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Blog Entries posted by Xinlo

  1. Xinlo


    That's all I have to say. I mean... I'm just gonna' be blunt: These new forums suck. I'll not leave BZP or anything (and I actually love these new blogs - but could someone tell me how to get to mine from the blog home?) however this is going to take a LONG time to get used to.

    Anyway, aside from that, let's see what's happened in life over this huge amount of BZP nonexistence, shall we?


    First off, I'm now officially a brony. So shoutout to all you other bronies out there! I've recently gotten into my first band with two of my best friends who moved back to town after being gone for a year, so that's amazing. My CD collection has grown substantially, including the new Dream Theater, Opeth, and soon to be Megadeth albums. The former two are some of my favourite records in a long long time.


    School is surprisingly great this year. I have Guitar and Animation classes and two spares for this semester, with woodwork, drafting, english, and cafeteria next semester. Should be cool.


    Um... still no girlfriend yet, though there's a cute girl in my guitar class I might like. Nothing'll happen with that though. If anyone read my epic, I WILL be continuing it (though I know nobody but my friends cared
    ) and I still MOC and draw avidly, so I'll be pretty active. 

    Guess it's good to have the site back, even if it has changed a ton.


  2. Xinlo
    So I've got a fever on my beloved five-day weekend, spent all day outside yesterday in the wonderful sun, which severely burnt my right leg, and I've got a horrible throat-destroying cough.

    Oh, And I've got a ton of easter chocolate I can't eat.

    Edited for wordfilter bypass.-Nukaya
  3. Xinlo
    You guys ever have one of those days where it feels like it's crushing down on you, and every little project/assignment/favour/chore feels like an impending death sentence and you just start freaking out about everything?


  4. Xinlo
    Here's three of the most depressing songs in existence, all by Megadeth. Excerpts provided for reading purposes.
    Youthanasia: "We are the ###### of all the world, with sadness in our hearts.
    The wounded of the wars; we've been hung out to dry.
    You didn't want us anyway, so now we're making up our minds.
    You tell us how to run our lives: we run for euthanasia."
    When: "And the oath I swear on this day, to share your pain.
    Until then, until I see your world implode,
    I wish you death and suffering!
    Misery to spare!
    Time to reherse your pain, face the last enemy.
    I am the last thing you will know.
    I walked a minefield for you,
    A coherent ###### with you.
    How could you do this to me?
    I trusted you, and I loved you.
    And you spit back in my face!"
    And finally, the ever-so-popular In My Darkest Hour: "Life will be better when I'm dead and gone, but I gotta' die first. Please God, send me on my way!"
    And this is the kind of music I love.
    Is there something wrong with me?

  5. Xinlo
    ...I think I've a new religion.

  6. Xinlo
    ... I am currently downloading the following discographies:
    -Iron Maiden
    -Bruce Dickinson
    -Black Sabbath
    -Ozzy Osbourne
    Good stuff, yo.

  7. Xinlo
    At least, not anything anyone cares about. Let's see...
    Been trying to continue my Star Trek models, back into my Megadeth phase, enjoying physics, been too unmotivated to come on BZP for weeks... haven't been on the computer much... went on a diet/cleanse thingy and lost a ton of weight (not literally), and went snowboarding once.
    That about sums up my life at the moment.

  8. Xinlo
    This obsession seems to have overrun half the internet. It's freakin' annoying. All my once somewhat-sane friends have become... nutcases, to but it nicely.
    But seriously, what the heck is so great about it? It's a lot of random ###### that makes no sense and everyone thinks it's hilarious. I bet I could draw squiggles on a piece of lined paper saying something "BNAAALLLRRGGHH" and it'd become a hit.

