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Everything posted by Planetperson

  1. Planetperson

    Solar System

    Very nice. You should know that the sun is too big. From a nearby star, it would look like another star.
  2. All of my pieces are sorted into small plastic drawers according to shape. For example, all the 2x2 bricks go stacked with each other in one drawer, all the 2x3 roof pieces get their own, etc. I arrange the drawers according to how their content relates. So all the slant piecesare by each other, all the bricks are by each other, all the 1/3 plates are by each other, etc. Of course, not every single shape gets its own drawer; some of the related ones share. I have three sets of drawers, too. So all of the more basic pieces like bricks, slants, plates, etc. are collected in their own drawer. Another drawer contains more "particle" pieces like the one-stud cylinder pieces, those little clasp connectors, stuff like that. And the third drawer has more functioning things like hinges and wheels. So there's structure, aesthetic, and functionality.
  3. Congratulations on building Minion!

  4. Sunday, February 10, 2008 I'm sad that since 2006 Lego stopped releasing promo images of canister sets that have backgrounds. The best images we usually get are the white-out ones from Shop@Home. But I recently found some very nice Piraka images that I never knew existed. They sort of have backgrounds. HakannAvakZaktanReidakVezokThok
  5. Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Ash Wednesday I know you don't care, but I just had my best Kopaka Nuva game ever.
  6. Planetperson


    The Lehvak were the swamp Bohrok, one of the six breeds of Bohrok swarm. Their head-plates housed red Krana, which were telepathically directed by the Bahrag. History The Great Beings created the Bohrok machines 100,000 years ago, placing them under the guidance of the Bahrag queens. The Bohrok's purpose was to scour clean the outer surface of the earthen dome housing Metru Nui and its silver sea, which protruded out of the ocean of water on the planet surface like a large island, should anything have settled on it. This was supposed to ensure the well-being of the Great Spirit, Mata Nui, in some way. The Lehvak, along with the five other Bohrok breeds and the six Bohrok Va breeds, were stored away in chambers combed with individual containers located beneath both the outer surface of Metru Nui's dome as well as below Metru Nui itself. The Bohrok were put fast into hibernation to awaken only when they received a sonic signal when the time came for them to perform their task. No inhabitants of the universe were ever intended to live on the surface island. Because of circumstances surrounding the Great Cataclysm 1,000 years ago, however, the Matoran of Metru Nui were forced to emigrate to the island. The Cataclysm had also caused a massive conduit of energized protodermis beneath the island to rupture and wash over all its terrain. The substance caused massive transformations in the landscape, bringing forth plantlife and sharp climate shifts where before there had only existed a rocky wasteland. The changes acclimated the environment nicely to suit a new home for the Matoran, who named the island "Mata Nui" in honor of the Great Spirit. Eventually myriad species of Rahi beasts settled on the island as well after the Matoran. This disruption of Mata Nui's original state allowed the Makuta of Metru Nui to exploit the Bohrok's function. The Makuta of Metru Nui came to Mata Nui 999 years ago. Intent on perpetually harassing the Matoran and keeping them from ever returning to Metru Nui, less than one year he awakened the Bohrok prematurely in order to bide his time after his first defeat by the Toa Mata. The Lehvak and other Bohrok quickly emerged from their chambers in droves, rampaging across Mata Nui and devastating its lush landscape. To defend the Matoran and their home, the Toa Mata continually put up resistance against the Bohrok swarms. The Bohrok, however, never attacked the inhabitants of Mata Nui unless they directly obstructed their mission; they simply campaigned across the island intent on reverting it to its original barren state. Many Bohrok, Lehvak among them, were incapacitated in the struggles against the Matoran. The Matoran realized they could dismantle fallen Bohrok and rebuild them into Boxor vehicles. The Matoran considerd the Lehvak to be the most dangerous Bohrok type, since their acid spray was capable of rapidly dissolving any substance on Mata Nui. When the Lehvak invaded Le-Koro, Turaga Matau and the resident Le-Matoran put up resistance against them. The Lehvak slung their parasitic Krana onto their faces to enslave their minds to the swarm, ending their threat. Toa Lewa, when he came to investigate Le-Koro, also fell under their control. Toa Onua later rescued Lewa, and a group of Matoran with Boxor vehicles rescued Matau and the Matoran. Lehvak also lay siege to Po-Koro to reinforce swarms of Tahnok and Pahrak. Their arrival heralded the evacuation of the village. After a week of the Bohrok's rampages, the Toa Mata ventured down into the Bohrok nests to challenge their source of direction: the Bahrag twins. The Toa Mata successfully sealed the Bahrag away in indestructible protodermis with their elemental powers. The Bahrag's telepathic link to the Bohrok's Krana was severed, and all Bohrok stopped in their tracks. After the Bohrok were defeated, the Matoran found out they could remove their Krana and give them new commands verbally. The Matoran put the Bohrok to work rebuilding the damage they caused to the villages. The emergence of the Bohrok-Kal failsafes sent a signal that caused the Lehvak and other Bohrok to return to their nests automatically. The Toa, transformed into more powerful Toa Nuva, narrowly stopped the Bohrok-Kal from restarting the swarms; but the Bohrok swarms remained underground, dormant in their nests. The later defeat of Makuta allowed the inhabitants of Mata Nui to move back to Metru Nui. Recently the Toa Nuva returned with better knowledge of the Bohrok's relevance to the will of Mata Nui to the the Bahrag's lair in order to free them and restart the Bohrok swarms. With no Matoran living above to be threatened, the Bohrok awoke a second time, this time successfully wiping out the Matoran's old homes and reverting Mata Nui back to its original state, although they met resistance from the wandering Kardas Dragon from Voya Nui. The Kardas Dragon took out a number of Bohrok machines but was severely beaten down. When the Bohrok's task was done, they returned to their nests.
  7. I know. People say, "Even if the game is boring [which it usually does, since its really the games leading up to the Super Bowl that are most climactic], I like to watch the funny commercials with animals and beer jokes in them." And you know what? Every single super bowl commerical -- all the good ones, all the stupid ones -- is going to be put up on video sites at least five times over by people who think they can earn a living recording this stuff and posting it online for people's amusement. This is the kind of wisdom I learn in history class.
  8. I'm not making the connection. In my mind, those two letters can mean anything. I'm too innocent. I must ask my gangster fellow about this.
  9. Saturday, February 2, 2008 Try doing this in a comment to this entry: type the letter "-" followed by the letter "-." Please explain why this happens? No bypassing of the word filter please. -Val
  10. Is there a reason you end everything you type with :P? :P

