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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour

    Cascade Day 1

    I'm glad you're having a good time, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  2. Here's the ones that I need. It's a little hard to see the color differences in the pictures, so you might have more that I need.Vorahk - 5Yellow/Lime Green -5Red/Black - 3Red/Blue - 4Black/Yellow - 6Black/Copper - 4
  3. Brappy Hour

    Me Today

    That looks so cool!
  4. I'll offer when the pictures are public.Well. You certainly have a few Kraata I need.
  5. So you're a jester now? :3
  6. You're fine whatever you do. There's nothing to be worried about.
  7. Yes you read me right. I'm currently conducting a trade with a BZP member from across the ocean, and what did I get you might ask. Breez 4.0 and Thornraxx. The two Hero Factory sets that have yet to be released tin the U.S. This is probrably the first time I've done this, and to make it even better Breez and Thornraxx are pretty awesome sets. Perhaps some the best of the year so far. I'd like to thank Toatapio Nuva for sending me these awesome sets, and I'll be sending you your half of the trade a.s.a.p. Thanks for reading, Raptor.
  8. When I first saw them. I thought I was in trouble.
  9. Sounds like fun on a bun. :3
  10. Haven't recieved the package yet, but I'll let you know when I do.
  11. I'm interested in Kraata. I have a list of what I need in my topic, as well as an assortment of items you need.
  12. Well. That certainly sucks.
  13. Misprints:White Ruru x2Brown RuruWhite RuruRares:Disk of TimeCopper HunaSparkling Avohki
  14. Howdy howdy. I would like to ask if you have any Kraata I need, and wondering if we could trade.
  15. Offer enough Kraata for what a Misprints worth, and it's yours.
  16. If I could, I would.I have to save for BrickFair. So for now I can purchase anything.
  17. You'll need some eye drops soon if you keep staring like that.
  18. Brappy Hour

    Next Week

    I hope you have a wonderful time, but I wish you were going to BrickFair tooooooo.
  19. I wish awesome chicks would buy me Lego sets.
  20. Hey everyone.I'm hoping to find more Kraata, but seems like the trading scene is drying up. Most people want cash.If I offered more rare items like my extra Misprints and Toa Mata would anyone be interested?
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