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Everything posted by Planetperson

  1. Hoo boy, am I gonna get people pointing out their PMs? You better believe it. It's comments .
  2. Not a very light-hearted story.
  3. Friday, September 12, 2008 Hello there, readers! This is the first entry of the Farshtey Feed, my OGD Weekly Digest. Come here every Friday to get condensed notes from the OGD. Notice the new bar in the Links box. We'll see how this goes! KARDA NUI • The waters of the swamp glow in places. • Tanma, Photok, and Solek are off fighting other Shadow Matoran during Endgame. • Mutran creates the Klakk that end up in Karda Nui. • Mutran creates Klakk in Karda Nui for defense and because Rahi creation is his profession as well as his hobby. • Mutran wanted to create Klakk in Karda Nui to harry the Toa. • A Klakk cannot destroy mental shielding. • The organic stone suspending Mutran's hive was a variant of his living rock. • The Makuta in Karda Nui do not know of the energy storms. • The Mistika Makuta took their swamp forms and then got locked by the swamp mutagen. DESTINY WAR • There is a connection between Nektann's spiky Muaka and the spiky Muaka the Toa Metru encountered near Makuta's lair returning to Metru Nui. • Jaller and probably Hahli are the most affected by Matoro's death. • Trinuma is offshore Destral. • There are about a half dozen Skakdi warlords. • Female Skakdi are actually more vicious and destructive than male Skakdi. • Zaktan is with the Toa Hagah when they come to the Coliseum. DWELLERS IN DARKNESS • The four-armed OoMN member's axe has multiple blades on each side. THE BIG PICTURE • Mata Nui had no need to sleep when he was awake. • Greg would say that even Mata Nui would not live forever if the Matoran always kept working. • The forges and caverns said to be where the Ignika was forged were someplace other than the Matoran universe. • The Great Beings regularly wear some clothing. • If Greg had to guess, he would say the Bionicle planet is smaller than Earth, although that is just a guess. GENERAL -Locations • The Heart of the Visorak was on the Tren Krom Peninsula. • The southern continent is bigger than the north. • The Pit is south of the northern continent. • Ko-Metru is naturally cold. • All the Rahi native to Voya Nui are native to the SC. -Characters • Umbra's mind is not shielded. • Lhikan saw a lot of Toa in his time (as a Matoran?). • The Tahtorak on Metru Nui probably came from Zakaz. -Storyline • Everyone felt it when Jovan's team brought Mata Nui back to full health after the Great Disruption. • The Toa who subdued the Kanohi Dragon on Metru Nui the first time were visiting, since the city was a major trade port. They were probably a team visiting. • The Kanohi Dragon was sealed away in the Great Barrier. • Tuyet's betrayal was 3500 years ago. • The five Toa Mahri (without Takanuva, so he could guard the city) subdued the Kardas Dragon, then Takanuva disappeared. • Nocturn has been captured. -Brotherhood of Makuta • The other Makuta serve projects at Teridax's discretion. • The Toa Metru's creation came as an annoyance to Teridax. • Teridax can deduce something like the Codrex must exist, but otherwise he does not know of it specifically. • Teridax learned how to wake up the Bohrok from Mutran's encounter with Tren Krom. • A protosteel weapon will always be strong enough to pierce a Makuta's armor.
  4. Thursday, September 11, 2008 9/11 No one has rated this blog for almost two years now. But it takes only one to tip the scale from 4.0 to five stars... It would be nice to have that, having cared to post some pretty good entries in my time. On that subject, I'm posting the first OGD Weekly Digest entry tomorrow.
  5. Incredibly, I received my Brickmaster September-October today, on the tenth of the month. I'm a happy man, since typically I get my issue on like the 25th... of the next month. On that subject, I complained to Lego about not getting a July issue, and I am still waiting on that issue to arrive in my mailbox, in September. Is that right? Anyway, here's some photos, including some of the exclusive Klakk set. The Klakk is a simple set.
  6. Planetperson

    Pc And Mac

    Aww. You can vote me for PC.
  7. Planetperson

    Flying By

    Man, I tooootally forgot it was 9/11 tomorrow. Thanks for that wake-up call. I vote for B)
  8. Wednesday, September 10, 2008 I was quite impressed today at school. My friends knew what I was talking about when I said, "So, you hear what they did in Switzerland?" I got into this fanboy discussion with one guy about Nikola Tesla and how the FBI stole away the blueprints for his particle beam, like the real-life plans for the Death Star. Another friend told me that his uber-geeky physics teacher compared the likelyhood of the machine creating a black hole that would swallow up the earth to the chances of the machine spinning around and turning itself into a 1980s Buick. Be wary for the Buick, my friends.
  9. Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Tell me, what would you think of an OGD Weekly Digest featured in this blog? I'm one of those people who checks the OGD daily. Something I do that other people may not is record all the little nuggets of information in a never-ending Microsoft Notepad document so I can reference them later. Now, since I do this activity anyway, I realize it would be pretty easy to post these notes in a blog entry every Friday for everyone to see. For people who would like to catch up on Greg's answers but maybe for just one week don't have the patience to wade through the never-ending, often redundant PMs, this could be a snappy alternative. Imagine: the original topic, just sifted down for particularly insightful quotes from Greg or any information that is brand-new, previously unknown, interesting -- you name it. The only stuff I wouldn't include is all the extra gunk... The people's comments that quote an entire Q&A post just to say, "That's cool, didn't know that before." And the aggravating, 40-question scroll-down to read, scroll-back-up to read posts. And the new members asking, "Where can I PM Greg?" and the wiser members who tell them, "You need 10 posts, and a link to PM him is in the first post." What do you think?
  10. Planetperson


    Yes, the killer voice has been in all the games since the Mahri.
  11. Planetperson


    That's good. Wish I would go back and finish those collections.
  12. Planetperson

    A Game

  13. Yeah, there's some cool stuff in there.
  14. I think pictures are tomorrow. I need a monacle tonight! My school is no fun, they'll kill it.
  15. This is like the one classic Disney movie I never got.
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