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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour

    Double Return

    That's good to hear.
  2. Alright. And the 1 Kraata you want will go towards your payment.
  3. When you make a desicion of what exactly you want.
  4. What would you trade for VMKK?I have little to no money, and I'm curious as to whether I could offer anything you may need.
  5. No need to apologize. Everyone times in their lives such as these. I do hope that you're able to sort your problems out, and that you'll have friends waiting for you when you return.
  6. Attack of the Doddles! D:
  7. What's your closest "desired price"?I can offer other items too.
  8. I'll keep my eye on this.I'm just curious as of how you aquired all these.
  9. I'll be sure to read and comment soooon.
  10. That's right, It's 2012. A brand new year, and that means new BZP BrickFair shirts! I need to start the process of making the shirts, but before I can do anything I need something awesome to put on it. So I'm hosting the contest this year. Mostly because EW won't answer my PMs, but that's not important. The theme of BrickFair this year is fire. So there's your starting point. I'd prefer no Tahu Mata this year, since he was the design last year. Designs need to be one color, one simple image. Here's some past designs. -> 2010 2011 So put on your thinking caps and make the best darn designs you can possibly make. The contest ends at the end of May, and voting will begin soon after. Post your designs here, and have fun. Thanks for reading, Raptor.
  11. Bleh. It's all good now. XP
  12. Of course you can trade.Date line? Everything that's there is avaliable.
  13. You're doing great. You won't have to worry about them after you graduate.
  14. Your colors look very beautiful.
  15. How much is a postcard?
  16. What are these postcards for?
  17. I'll be leaving today for a long needed vacation. I'm going to take a brake from my computer as well. I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday In the meantime. Please start thinking of new designs for the BrickFair 2012 shirts. The theme for BrickFair this year is fire, so try coming up with HOT ideas for that. No Tahu though, since we used him last year. Last, but certainly not least. Happy Easter everyone. Thanks for reading, Raptor.
  18. I think it looks wonderful.
  19. It would be even cooler to hang out with you.
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