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Everything posted by Planetperson

  1. Tuesday, September 16, 2008 I don't have anything interesting to say today. Why don't you go comment my profile, make it seem like I'm popular? =]
  2. Planetperson


    Ay ay ay. I get like 96s or 99s in Greek. :blush:
  3. That's actually a useful word. In many cases it will be more appropriate than "joke," "jibe," or "quip."
  4. Planetperson


    For me, Bionicle will never end. Because I won't ever forget it. I'm excited. And it'll be especially cool if I was right about Mata Nui and the universe.
  5. Planetperson

    How Sad

    Bernie Mac's death I could not comprehend.
  6. Monday, September 15, 2008
  7. It's annoying, but tame compared to how some other places get affected. I'm sorry about the fires.
  8. Maybe the creator didn't sign over the rights, so it may have won but also not become canon. Anyway, I don't include it in my mental Bionicle Encylopedia on Everything.
  9. You forgot to make it a Wal*Mart "Exclusive."
  10. How did you find this? I remember seeing some of these images on the oldschool BS01. These are amazing.
  11. That's an awesome obscure find. Some of those got put in Tales of the Tohunga.
  12. The name wouldn't be, of course. Neither would the model, I guess, because it's never been in something Lego published. But it's there in case anyone has more info on it.
  13. Sunday, September 14, 2008 Seriously, the possibilities are endless. Ike is flooding my basement :/.
  14. Cool stuff to be extracted from the game.
  15. Five stars for anyone who takes Greek. :)

  16. Planetperson


    Then what happened.
  17. Saturday, September 13, 2008 Swearing is bad, so when you have to use an expletive on BZPower, what are your alternatives? Mata Nui! ... Chocolate milk! ... Pohatu's foot! ... blue pins! :angry: BTW, what's funny is that it takes like ten people to give this blog the exact same rating, lol. Really, thanks for that guys, there were cobwebs on the rating bar .
  18. TI-84, huh. Very cool.

  19. Planetperson


    No. Too big = annoying.
  20. YAH, let's just smash fuzzy white dots together and make black holes.
  21. Planetperson


    Couldn't even tell it was made out of Lego pieces for the first minute of looking at it.
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