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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Ouchees! That looks like that hurts! And just think of the skin flaking! Ouch! Yeesh, I don't even want to think about that part yet! -Nukaya
  2. Waspinator cannot go offline. Waspinator have plans.

  3. Ah man. I ruined the conversation again didn't I. :(

  4. Well due to escalating depriving of conversational contact. It seemed non-hazardous to establish communication with thus receiver of message.

  5. Just wanted to engage with an intellectual conversation, but simple nonsense would be a good substitute. :P

  6. Yeah. It's like that one time when Blockbuster was pre-selling Halo 3 in 2006.

    It didn't work out too well.

  7. Well unless you're afraid of Decepticons, there's nothing to worry about.

    Just Kidding. :P

  8. I did not want to appear hostile to thee. :P

  9. Hello Miss Krahka! I come in peace. :)

  10. Really? Do you know where I could find one then?

  11. Hey Guys and Gals. Just wanted to ask if you could try to help keep Chane's comic topics alive by posting in them. So she doesn't come back to dead topics. :)

  12. Hazaa! Now you're an over 1000 post woman and you get to sleep! =D Woo! -Nukaya
  13. Listening to the music now. It's quite interesting.

  14. It isn't? How so?

  15. Red Ruru

    White Matatu

    Green Matatu

    That's about it.

  16. I only need 3 more Noble Kanohi Misprints, but it seems these are hard to find.

  17. Well at least your close to getting one. :)

  18. Alright. Sounds good. :)

  19. Really? I got mine for $25. Are you getting it from a USA source, or are you buying from a foreign country?

  20. Really? How much are you getting it for?

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