    Never mind then lol

  17. ._. My av is a girl crying.

  18. ._. New game? Asdfgh...

  19. ._. Okay, this one's a little disturbing.

  20. ._. Ow. Keep the violence down, I'm not in the mood. ~_o

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