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Everything posted by Ga-Metruian

  1. A cookie to whomever can guess the secret message in the header. It's soooo easy! It's basically a free cookie. ~GM~
  2. WalMart no longer carries the kind of wood I use for carving. All the wood they carry now is little flat wooden slabs and wooden dowels of various widths. I have to go to a certain craft store in the next city over from mine to get my wood. Most annoying. Isn't it weird? I've found that a lot of the stuff I buy often, a store stops stocking. You'd think that the more a certain product was selling, the more they'd want to keep it in stock.
  3. Dragons in Our Midst, by Bryan Davis, is an awesome series. The story centers mainly around a boy named Billy Bannister and a girl named Bonnie Silver. They are the son and daughter of dragons turned human. Billy has the ability to breath fire, and Bonnie has a magnificent pair of dragon wings she hides inside a large backpack. Together, along with their friends and family, Billy and Bonnie embark on several quests to fulfill thier rolls in several prophesies given by the prophet Merlin of old, and avoid being killed by the dragon slayers, who didn't stop hunting dragons when they lost their scales. And, equally awesome is it's sister series, The Oracles of Fire.
  4. Um... I use a dishwand when I clean my fishs' tanks... Of course, I use largish candle holders for their tanks... (they're betta fish)
  5. Sorry. I just had to put that up. I heard it on a comercial for a movie, and it just tickled my funny bone. I think I pulled a muscle in my leg the other day. It hurts to get up and to walk. ~GM~
  6. I have wrested control of my blog back from Drakegaurd. That little dragon thinks he's so tough (he's actually only as tall as your hand. Not including wingspan) I can see that the only reason he took over my blog was because he wanted to know the answer to that riddle he posted. I told it to him a while back, and it has been bothering him for weeks. ~GM~
  7. I will be taking over the blog of the member known as Ga-Metruian. That incompetent girl does not know how to run a blog. Hark, ye, and hear! The minds of all who enter this blog will be under my temporary, yet complete control! Answer my riddle, if you can! If you have it you want to share it, if you share it you haven't got it.
  8. The time where I won't be able to post new blog entries is close... I can feel it! *shudders* *lip wobbles* I WANT TO KEEP MY BLOGGIE!!
  9. Me, too. Especially after seeing movies like Racing Stripes... My cousing got me into Relient K!
  10. On my vacation (or just coming back from vacation), I bought a movie, a cartoony-mangaish thing. It was a dollar. It was called "Thumbilena" and is really about a naughty girl called Maia who gets shrunk to the size of Thumbilena. The story was very much -- almost exactly -- like a strange Wizard of Oz tale, with certain characters from the Thumbilena story mixed in. My mom took one look at it and said, before even watching it "I don't like it." She doesn't like manga. She thinks it's evil, or something.
  11. There is a stupid fly in my room.... somewhere. I thought I caught him in the cup-holder of my chair, but I just looked and he wasn't there! He must have escaped somehow, though I had the hole covered pretty well.
  12. Ga-Metruian

    Monk Again

    I just finished watching the last three episodes of the first season of Monk. We got the last disk from Blockbuster today.
  13. Ga-Metruian


    Does anybody here like or have watched the tv series Monk? Adrian Monk (around which the show centers) is kind of like a modern-day, germ-paranoid, neat-freak version of Sherlock Holmes. I like the series a lot! (what I've seen of it)
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CRAZY KAT BOY'S DAD!! I'll tell my dad you wished him a happy birthday, CKB. He'll like that. ~GM~
  15. *hugs ithrianna* A widget for you, my friend! You can never have to many sketchbooks! [^^]
  16. It is my dad's birthday today! I picked out his cake! (it's an ice cream cake! YUMMY!) ~GM~
  17. *beams with utter delight * Congradulations, Aoran! You get a widget! *holds out a widget* Matau Hordika is a good idea! I'll most certainly consider him [^^] (I probably woudn't have if you hadn't mentioned him!). ~GM~
  18. I'll give a widget to anyone who posts in my last three entries. Just got some stuff from the craft store for my carving projects. ~GM~
  19. at the gas station. Little ones. They're collectables. Shnar icath yama idar. (<- That, so far as I know, is meaningless gibberish, if you were wondering.) ~GM~
  20. Ahh! It's that wonderful time of year, agian! The time of year when us poor folk who spend-so-much-on-books-and-art-supplize-that-they-can't-afford-to-purchase-a-premier-membership can have our own few days of blogging! What a glorious system! I think that the next carving I am going to work on is a Toa action figure. I think I might have an idea of who I want it to be, but... it's still a difficult decision. Which Toa would you carve first?
  21. Oh, yeah. Dragons have scales and bees have fur. I knew I was forgetting something! ~GM~
  22. Maybe you're right. I still say he made a good choice, though. [^^] ~GM~
  23. He couldn't have left the comics in more capable hands! [^^] Good luck! ~GM~
  24. Dragons have batish sort of wings,, and bees have... insectoid wings. Dragons have tails, bees have stingers. Dragons have horns, bees have antenne... ~GM~
  25. Are you implying that I don't know what a dragon looks like, Switzerblade McTums? ~GM~
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