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Status Updates posted by Xinlo

  1. dude, you have to come back. We miss you. :(

  2. No, I definitely don't live in Buenos Aires. :P

    Just on here though

  3. why would you have to?

  4. well I suppose... but you could post some of your MOCs

  5. also why do you have no topics?

  6. oooh, yeah. I wasn't feeling in a witty mood.

  7. It seems like I should know you from somewhere, but I can't figure it out for the life of me. Your music's awesome BTW

  8. I knew he had an account. But he hasn't been online for a looooong time.

  9. you're actually on BZP? :o

  10. You planning to ever come back to tth?

  11. Yo there mister male lightning Toa.

  12. So, I hear you're my counterpart Canadian in the CIRCLE. Welcome.

  13. oh I see... my bad.

    and I am a very cool dude thank you very much

  14. that doesn't even make sense

  15. you just like the Typhus part then, I'm guessing? :P

  16. you forgot the "and their people, retrograde them"


  17. Sounds good. Glad to know you're still around. We'll be looking out for ya' over there.

  18. definitely not that one

  19. Referencing...?

  20. Yeah it was generic, but I changed it 'cause you and Zoks both went to "Toa Haru" and "Toa Zokau". So I did too. :P

  21. There was "Xinlo The Milk Man", "I'm Cooler Than Haru, Fact.", and "Toa Xinlo".

    All were inspired from you. :P

  22. Hey Xalen, happy birthday! (according to tth). You should come around more often man.

  23. you know you want to. It eats at your very soul

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