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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour
    When these ridiculous signature fads end. So I can turn my display options back on.
    I don't have a problem with the subject of the matter, but the way people are forcing it onto others is unnecessary and immature. I'm more than certain that most who are a part of this fad are just preying on peoples insecurities. I had thought better of this community.
  2. Brappy Hour
    Over the course of the past few weeks I finally finished my Silver version of Pokemon, and by finish I got all the Pokemon up to #488.
    I have had my Pokemon Dream Team together for a while, and I had been talking with my friend Kiba about what our favorite Pokemon were. So he drew this for me in his spare time at work. Link
    Then today; A day after White/Black came out, another friend from DeviantArt finally finished a picture I had commissioned for her to do.

    Which art piece do you think is better, and what do you think of my choice of team.
    My opinion on White so far? It makes me wish I was still playing Soul Silver, and not in a good way.
  3. Brappy Hour
    I have played the crud out of White. So please forgive me if my levels seem freakish.

    Volcarona: Level 91

    Galvantula: Level 79

    Bisharp: Level 83

    Hydreigon: Level 86

    Carracosta: Level 86

    Haxorus: Level 84
    Like always I hope everyone is doing well, and thanks for reading.
  4. Brappy Hour
    Here's all the BZP shirts I have left.
    1 Medium
    Staff Edition:
    4 Small
    1 XL
    If you would like to order a BZP shirt. Please send me a PM. The price is still $5, plus $4 shipping.
    Thank you Nukaya, for asking me to update the list.
  5. Brappy Hour
    I had a great time at BrickFair this year. It was a pleasure/honor to meet so many awesome people and see so many awesome LEGO builds. I hope to return next year to have even more fun.
    I thank the Staff and other popular members who let me hang out with them. :blush:
    Anyway. Here's what I have left of the BZPower shirts from this year, as well as some from last year.
    If you wish to purchase one or more of these shirts. Please send me a PM, and we shall discuss payment from there.
    2011 BrickFair Shirts: http://www.majhost.c...1/shirt_003.jpg
    XL - 2, both on hold
    2XL- 2, 1 on hold
    BrickFair 2010 Shirts: http://www.majhost.c.../BZP/br_003.jpg
    Staff Edition:
    4 Small
    1 XL
    As always. Thanks for reading
  6. Brappy Hour
    My business partner EW spoke to me earlier this afternoon and made a suggestion. B) So I've made a revision to the shirt ordering.
    Shirts can be pre-ordered, but you can't receive them until BrickFair. The only way you can reserve a shirt is if you pay the cost for one, and then pick it up when you arrive at the convention. So that everyone who is at the convention has a chance to get one.
    Does that sound fair to everyone?
  7. Brappy Hour
    Hey everyone. I've been thinking about this for a while so here goes.
    For BrickFair I was thinking of making a Rahi Nui MOC. Since it's Bionicle's last year and I think it would be a sight to see. I have just about all the different Rahi parts to add to it, and I'm always thinking of ways to make it look even better. Though I wanted to ask the Bionicle fans a question.
    Should the Rahi Nui be different colors from the representing Rahi, like a purple Nui Jaga tail and yellow Muaka claws etc. Or be in silver, gunmetal gray, and black.
    Your opinion and comments would be greatly appreciated.
    Should I make a poll in the forum about this? If it's allowed of course.