  11. Nice mask in your avatar and banner. Did you create them?

  12. Planetperson

    Swf Files

    Friday, January 4, 2008 Here's a list of links to some flash files on the new bionicle.com, if anyone wants to see them. Right-click and choose "Save target as..." to download. Just remember, DON'T direct-link the files anywhere. Kopaka NuvaLewa NuvaPohatu NuvaAntrozVamprahChiroxKonguJallerHewkiiNuparuHahliMatoroTanmaSolekPhotokRadiakGavlaKiropToa IgnikaGadunkaHydraxonMaxilosPhantoka headerOpenerBionicleStory OpenerKopaka Nuva productLewa Nuva productPohatu Nuva productAntroz productVamprah productChirox productTanma productSolek productPhotok productRadiak productGavla productKirop productToa Ignika productMatoro GameJaller GameHewkii GameNuparu GameKongu GameHahli GameBattle for Power LoaderPohatu Nuva Game LoaderComic 11Story 2001Story 2002Story 2003RorzakhHordika VakamaHordika Vakama DataBionicleBattleJetix BarrakiSinging SquidSquid LauncherBarraki TV AdCordak Blaster
  13. Pyroi is ancient Greek for "fires."

  14. Planetperson

    New Serials

    Well, I simply can't wait.
  15. Friday, November 2, 2007
  16. Tuesday, October 30, 2007 Is it not remarkable what ancient men left behind on earth to teach us? This ancient pictograph was recently uncovered in the caves of Nottinghamshire, England. Researchers at Oxford University confirmed it to be a depiction of a primitive blog entry, much like the one seen here. But wait -- the enlightening parallels between ancient and modern humans do not stop there. Just as the simple painting above was signed "Gorak first hunt," so too did this blog entry end with a conveyance of a primal thought: . And just as none of "Gorak's" cave-friends left a comment beside the painting, no members commented in the modern entry due to its lameness.
  17. No one harrassed me while I was driving. But tell me, do you remember if your instructor was wearing a funny hat?
  18. Monday, October 29, 2007 It is a harsh game you play, server of BZPower. Is it because I wronged you one day, refreshing the page though you could not provide? No need now to deny the existence of each other.
  19. That's bad procrastination. If you're going to procrastinate, you should at least get around to building it.
  20. Planetperson

    Tickle Me Emo

    So you'll be wearing the tickle me emo look more than once, then. Your website looks very slick.
  21. Sunday, October 28, 2007 Honest to God.
  22. I've actually made a point of avoiding the use of graphic emoticons when I occaisionally post. I especially find it very inappropriate at times when people use the smiley in a vain attempt to alleviate the scolding tone of what they type. And I notice it's usually reference dudes.
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