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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Uncle K.

  1. lols for all

  2. no YOUR intolerance makes me lol

  3. Do you even know how television shows work? Of course they have hard work go into them. Even if all they DO care about is money, at least they're making something for little kids to enjoy.

  4. Welcome to BZP three years too late, Chane.

  5. I had forgotten how much I love your stories.

  6. kool-aide? when did that band come out?

  7. Same here.

    I love HB so much I don't want to be disappointed by the second film. I think I like HB Animated better even, just because it's more like the comics.

  8. Thanks.

    You like HB?

  9. Generic. Just... a comic. No limit. Make is illegal to have anything random so you can disqualify 90% of the entries though.
  10. lol u dont know who al gore is lolololol
  11. lol


    Not even Teen?

  12. Uncle K.


    The profile of Nocturn's head looks like an eel. It's awesome.
  13. Even wizards need to feel pretty.

  14. As in, you saw it for the first time, or you saw it again?

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