  8. Brappy Hour
    Just recently, I finished re-training my dream team in Pokemon White. After a lot of consideration I had to take Aggron out and replace him with Volcarona, which is a better fire type than I could ask for.
    After training my primary team. I got to thinking about the different types and favored ones I was unable to have in my dream team. So with a little excitement I decided to make a second dream team! It was a lot of fun choosing which types and past favs I could put together in a team, and as of now I'm training them and testing how well they are in battle. They're getting some help from the veteran team too.
    I would like to keep the new team a secret for now. Think of it as a surprise, or a secret tactic.
    Don't worry. I'll wish you all Merry Christmas. After I celebrate my Bday on Friday.
  9. Brappy Hour
    Just wanted to let you all know in case you didn't already. It's double experience points for Transformers: War For Cybertron multiplayer for the remainder of this weekend. As well as 8 times the experience in Gears of War 2 until July 6th.
    So go on to getting those upper rank achievements!
    BTW- I think Scientist may be my favorite class in Transformers.
  10. Brappy Hour
    I sure am! I'm so excited! I'm getting Legendary edition and all the fancy armor at GameStop.
    But due to my busy schedule this week. I'm not sure I'll get to play it much.
    I won't be able to play this weekend either, because I'm going to my Scout camp for my Vigil honor ordeal.
    I don't want to hear or see any spoilers. So if I'm on Live, I won't be joining any gamer parties until I'm done with campaign.
    Anyway. I hope you're excited as I am, and that you enjoy Halo Reach!
    Oh yeah! Reach Figures!
    Spartan V
    Elite Ultra
  11. Brappy Hour
    I realized something in the last few days. Something people have been saying for a while, but I was never able to understand until now. So I'm sorry if this is old news and you're not interested in reading.
    Alright. When Bionicle was said to be canceled and the new line was to be released. Like a die hard Bionicle fan. I hated all the aspects, ideas and the sets that were replacing my favorite toy line. I was hurt and did not want anything to change. I know now it was wrong to bring hatred in my arguments against Hero Factory, even though it was mostly when it was first introduced.
    Lets start with a conversation I had. I talked with the owner of a small toys tore in my home town. they had many non-commercial brands, but they did have LEGO, and they had a lot of Bionicle. Anyway I asked him about Bionicle stuff due to there being no canister sets left. He said that Bionicle had been canceled, but noted that it had been around for ten years and had a great run. That made me realize that yeah. Bionicle did have a great run! Not many series can show that they were great enough to last nine to ten years. Bionicle had a great beginning, and even if we didn't want it and they way it was. It had to end.
    My next subject is limitations and story. As we all learned. Bionicle grew from a little island in the middle of nowhere. To a whole universe of creatures and beings inside one giant robot. Even more than that, there was even more "planets" and perhaps a whole universe full of characters. During the story of Bionicle we were introduced to may I say hundreds of characters. Some were only there to take up space, and others we got to see grow and mature over time. The prime example is Tahu. What I'm getting at, is that even though the story was great. It grew to an imense size that many have a hard time understanding and some don't enjoy anymore. Lots of things were explained to deeply and it drove many fans away. Lets call it the "Star Wars Effect".
    Anyway. I understand why LEGO decided to part with the Bionicle line. There were storyline limitations that they couldn't stress any longer, and so many ideas and imaginative ways can be done. So Bionicle was ended, but of course not in the way we wanted.
    Hero Factory is a clean slate. Right now. Any storyline and plot twist or character introduction is possible. Again like Star Wars. Hero Factory takes place in a whole universe. Which means that many ideas are in the making. Lets hope we have some great minds behind this story, and see if it can develop. It may seem silly now, but perhaps the story may become more than just a fake police service hot line.
    The sets are okay. I'm more interested in the villains than the actual heroes. In my earlier arguments I would say that there was no imagination in these sets, and they borrowed too heavily from Bionicle parts. But when Bionicle started they too borrowed parts from older LEGO Technic lines. So perhaps if the first year of Hero Factory goes well. Perhaps they'll come up with even better parts.
    I feel really, Really, REALLY dumb for not realizing the ending points some things need, and the potential for new beginnings. I was once a hurt die hard Bionicle fan who wouldn't dream of buying anything or even caring for anything other than it. Now I am an optimistic LEGO fan who will love Bionicle forever, but will also come to love change and new stories to enjoy, and new characters to see grow and develop.
    I'll try Hero Factory. See if it's worth the hype and if it has a fun story. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    Thanks for reading, and lets have high hopes for Hero Factory. Bionicle's young brethren.
  12. Brappy Hour
    That's right boys and girls. BrickFair 2012 is over, and that means the leftover BZP shirts are available to those who weren't able to make it!
    What's listed is what's left. First come first served. Anyone can buy one. Send me a PM to dicuss payment. Bleep Bloop.
    Small - 8
    Medium - 1
    Large - 1 Sold
    XL - 3 / 1 On Hold
    2XL - 1
    The cost will be $15, plus $4 shipping.
    I always accept trades too. So check my trading topic for a list of my wants. CLICK HERE
    Thanks for reading, Raptor.
  13. Brappy Hour
    Even though it's almost the end of 2010, and the one thing that brought us together ended this year. Lets not think of the sadness that endings bring, but the beginnings that brought us to the things that we loved and enjoyed. Here's to a brand new year, and more joyous beginnings.

