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Everything posted by Ga-Metruian

  1. [O O) *fills the empty glass with milk* *pats TA's shoulder* Even if this is the last entry, TA (I hope it isn't, but if it is) we still have pages and pages of your previous entries to reread and enjoy.
  2. Jordboy1- I'll see about looking into it! [^^]

    Toa of Fads (like this) - It's hanging pretty well. I had to use lots of poster tack, but I think it's finally staying up.


    OH!! You mean "How am I doing"? I'm great! :D

  3. Varnka - Yes, my b-day was on the fifth [^^] Don't worry about missing it; I'm inclined to be very fogiveing about stuff like that. *points to "cronic birthday-forettfullness" tattoo on forhead*


    Jordboy1 - Yo! What's up?

  4. Thanks, Macku! :Hugs:

  5. Thanks, Ondra-Allani!! :Hugs:

  6. Thanks, Turakii! *hugs*

  7. Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog!! ~GM~
  8. Cool! Remember! You owe me a rant on eggnog. ~GM~
  9. Good for you, Novu! [^^]

  10. I like your personal photo! :D

  11. ~This note is screened from anyone affiliated with the government~ Yeah! It's in Mount Rushmore! You get in through President Roosevelt's nose. [^^]
  12. I looked at all of the entries. They were good, but yours was best. So I voted on it. ... I think you're winning in the polls, TA. ~GM~
  13. Yes! You do! Because I made it up for you! It's a totally awesome base. The government is jealous of you and wants to claim it as their own. They're planning on drowning you in taxes when you're old enough so you'll sell the base to one of their secret operatives to be able to pay them off. ~GM~
  14. Hello! Thanks for leaving a comment! [^^] I appreciate it!

  15. Don't worry, TA. I won't tell them where your real base is. [^^] ~GM~
  16. Ha! I know where your base is, and it isn't in a super-secret-ultra-safe-bomb-shelter, on the moon, or in your belly-button. *giggles at the last one* ~GM~
  17. I thought it just fell under "account troubles", since you were having trouble getting the time to do certain things on your account... ~GM~
  18. Greek is even more difficult than English! ~GM~
  19. *giggles* I'm not really 96. I just put that up because it said I had to put a year in with my birthday and I didn't really feel like putting my real one up. I thought that 96 was just absurd enough to not be taken seriously.

  20. Hi, MK! Howareya? [^^]

  21. We found a huge spider in a bunch of grapes while we were on a picnic once. It creeped me out so much I didn't want to eat any grapes for a long while afterwards. Good rant, Switz! [^^] ~GM~
  22. Oh... A T-Rex in a Jet, then. ~GM~
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