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Kanohi Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Kanohi Dragon

  1. I like the old one. :]

  2. I only get out so early cause of the way the school has it set up though. The 12th and 13th are for final exam make-up, and the 14th is the official last day. However, you're not required to attend the last three days if you have every done. I don't know, it's weird.

  3. That's good to hear, except for being tired. That's no fun. :(

    Everything's good here too, the convention went great, so I'm hoping everything else does too. Thank you!

  4. I use oil every now and then, though I don't like that much either. I like acrylic though. What about you?

  5. But senioritis is fun, XD! I miss it.

    Lots of plans. :) I'm attempting to find a job, going on vacation at some point, and attempting to seel my artwork for the first time at a convention. What about you?

  6. Gah, I know what you mean about the job thing, I can't find one either. It's like, how are we supposed to get experience if no one will give us a chanc ein the first place? -_-

  7. I know what what that's like, I'm still trying to get old sets I'm missing too. But Bionicle was the only Lego line I collected, so it's a bit easier now that it's ended. I can't imagine balancing two at the same time, one was hard enough! D:

  8. Eh, just make sure you research te colleges you want to go to, do good on the SAT, apply to at least three schools, and apply early (late summer is usually a good time to start).

  9. That was awesome! Very nicely done (and very random too, which makes it even better!)

    Nice new photo too!

  10. The only one that I really like is Sonic Riders. :/

    It is, but it originally came out for the PS2.

  11. I've seen the first Spiderman, I-Robot, and MoL, but none of the others.

  12. Hm, that's true. I guess we'll have to just wait and find out (augh, not more suspense... >

    I don't know. I might write a blog, if I can figure it out. Though, I have a few polls in mind that I might actually have the motivation to go make.

  13. You know, you have a point, XD.

  14. Their village was pretty awesome. How they were all silent reminded me of a part from I once read too.

    Nothing much at the moment, just dying for it to be the weekend. I might get to go to the new Lego Store on Sunday!

    How have you been?

  15. Gali and Lhikan are my favorites. Who's yours?

  16. I have, but I don't like to. It's not a mdeium I'm good with. Do you like to paint with watercolors?

  17. I don't know, I guess it's cause of how the graphics were kind of fuzzy.

    That guy is so random, especially when he always misses the bad guys, XD.

  18. Awesome! Did you get all the ones you wanted?

  19. Definitely The Firebending Masters. Those dragons were so epic...

    What's yours?

  20. It's been pretty good. Commuting 45 minutes everyday is a bit tiring, and freshman drawing courses are somehwat painful, but I like it otherwise.

    How's life going for you?

  21. I've actually already read the first one. I really liked it, though I never got around to reading any of the others.

  22. Woot, break!

    XD, almost every single one of my friends have said that at some point today to me. I want stuffing!

  23. I'm going to the beach tomorrow, but that's about it. What about you?

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