    Happy New Year!  
  14. Brappy Hour
    I think the co-op looks great, and I look forward to playing with robots as friends. I doubt I'll be disappointed, because I've never been disappointed by a Valve game before. They always have such great ideas for fun games
    I'd like to be Atlas. He looks pretty darn cool.
    I just hope I'll have friends who have the game for 360 when it comes out! >_>
  15. Brappy Hour
    Yup. Just came back from my Senior Prom. Danced, socialized, and dipped food in the chocolate fountain.
    Went by myself of course. Mainly cause a lack of popularity, as well as the love of my life not being able to join me. But I had a great time. I'm glad I went.
    It turned out much better than I had hoped, and now I'm waiting for friend(s) to come over for an after Prom party.
    I hope everyone enjoyed their Friday as well.
  16. Brappy Hour
    I know it's late, I know I haven't posted in a while, and I know that little to no one will read this. I just want to put it out there.
    I'm planning this years shirts for BrickFair. It's 2016, so I was hoping to make a fun Piraka "The Gang Is On The Loose" theme. But whenever I make a shirt that doesn't have Tahu on it. It's really hard to sell. Even Takanuva.
    So I'm guessing people are gonna want some kind of Tahu Uniter theme, or whatever. That's just me being cynical.
    If you read this and have a solid and helpful opinion, please let me know what you think.
    Thank you for reading.
  17. Brappy Hour
    Yes. The shirts are done, and they look splendid. No! You can't see them yet! It's a surprise! But please make sure to bring $10, because that's how much one costs. Plus it's first come first serve, so please hurry your hiney and buy one A.S.A.P.
    On a serious note. As the title implies, I had a seizure on Sunday. Not as bad as it could have been, but it hurt all the same. The worst part is that it felt so sudden and without warning, it makes me worried that I may have one at BrickFair. I'd hate for that to happen. Not for me, but for you guys. Me making a scene and messing up the place. So I'm praying that doesn't happen. Also I'm changing my amount of medication, so that will help too. Epilepsy sucks.
    All that aside. I do look forward to seeing you all, and to have even more fun than last year!
    As always, Thanks for reading
  18. Brappy Hour
    Yes! The shirts finally came, and I worked on screen printing all day. I got paint all over my hands and arms. (I feel like Nukaya. )
    There's a problem though. Since these shirts are hand made, there are a few mistakes on a lot of the shirts, mostly the mediums. Some are minor and some I fear are bad. I feel a bit embarrassed actually. Seeing how all the shirts are all different, and none the same. I fear that no one will enjoy or purchase them.
    Speaking of money. I got the bill today too. Holy Moly!
  19. Brappy Hour
    I've been working at the cafeteria at the music camp in my town for a few weeks now, but I've been really busy lately. Which leaves me with hardly any free time. It's not that it's a bad job. It's great, but it is a lot of hard work. Which means I'm dreadfully tired as well.
    I haven't played on Xbox Live for a few days, haven't been to anywhere, haven't even watched T.V. All I have time for is using my laptop in my room, because I'm so tired it's the least I can do.
    At least I got the time off for BrickFair. I need to make an entry with questions about it soon............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  20. Brappy Hour
    I have been having trouble with keeping my Trading Topic active in the trading forum. Not many people are looking for Bionicle stuff, and what I have left isn't much. So I guess I'll have to bring out my most rare extra's. My 2001 Rahi, maybe even my extra 6 Toa Mata and 6 Turaga.
    Also, I have a few BZP shirts left from BrickFair 2010.
    So if you ever need any Bionicle sets, parts, masks, collectibles, cards, or perhaps other LEGO stuff. I'll do my best to get you want you want.
    I also enjoy being a middleman, if anyone ever wants me to find sets for them.
  21. Brappy Hour
    Gonna have to call you out on this one. Pic 1 Pic 2
    That's kinda a FAIL there to me. I mean, you have to use that arm piece on that one end only. Would they?
    So nice presentation. Bad carrying it all the way.
    BTW- Screw it. I'm going to order Bulk & Vapor and bring it to BrickFair to build.
  22. Brappy Hour
    Yup. On my last day of school I was making more shirts as well as dry the faded ones... Lets see... I have.... Picture
    8 Smalls
    I think over 5 mediums
    2 or 3 Larges
    5 XLs
    So if you're BZP Staff and you want to buy your shirt for BrickFair. Let me know.
    More detailed list tommorow.
  23. Brappy Hour
    Yeah. What exactly should I do there? I it's going to be about 8 hrs of LEGO fun, but is there that many thing to do?
    Could I just stay at the Bionicle table and distribute BZP shirts, or would I overstay my welcome?
    I need advice! If you've been to BrickFair before, please help me.
  24. Brappy Hour
    Well I asked my friend Little Miss Sunshine (Nukaya Cloud Fire) for some advice about blogging, and she suggested a few interesting ideas. One of them being that I should write a few entries about current events happening in my life. So here I am! =D
    Today I went to see the movie Michael Jackson: This Is It. This was a film that consisted of footage from the rehearsals of songs that Michael and his team were going to perform before he passed away this year. It was really interesting to see the different types of dances and stages props would be set up for each song. It not only went into the work of Michael, but also the work of the dancers, singers, and band members that he worked with. It's amazing how he came up with so many unique ideas for his songs.

    No. I'm not a hard core fan, but his music is great, and I was saddened when he passed away.
    And that's what I did today!
    Please don't leave any hurtful comments or jokes about Michael Jackson. They'll be obliterated and forgotten.
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