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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Well the Kraata I listed equal to $9. That's not enough for a Misprint.However I couldn't identify a few of your Kraata. It would help me a ton if you could list the colors, and levels you have.Other than that. I can offer other Kanohi to equal the amount.
  2. Brappy Hour

    7 Days

    I feel bad that you're still in school.
  3. That.... didn't really answer my reply.Anyway. I guess I'll look at my other Kanohi and see what I can find.
  4. Brappy Hour

    Bad News [Art]

    Please don't mess up! D:
  5. Brappy Hour

    I Am Become Lurk

    Yay! So much to learn!
  6. I'm glad you had a good time.
  7. Tell us how good it is. X3
  8. Brappy Hour

    Changed My Av

    That means check over your post before hand. :3
  9. A Kraata is worth $1.50. A Misprint Ruru is worth $10 and Matatu $13.If you really want money more than Masks. I'll see what I can do.
  10. Always fun to see your imagination brought to life.
  11. One is a mask. And The other is one of the Final Mission cards in Rahi attack, both are holographic.
  12. Brappy Hour

    Skullbuds 3.0

    Grrrrr rainbow skulls!
  13. Hello friend. I'm looking for 2 more cards to complete my own collection. 197, and 307.Could I possibly buy them from you? PLEASE?
  14. I'd be interested in some in your Krana, and perhaps Kraata if you have any.However I live in the U.S. So I'm not sure if your willing to send items so far.
  15. What do you say about my last post?
  16. Brappy Hour

    Cascade Day 1

    I'm glad you're having a good time, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
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