  9. Xinlo
    Right, so I kinda' forgot about my blog, and somehow posted my BZP anniversary but not my birthday, which came before... huh.
    Anyway, my birthday party kinda' sucked, 'cause my friend brought his Xbox 360 and all my other friends gravitated to it and gamed all night. After I got bored, they just kept on gaming...
    But my actual birthday was great. Had another sort of party, with a bunch of my adult sort-of aquaintance friends. =P I got a bunch of epic gifts, played some fun games, etc.
    So my birthday gifts were:
    Line 6 Spider IV (75-watt) guitar amplifier
    Metallica belt buckle
    Ride The Lightning tab book
    A music stand with a light mounted on top
    $20 coles gift card
    Master Of Puppets CD
    Nazareth: Greatest Hits CD
    And then Christmas comes a-rollin', and what do you know? It was awesome too. Lots of cookies, cake, pie, egg nog, etc. I tried to stay up all night, but boredom set in, and I ended up taking a nap. I set my iPod alarm for 7:00, but it didn't go off. So I got up at 8:30, which took a bit of the fun away.
    So I got for Christmas:
    Sony Stereo System
    Muaka And Kane-Ra
    Dream Theater hoodie
    Giant gummy bear
    guitar-shaped lighter
    Wool socks
    Big 4 of Thrash DVD
    Lost In Space Jupiter II AMT model
    $25 7/11 gift card
    Ski pass
    Lego ARC 170 starfighter
    11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver
    Mike and Ikes
    And there might be more, but I can't remember.
    And then happy new years to ya'll. it's 2011, and I'm on a diet to lose some weight for my trip back to ontario in the summer. Gotta' be lookin' good for the beaches... maybe. Dunno if we'll be going to any beaches...

  10. Xinlo
    So I'm finally putting my money towards something useful. I have about $110 so far, and I'll probably get more for christmas. So I was thinking I should actually save up and get something really nice for myself.
    So, Here's the deal:
    Option #1 - A Macbook Pro laptop computer. I love Mac computers, and mine (as awesome as it is) is a bit old and half dead. The Macbooks have more power than the iMac I have now, and with a bunch of new programs (I could use iMovie again. This computer can't handle it anymore). Also, Garageband would run alot faster, and I could make my album better. Plus it would be a laptop, so I could take it places and not be locked in my room while the day slips away. I'd sell my current computer too, hopefully getting about $300-$500 for it.
    Option #2 - A bass Guitar. And not just any bass guitar, THIS bass guitar. It's a BC Rich WMD 5-string Widow Bass. It's not a very common model, but all the reviews I've read have been 100% positive. Only thing one person said was that it was neck-heavy, but that can be fixed by adjusting the strap placement. I'm not a bass player, but I've been having an indescribably urge to learn. And it can't be too different from guitar. Besides, you gotta' start somewhere. I'd need an amp too, but I don't really know what passes as an acceptable amp in the bass world. So this thing costs $700 (with a custom-fitted case) on ebay, plus maybe $150 for an amp. I could sell my fender stratocaster for probably $1000-$1500, so that's all good.
    But my dad thinks I should go for the computer, I really want both, my sister says they're both stupid, and my mom says "maybe you'll know when the time comes" which is uber helpful.
    Although, if I got top price for my computer, my strat, and my strat knock-off, I could maybe afford both. I dunno.
    Any thoughts from you guys?

  11. Xinlo
    Well, today, December 16th, 2010, marks my six-year anniversary on this odd site. Get a Faxon spinny now. And I'm still not at 2000 posts. XD

  12. Xinlo
    Just got back from watching HP7. I had mixed expectations beforehand, having read a few negative reviews and such, but it turned out to be really good. I thought it was pretty close to the book, though a few details were lost. Such as:
    Where did harry get the mirror shard from? In the movies, Sirius never gave him the mirrors.
    Why did the locket choke harry? I, of course, know why, but it was unexplained in the movie.
    However, despite these little mistakes, I really enjoyed it. The part where Ron destroys the locket was my favourite part; it was just done so well, and was almost 100% book-accurate. I was disappointed that they skipped over Harry's birthday, but oh well. It was funny when Hermione was worries they'd missed it.
    Anyway, can't wait for the second part; Gringotts should be epic, and so many people die... Not that I like death, but it'll be interesting to see howthey pull 'em all off. They skipped Wormtail's death, which surprised me.

  13. Xinlo
    Well, I'm trying to write chapter 4 of my epic, but I'm stuck. So far, an Ar-Matoran named Teltus (Ar- is for moonlight, BTW, which makes characters of said element kinda' spacy) wandering through a bartering center, and he just got knocked over by a careless hurrier.
    Any ideas and/or advice?

  14. Xinlo
    "lachlan1701"> "ehlek--the--weak"> "EETOXED"> "ElectricaL WhiteouT"> "Lewa Nuva: Toa Of Nothing"> "~LN~"> "..::LN::.."> "Xinlo: Warrior Of Light"> "Xinlo The Milkman"> "I'm Cooler Than Haru. Fact."> "~{XINLO}~"> "Toa Xinlo"> "Xinlo: Lord Of Olnix"> ".:Lord X:."> "Xinny with a spinny"> "Xinlo: Spirit Of Sonics"> "Leper Messiah"> "Xinlo: Spirit Of Sonics".

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